Anyone Know How To Disable Video Uploading?

I can't get the cron to run on my virtual dedicated server to save my life. Judging from the posts I saw in the hosting companies own forums, I'm not the only one who has had problems with this.




I'm thinking the next - best option would be to disable video uploading altogether and just allow people to embed videos instead.


Does anyone know how I can do this? I would need to remove the "flash" and "regular" options from the uploader menu too - and I can't figure out where to do that either.


I've searched so many files that I think my eyes are going to bleed - so here is my call for help.


Any friendly advice is appreciated Smile

Quote · 30 Dec 2009

Sure, just move your site to Arvixe




(Sorry, just couldn't resist) ... Hosted by!
Quote · 30 Dec 2009


that was a low cut cap.



Sure, just move your site to Arvixe

(Sorry, just couldn't resist)

When a GIG is not enough --> Terabyte Dolphin Technical Support - Server Management and Support
Quote · 30 Dec 2009

But it was funny.
Quote · 30 Dec 2009

Sure, just move your site to Arvixe

(Sorry, just couldn't resist)

As funny as it is, I'm afraid that I must burst your bubble. I've been working with another Dolphin user on creating his social networking site, and he is hosted on Arvixe. We have had no issues uploading video and the loading times are ideal.

The only issue involving videos were that they would not load, which was due to the permissions made during the installation. I'd recommend against following the installation guide too closely when dealing with Arvixe.

Still, I understand the issues others are having and I hope they can find a solution.

You can disable video uploading by users by going to Admin > Advanced Settings > Membership Levels and editing the Standard membership level to disable adding videos.

BoonEx Certified Host: - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin
Quote · 30 Dec 2009

magnussoft...what permission setting???, i'm having the same problem with arvixe...i get a "file not found" screen when i try and play the video

Ryan (djkk1)

Quote · 30 Dec 2009
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The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.