This will probably be settled out of court for a million or so..... but still.... a million dollars here, a million dollars there..... adds up to real money after a while. The odds of this happening to your Dolphin dating site are probably pretty slim... after all, yours is only one of several hundred thousand other Dolphin dating sites.
My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
A simple disclaimer like....please be aware online dating can be dangerous would have stopped that lawsuit :O)
happy thoughts
"Her attorney accuses the site of failing to disclose the dangers of online dating to its subscribers."
There is a reason that the USA has more lawyers per capital than any other nation on the planet. I guess pubs will have to start posting disclaimers as well, "Allowing someone in this pub to pick you up and take you home can lead to death" Also, "Driving this car can lead to your death". "Leaving your home can lead to your death." "Using this shower/bathtub can lead to your death." "Eating this steak can lead to coronary disease and death."
Geeks, making the world a better place |
Even Wally World would need a poster. "Meeting someone in our shops and entering a relationship with them may result in your death." Geeks, making the world a better place |
Look up Stella Liebeck vs Mcdonalds
That pretty much started the frivolous law suit trend.
There are photos of Liebecks burns. I have spilled coffee on myself before and have never got burns that severe. Wonder how it actually happened. |
I have read that one. McDoogles did admit they were keeping their coffee extremely hot in order to make it last longer so they would not have to empty and remake coffee as often. The plaintiff approached McDoogles and asked for help paying the hospital bills, nothing more. McDoogles said no. The original settlement, which was later reduced, was the amount of money that McDoolges made in one day of coffee sales.
A better one is the Islamic suit against a McDoogles, settled for I think $700,000.00 where they claimed that the franchise said that all the meat had the Islamic god's name spoken (or some such stupidity) before it was killed. Yeah, right.
Geeks, making the world a better place |
I have spilled coffee on myself before and have never got burns that severe.
You can only compared the coffee spilled on you if it was McDoogles coffee served at the time the lawsuit burn claims happened. McDoogles changed how they operate with coffee after that. I don't know if it is a franchise wide change or not; however, when I stop for a McDoogles coffee; and it is good coffee; they ask if you want cream and will add it before serving if you go through the drive-through.
Geeks, making the world a better place |
The more money on the table the more lawsuits that will follow. As long as there is a math problem that favors the idea of settlement and a site has cash flow there will be suits no matter what the disclaimer says. IMHO. Csampson |
True, anyone can sue anyone; you don't need a valid claim; maybe that will change one day. Of course when you answer a frivolous lawsuit, be sure to put in your brief that you want attorney fees. Geeks, making the world a better place |
I was thinking you have to create a contract for using the site; and probably does have one. As you know, online contracts are binding; or at least they are in the USA. So one needs to do a bit more to cover their arse in the contract when users click the join button; maybe put an alert in place that pops up and states, "Yes, I have read the ToS" in order to continue to submit the form to join the site. Geeks, making the world a better place |
Look up Stella Liebeck vs Mcdonalds
That pretty much started the frivolous law suit trend.
There are photos of Liebecks burns. I have spilled coffee on myself before and have never got burns that severe. Wonder how it actually happened.
How it happened is McDonald's admitted to purposely serving their coffee at much higher temperatures than normal.
Edit: See above, minus "McDoogles".
BoonEx Certified Host: - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin |
Everyone's right.... just add this to a disclaimer and you'll be OK.
WARNING: This Dolphin based dating site may be infested with psychos, murderers and rapists. By joining this site, you are putting your life in danger. Please don't let that prevent you from joining this site and having fun. The odds are in your favor that you'll live through your dating experiences you gain through this site, but in the off chance you are brutalized, raped or murdered, don't say we didn't warn you.
P.S. I for one am glad McBarf got sued for the coffee incident. At the time, it was determined that they were serving their coffee at 180 to 190 degrees F. Liebeck spent 8 days in the hospital getting skin grafts. Frivolous?
My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
I was unaware of the coffee temp.
But most lawsuits of this type are frivolous. |
That reminds me, I need to place a sign on my site "This site is haunted and you may attract ghosts once you leave your pc"..rofl You possess an intuitive intelligence so powerful it can help you heal, and relieve stress. |
Mine would just say "Why the hell are you here? No one else comes here...." ... Hosted by! |
If that lady needs an expert witness I would probably qualify. I've used Match several times over the last few years and (not exaggerating) I would say 95% percent of the women I met had various mental disorders. Most of them couldn't even hide it through the first date. I've got stories that would curl your hair. BoonEx Certified Host: - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin |
So are you still dating them? 
