Admin as Friend (with Multi-Admins) Mod Support (Modzzz)

This is the support forum for the Admin as Friend (with Multi-Admins) mod.

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Quote · 27 May 2011

Version 2.0.1 released. (See patches/version 2.0.1 folder)

Adds the ability for Admin to turn on/off the email notification to new members when admins are auto-added as friend. This is useful in cases where you have a large number of Admins, you do not want to overwhelm the new member with notification for each admin that is added as friend.

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Quote · 27 May 2011


Version 2.0.1 released. (See patches/version 2.0.1 folder)

Adds the ability for Admin to turn on/off the email notification to new members when admins are auto-added as friend. This is useful in cases where you have a large number of Admins, you do not want to overwhelm the new member with notification for each admin that is added as friend.

Is there be a single all-inclusive Auto Friend admin list for setting which admins will Auto Friend new members?  Or does each admin (beyond the primary admin) only see their own Auto Friend on/off setting?

I think it's essential that, in some way, individual admins have a choice.  With a large active site some admins, i.e. for personal reasons, may *not* want to Auto-Friend new members... yet other more social admins will want to help each member feel part of the community.  

Quote · 13 Feb 2012

Version 2.0.2 released. (See patches/version 2.0.2 folder)

Adds the ability for Administrator to decide which Admins or Moderators will be added as Auto Friends

Initialization is moved to a cron job process to solve the timeout problem on large sites.

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Quote · 18 Feb 2012

The new feature to select which admin(s) will be auto-friend for new members is not working... for me.  I'm wondering if I did not set it up properly.  I use another module to assign members as secondary admins.  In your module's admin setup I selected one of the secondary admins to be auto added as a friend to new members.  I just added a new member and they received "New Friend Added" emails for all the admins.  Can you please have a look at my setup?  Thank you.  My setup is...

New site members are default "Standard" then immediately auto switched to "Promotion".

I'm using AntonLV's Profile Type Splitter (Premium) module to set a member's Profile Type.

In /modules/?r=autofriend/administration/settings I have everything checked.  

In /modules/?r=autofriend/administration/preference I have only one (of 3) admins listed
Quote · 19 Feb 2012

 PM me Admin login details.

The new feature to select which admin(s) will be auto-friend for new members is not working... for me.  I'm wondering if I did not set it up properly.  I use another module to assign members as secondary admins.  In your module's admin setup I selected one of the secondary admins to be auto added as a friend to new members.  I just added a new member and they received "New Friend Added" emails for all the admins.  Can you please have a look at my setup?  Thank you.  My setup is...

New site members are default "Standard" then immediately auto switched to "Promotion".

I'm using AntonLV's Profile Type Splitter (Premium) module to set a member's Profile Type.

In /modules/?r=autofriend/administration/settings I have everything checked.  

In /modules/?r=autofriend/administration/preference I have only one (of 3) admins listed  


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Quote · 19 Feb 2012

 The problem is really with the initializing process. I have fixed it.

The new feature to select which admin(s) will be auto-friend for new members is not working... for me.  I'm wondering if I did not set it up properly.  I use another module to assign members as secondary admins.  In your module's admin setup I selected one of the secondary admins to be auto added as a friend to new members.  I just added a new member and they received "New Friend Added" emails for all the admins.  Can you please have a look at my setup?  Thank you.  My setup is...

New site members are default "Standard" then immediately auto switched to "Promotion".

I'm using AntonLV's Profile Type Splitter (Premium) module to set a member's Profile Type.

In /modules/?r=autofriend/administration/settings I have everything checked.  

In /modules/?r=autofriend/administration/preference I have only one (of 3) admins listed  


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Quote · 19 Feb 2012

I have other mods of yours

I would love this if you could do one thing....If you could make it to where main admin (1) posts a predefined message when new user joins to their wall.


Awesome work

Quote · 29 Feb 2012

This is a great mod but I have one question.


Why does everybody keep pussyfooting around with the friends mods? Why do we only enable this for admins or moderators? Why can't we get someone to develop a mod that helps us completely DISABLE the friends mod altogether?

It's the single biggest limiting factor on my site. In fact, unless you're some sort of dating community, having a friends solution that mimics Facebooks only serves to DOOM your site to failure. ... Hosted by!
Quote · 29 Feb 2012

The option to make someone an admin seems to only half work on my site... meaning the username shows as an admin in some places but not in others.  How so?... I used your module to give a regular member Admin access-rights and that username correctly showed up on the Admin > Members listing but it did *not* show up in Multi Admin or Deano's Tools.  Plus, when I tried to login to the person's account I was unable to (error message that input info was wrong).  Only after I used Deano's Tools to "complete" the process of giving admin' rights was I able to login.  

