In tinymce is there any way to remove moxie manager and use the old upload image technique? having alot of complaints about moxie manager alot of clients don't like it at all. And as always customer comes first.
How do I implement the old image upload without moxie manager on tinymce anybody able to help?
You can check out I use it along side of Moxie Manager since some of my members don't like Moxie either.
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I have managed to get a few other upload managers to work with Dolphin. The question is if you want a non-flash manager for Apple users. Geeks, making the world a better place |
awesome! what files need editing to get them to work with dolphin? is it the tinymce config files? or is there certain php files that need to be edited in dolphin for them to work? looks really good.
robbie777 - You will need to download the package, unzip it and upload it to the plugins/tinymce/plugins directory. Then you will need to edit the templates/base/scripts/BxBaseEditorTinyMCE.php file to include the 'jbimages' in the toolbar areas as shown on the website URL I pasted above.
Make sure to follow step #2 under Setup to specify a location of where you want the images uploaded. Make sure that location has 777 permissions.
I think that is it if I recall correctly.
Nothing to see here |
Cheers zarcon!
Thanks for that. 
Sorry, I can't install it. What do I have to do ?
1. I download zip at
2. I extract and copy files in plugins/tinymce/plugins directory /jbimages
3. I don't know what to do in the templates/base/scripts/BxBaseEditorTinyMCE.php file ??
4. In the Edit config.php file found in plugins/jbimages, is that correct :
$config['img_path'] = '/media/images'; // Relative to domain name $config['upload_path'] = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $config['img_path']; // Physical path. [Usually works fine like this]
if the folder is in ?
Hi pacifik
I made a folder for the images called 'uploads'
so my path is /media/images/uploads
In BxBaseEditorTinyMCE.php it depends on what view you are using I added (in red) to the full view
/** * Full view initialization params */ protected static $WIDTH_FULL = '100%'; protected static $CONF_FULL = " external_plugins: { advlist: '{bx_url_tinymce}plugins/advlist/plugin.min.js', anchor: '{bx_url_tinymce}plugins/anchor/plugin.min.js', autolink: '{bx_url_tinymce}plugins/autolink/plugin.min.js', autoresize: '{bx_url_tinymce}plugins/autoresize/plugin.min.js', autosave: '{bx_url_tinymce}plugins/autosave/plugin.min.js', charmap: '{bx_url_tinymce}plugins/charmap/plugin.min.js', code: '{bx_url_tinymce}plugins/code/plugin.min.js', emoticons: '{bx_url_tinymce}plugins/emoticons/plugin.min.js', hr: '{bx_url_tinymce}plugins/hr/plugin.min.js', image: '{bx_url_tinymce}plugins/image/plugin.min.js', link: '{bx_url_tinymce}plugins/link/plugin.min.js', lists: '{bx_url_tinymce}plugins/lists/plugin.min.js', nonbreaking: '{bx_url_tinymce}plugins/nonbreaking/plugin.min.js', pagebreak: '{bx_url_tinymce}plugins/pagebreak/plugin.min.js', preview: '{bx_url_tinymce}plugins/preview/plugin.min.js', print: '{bx_url_tinymce}plugins/print/plugin.min.js', save: '{bx_url_tinymce}plugins/save/plugin.min.js', searchreplace: '{bx_url_tinymce}plugins/searchreplace/plugin.min.js', table: '{bx_url_tinymce}plugins/table/plugin.min.js', textcolor: '{bx_url_tinymce}plugins/textcolor/plugin.min.js', visualblocks: '{bx_url_tinymce}plugins/visualblocks/plugin.min.js', moxiemanager: '{bx_url_tinymce}../moxiemanager/plugin.min.js', jbimages: '{bx_url_tinymce}plugins/jbimages/plugin.js' }, width: '100%', height: '320', theme_url: '{bx_url_tinymce}themes/modern/theme.min.js', toolbar: [ 'undo redo | styleselect | bold italic | alignleft aligncenter alignright alignjustify | outdent indent | link image jbimages', 'print preview media | forecolor emoticons' ], statusbar: true, resize: true, image_advtab: true, "; |
Thank you blueyhills for your help !
It is better, I have the new image button. There is an error : "The upload path does not appear to be valid."
I think I did like you. Creating a folder : /media/images/uploads (777)
$config['img_path'] = '/media/images/upload'; // Relative to domain name
In fact I had the same problem with Moxie.
pacifik - You said you created a folder called /media/images/uploads (777)
But yet, you image path only has /media/images/upload
If you look, you path is missing the 's' from uploads. Makes sure these match exactly.
Nothing to see here |
I corrected the "s". In fact I had to enter the sub-folder of my site.
so the image path sould be : /dolphin//media/images/uploads
Thank you for your help !
Now I have to translate... not sure to understand how to do that.
It seems that languages are already there. Where to set up french ? |
When I implemented the jbimages following blueyhills instructions above my forum stops working. http 500 error message.
Not sure why as rest of my dolphin 7.3.3 works fine. Any suggestions.
Gary |
When I implemented the jbimages following blueyhills instructions above my forum stops working. http 500 error message.
Not sure why as rest of my dolphin 7.3.3 works fine. Any suggestions.
I added JustBoil.ME for a quick uploader because some did not want to have to go through a manager; people are lazy, even though the manager makes it easy to have a set of images to reuse. I set it to use a different media location for each member and if the member uploads an image with the exact same name, it replaces the current one; this prevents a user from uploading the same gif image a thousand times. If the image just happens to be different with the same name I don't worry as it is not likely.
Check to see if you entered the code correctly; this is an old post and the code for the new TinyMCE is a bit different.
"visualblocks: '{bx_url_tinymce}plugins/visualblocks/plugin.min.js'",
note the double quotes around the code.
Geeks, making the world a better place |