
On my dolphin i have tryt to put artikels on my site but i did not see them so i delete the artikels but in site stat counter stil keeps on 5 artikel but there ar no artikels so how can i put te counter back to sero 0.

Quote · 13 Dec 2009

Are you using Dolphin 7? If yes, then delete the contents of the /cache and /public_cache folders EXCEPT for the .htaccess file.


Nothing to see here
Quote · 13 Dec 2009

No dolphin 6...... i have just startet


Quote · 13 Dec 2009

Ok, but with Dolphin now at RC3 and hopefully released as Final soon, If you are just starting, why wouldnt you install D7 instead? Obviously its your choice, but Im curious.


Nothing to see here
Quote · 13 Dec 2009

If have just both the licens en downloded and instal try boonex the instalt 6 and it works if 7 was oke and working i belief the wood have instalt 7 and not 6.... 7 was not for download stil not if i look at the site i stil see 6


Quote · 13 Dec 2009

Your license is not based upon which version of Dolphin you have, its registered to your domain. I would like to suggest installing Dolphin 7 RC3. If you would like to, you can download it here:


Nothing to see here
Quote · 13 Dec 2009

is this a update or must i start al over again with bilding the site

Quote · 13 Dec 2009

If you currently have version 6.1.6 installed, then yes you can upgrade to 7.0 using this link:

However to avoid any problems you may encounter with the migration, if you do not have members or too much content, I would suggest starting over, but that is up to you.


Nothing to see here
Quote · 13 Dec 2009

Thanks but look like lots of work again


Quote · 13 Dec 2009

Het onderhoud voor D6.1.6 zal stoppen als D7 helemaal klaar is.

Alle upgrades en mods zullen dan gebaseerd worden op D7.

Overigens heb ik D7 draaien en werkt perfect.

Het kan ook veel meer dan D6.

Het lijkt me, zoals anderen ook al zeggen, verstandig over te stappen op D7 met een fresh install op een (sub)domein en met de data migration module alle profielen en data over te zetten vanaf je D6 site.

Quote · 13 Dec 2009

Don't put a guy who is just starting to learn Dolphin on D7 RC.  It's not a stable version yet, though it has come a long way.  By using D6 he's on the version he should be on, it will teach him a ton about how dolphin works and give him a chance to start on his project with a stable version while D7 works towards an actual stable release version.


Come on Chris, you know they need to crawl before they can walk.  As far as being alot of work, it's not anymore work than the D6 install was, more or less.  Whether you ever update to D7 or not depends on your project and what you want it to do.

Quote · 14 Dec 2009

I guess your right Mydatery. It was kinda selfish of me to try and advise this new member into D7. I suppose I was trying to avoid a mudslide of questions whenever he did decide to upgrade once he sees what Dolphin can really do :)

<spanks hand>


Nothing to see here
Quote · 14 Dec 2009

I disagree.  Why would you start now with a product that is at the end of its life cycle?  You have to learn anyway, you might as well learn on the most recent technology.

Quote · 14 Dec 2009
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.