FYI, this is a minor issue since I can and will use Deano's Tools to setup and undo admin rights.
Quote · 21 Mar 2012


The option to make someone an admin seems to only half work on my site... meaning the username shows as an admin in some places but not in others.  How so?... I used your module to give a regular member Admin access-rights and that username correctly showed up on the Admin > Members listing but it did *not* show up in Multi Admin or Deano's Tools.  Plus, when I tried to login to the person's account I was unable to (error message that input info was wrong).  Only after I used Deano's Tools to "complete" the process of giving admin' rights was I able to login.  

FYI, this is a minor issue since I can and will use Deano's Tools to setup and undo admin rights. 

Another BoonEx Forum member messaged me to say they tested this issue and found no problem.  I just retested it and found the same issue so it appears it's just *my* site that's having a problem (or the way I'm performing the test).  At this point I'm not going to worry about it since I can use Deano's Tools to accomplish the task of giving/taking admin rights to/from members.  And I don't want to burden Modzzz with a minor issue... especially since I get the impression he's super busy.

Quote · 21 Mar 2012

"Plus, when I tried to login to the person's account I was unable to (error message that input info was wrong)."


Hmm....I've been spending hours trying to figure out why I could not login to the account of the person that I set as the "auto friend".


I can't login to this account at all. I've changed the password from the admin section....and still cannot login. I've also try the send account details, and that does not work either.


Is there a problem with this mod? Can you tell me how I re-gain access to that account....since it's my personal account on the site??

Quote · 5 Jun 2012

Strange issue since the mod absolutely does not change anything on the Profile except the Role. PM me the site details.

"Plus, when I tried to login to the person's account I was unable to (error message that input info was wrong)."


Hmm....I've been spending hours trying to figure out why I could not login to the account of the person that I set as the "auto friend".


I can't login to this account at all. I've changed the password from the admin section....and still cannot login. I've also try the send account details, and that does not work either.


Is there a problem with this mod? Can you tell me how I re-gain access to that account....since it's my personal account on the site??


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Quote · 6 Jun 2012

Strange issue since the mod absolutely does not change anything on the Profile except the Role.


I actually went ahead and tried what epaulo said yesterday:


Only after I used Deano's Tools to "complete" the process of giving admin' rights was I able to login.


That actually worked and fixed the login, I'm not sure. Anyway, no big deal at this point. I don't really plan on adding another user to this...but, you might want to give it a try yourself.


Added: I'll send you the site details soon.


Quote · 7 Jun 2012

This module is now updated for Dolphin 7.1

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Quote · 8 Nov 2012

Version 2.0.3 released. (See patches/version 2.0.3 folder)

Fixes issue with members being added Moderator instead of Admin.

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Quote · 11 Dec 2012

Hi Moodz, 


what about adding existing database of members as friends ?

is there a solution integrated ?



Quote · 2 Dec 2013

 There is a cron job that is executed shortly after installation which does this.

Hi Moodz, 


what about adding existing database of members as friends ?

is there a solution integrated ?




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Quote · 2 Dec 2013

Auto-friend admin is not working



member just signed up - no friends on list and they should have had 4 admin automatically added.  

auto friend administration 2.PNG · 185.6K · 382 views
auto friend administration.PNG · 152.7K · 369 views Where Health and Wellness Remain United
Quote · 8 Mar 2014

I just signed up on your site and the Auto Friend worked for me without issues. Did those members register via the normal join form ? I checked your database and I only see one new profile in recent times, did you delete the others ?

Auto-friend admin is not working



member just signed up - no friends on list and they should have had 4 admin automatically added.  


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Quote · 8 Mar 2014

An update has been made to fix an issue where existing site members were not being added as friend.

Re-upload modules\modzzz\autofriend\classes folder.

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Quote · 29 May 2014

Hi Modzz!

Need to ask you if you saw this bug:

When you add more than 1 admin profile to "auto-friend" the 'CATEGORIES_DIVIDER' doesn't work well.

Quote · 15 Sep 2014

I am unable to replicate this. Are you sure you have the latest version/files for this module ?

Hi Modzz!

Need to ask you if you saw this bug:

When you add more than 1 admin profile to "auto-friend" the 'CATEGORIES_DIVIDER' doesn't work well.


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Quote · 16 Sep 2014

This module is now compatible with Dolphin 7.2 . For those upgrading from Dolphin 7.1, please check the upgrade folder for instructions.

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Quote · 6 Sep 2015

This module is also compatible with Dolphin 7.3

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Quote · 15 May 2016

Version 2.0.4 released. (See patches/version 2.0.4 folder)

Fixes issue with members who are not automatically activated on join.

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Quote · 15 May 2016

The demo link for the Admin as Friend module is updated.

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Quote · 21 May 2016

We are seeing an issue where Nickname search isn't working. We don't use Nicknames in our implementation so that may be an issue. 

May I suggest that you key this off of several fields.  Maybe Name, or Email or Nickname.

Quote · 20 Dec 2017

The module has been updated so that members can be searched by entering any of the following : ID, NickName, FullName or Email.


Re-upload files, clear cache and recompile the language for the module.

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Quote · 20 Dec 2017
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.