Age settings and mass mailer

I don't want to have date of birth as a mandatory condition for sign-up (my site is not adult) but as a consequence it seems that when people don't give a birthdate they are excluded from recieving mass email because of the requirement in mass emailer to assign an age range. Even if I set the age range to 1 - 100 it still means that somebody has to provide a date of birth.

I've tried to assign zero in the advanced settings for the lowest age but it is not accepted.

At the moment my quick fix is to go into every new members profile and give them an age, if they haven't already done so, but I think this is very unacceptable approach.

Is there a way to disable the age range from mass emailer or alternatively give a default age at sign-up like the default country (US) and default sex (male)?

Or is this there another option to solve this problem?

Quote · 24 Feb 2011

well i have made age mandatory on sign up to avoid this mailing issue but had a couple of members sign up via face book connect today  and both had no age details from face book, will there be a fix for this issue soon ?

Quote · 24 Feb 2011


I don't want to have date of birth as a mandatory condition for sign-up (my site is not adult) but as a consequence it seems that when people don't give a birthdate they are excluded from recieving mass email because of the requirement in mass emailer to assign an age range. Even if I set the age range to 1 - 100 it still means that somebody has to provide a date of birth.

I've tried to assign zero in the advanced settings for the lowest age but it is not accepted.

At the moment my quick fix is to go into every new members profile and give them an age, if they haven't already done so, but I think this is very unacceptable approach.

Is there a way to disable the age range from mass emailer or alternatively give a default age at sign-up like the default country (US) and default sex (male)?

Or is this there another option to solve this problem?

I can suggest you remove age section from mass mailer! Follow these steps if you want it:

1. Open the administration\notifies.php

find and remove these strings:

'StartAge' => array (
'type' => 'select',
'name' => 'age_start',
'caption' => _t('_adm_mmail_Age') . ' ' . _t('_from'),
'values' => $aStartAgesOptions,
'value' => $gl_search_start_age,
'EndAge' => array (
'type' => 'select',
'name' => 'age_end',
'caption' => _t('_to'),
'values' => $aEndAgesOptions,
'value' => $gl_search_end_age,

PS: If possible do not write me personally, please try to ask on the forum first
Quote · 24 Feb 2011


Thanks SashaE for this solution. I would like to do this but not being a programmer I'm having trouble understanding and finding the code you quoted.

I can get to  mysite/administration\notifies.php file but cannot find those codes

My version is 7.0.4

Attached is my notifies file. Could you point out the proper codes please?

OK I made needed changes you can replace attached file with your

notifies.php · 15K · 339 downloads
PS: If possible do not write me personally, please try to ask on the forum first
Quote · 24 Feb 2011

Awesome. Thankyou very much

That's a great fix. it takes away the age requirement in mass mailer.

Thanks again

Quote · 24 Feb 2011


Awesome. Thankyou very much

You are welcome

PS: If possible do not write me personally, please try to ask on the forum first
Quote · 24 Feb 2011

nice indeed, and this is the type of functionality that would be better left to the site administrator to determine if they would like to implement. so you would set this same array both with requirement and without, then from the admin panel have a tick box that would indicate which array to run based on the option from the admin panel. to have to go in and hack the source for these types of settings, really does not make much sense.


Awesome. Thankyou very much

You are welcome


When a GIG is not enough --> Terabyte Dolphin Technical Support - Server Management and Support
Quote · 24 Feb 2011


nice indeed, and this is the type of functionality that would be better left to the site administrator to determine if they would like to implement. so you would set this same array both with requirement and without, then from the admin panel have a tick box that would indicate which array to run based on the option from the admin panel. to have to go in and hack the source for these types of settings, really does not make much sense.


Awesome. Thankyou very much

You are welcome


Not all parts of the dolphin is so automated that it can automatically control the whole. Maybe in the future to fix it

PS: If possible do not write me personally, please try to ask on the forum first
Quote · 24 Feb 2011

yes, is what i was referring to. making these options manageable from the admin panel, so that you can activate or deactivate functions or features.


nice indeed, and this is the type of functionality that would be better left to the site administrator to determine if they would like to implement. so you would set this same array both with requirement and without, then from the admin panel have a tick box that would indicate which array to run based on the option from the admin panel. to have to go in and hack the source for these types of settings, really does not make much sense.


Awesome. Thankyou very much

You are welcome


Not all parts of the dolphin is so automated that it can automatically control the whole. Maybe in the future to fix it


When a GIG is not enough --> Terabyte Dolphin Technical Support - Server Management and Support
Quote · 24 Feb 2011

thank you

Quote · 24 Feb 2011

that would be an affirmative on commenting instead of removing, also if you add something such as your nickname or initials, it makes it easy to track down should you wish to reverse the changes. the other option would be to copy the file, then make the changes. you may also find helpful creating a changelog where you list every change you make on your site, so you can refer to it at some later date.

thank you


When a GIG is not enough --> Terabyte Dolphin Technical Support - Server Management and Support
Quote · 24 Feb 2011
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.