If that lady needs an expert witness I would probably qualify. I've used Match several times over the last few years and (not exaggerating) I would say 95% percent of the women I met had various mental disorders. Most of them couldn't even hide it through the first date. I've got stories that would curl your hair.
I've met some outside of the internet with various mental disorders. 
Ultra Newb reporting for duty. |
So are you still dating them? 
No, but one's still trying to contact me and it's been TWO YEARS!! Stage 3 clinger!
I've met some outside of the internet with various mental disorders. 
HA! I guess you have a good point! They just seem to be more concentrated on Match..
BoonEx Certified Host: - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin |
eHarmony is where you go to find a wife/husband. is where you go for a wild night.
Craigslist is where you go for a couch with benefits.
BoonEx Certified Host: - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin |
Craigslist is where you go for a couch with benefits.
Yeah but the couch will probably be dirty and someone will rob you when you go to pick it up, lol...
BoonEx Certified Host: - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin |
If that lady needs an expert witness I would probably qualify. I've used Match several times over the last few years and (not exaggerating) I would say 95% percent of the women I met had various mental disorders. Most of them couldn't even hide it through the first date. I've got stories that would curl your hair.
never a truer word said : )
If you think the coffee one was bad how about this "Obese Man Sues Fast-Food Chains" he claims that McDoogles made him fat. Story here |
If you think the coffee one was bad how about this "Obese Man Sues Fast-Food Chains" he claims that McDoogles made him fat. Story here
I am 240. Only 30 shy of his weight. I have seen a couple of photos of him. He is big. I am also, but i have seen much worse. Like 400 or more lbs. If i get that big, shoot me.
I used to eat at McDonalds, Burger King, Wendys and Dunkin Donuts all the time. Wonder if i can sue them for my recent heart attack because the cholesterol and sodium content in many of those foods was a contributing factor. |
No, no, nooooo. No one needs to shoot you, we do not need to loose what support we get from good folks like you.
If i get that big, shoot me.
Instead, we will shoot those restaurants a law suit :)
Ultra Newb reporting for duty. |
lol i bet there is a "warning disclaimer" for sell on the market by this weekend! lol MY SITES general social networking | niche site |
Looks like in lawyers in US has a good income source :P Everybody suing others for no reason. You are getting fat don't eat the burgers. I don't think Mcdonalds put a gun on their head and forced them. Pure stupidity. so much to do.... |
Nah. Will not settle. I am sure Match must have had plenty of fine-print disclaimers nobody ever reads, and claiming that "in-the-face" warning was warranted would make a precedent for way too many claims against just about any social network, dating site, membership site, public place, public transport, pubs, streets, etc, etc. Heart Head Hands |
Well, if they win that suit, I guess I will use their argument against fb.
Nah. Will not settle. I am sure Match must have had plenty of fine-print disclaimers nobody ever reads, and claiming that "in-the-face" warning was warranted would make a precedent for way too many claims against just about any social network, dating site, membership site, public place, public transport, pubs, streets, etc, etc.
To buy me a prime license, since I was not one of the random's that luckily got one 
Ultra Newb reporting for duty. |
lol still crying about it 
To buy me a prime license, since I was not one of the random's that luckily got one
so much to do.... |
Me too, each night before I go to bed, I think about not getting a licence and I cry into my pillow until I fall asleep. Geeks, making the world a better place |
Me too, each night before I go to bed, I think about not getting a licence and I cry into my pillow until I fall asleep.
lol awww :)
Nah. Will not settle. I am sure Match must have had plenty of fine-print disclaimers nobody ever reads, and claiming that "in-the-face" warning was warranted would make a precedent for way too many claims against just about any social network, dating site, membership site, public place, public transport, pubs, streets, etc, etc.
Yes, of course they will settle. Most lawsuits are settled out of court for some much smaller amount, just to make the complainant go away. Even if the case goes to court and is thrown out, you'd still incur significant costs defending it.... not a big deal for someone with deep pockets like, but for your Dolphin based gay nazi midget dating site in some sleazy corner of the internet, it might be quite a nuisance to get sued when one of those crazed midgets kills someone with an axe that they met on your site.
My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
Oh, i cried the result day like that. But now i am okay lol
Me too, each night before I go to bed, I think about not getting a licence and I cry into my pillow until I fall asleep.
lmao, you made me laugh
Yes, of course they will settle. Most lawsuits are settled out of court for some much smaller amount, just to make the complainant go away. Even if the case goes to court and is thrown out, you'd still incur significant costs defending it.... not a big deal for someone with deep pockets like, but for your Dolphin based gay nazi midget dating site in some sleazy corner of the internet, it might be quite a nuisance to get sued when one of those crazed midgets kills someone with an axe that they met on your site.
so much to do.... |