Askimet Sucks!

The attached video speaks volumes.

Spam.mp4 · 336.3K · 311 downloads
My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees.
Quote · 16 Feb 2011

Anybody want to know why my site only has a few members?  I'll tell you.

Because I'm too f**king embarrassed to promote the damn thing when I have an endless barrage of things like this going wrong.  Two years.  More than two years, I have struggled with one thing after another, and there doesn't seem to be any end in sight. 

7.0.5 is the last in the 7.0.x series before 7.1?  Sorry... I'm afraid I must politely call 'Bullshit' on that one.  I have a PHPIDS addon that is a P.O.S., and now I have an Askimet integration that is a P.O.S.  What really hurts this time, is that I actually PAID for the Askimet subscription.  I actually PAID so that users can be called spammers when they try to say 'Hello'

My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees.
Quote · 16 Feb 2011

That's horrible.


I mistakenly promoted my site to get to 1,100 members, not realizing how many broken components there were. I've refrained from dumping any finances into obtaining new members until I get it all sorted out, but I fear I'm no where near that mark seeing as you've been at it for two years already.


Of the 1,100 members we basically 'purchased', I have a handful that actually utilize the site - I'm talking about 5-10 people max here. The other 1,090 appear to have given up hope on us, even after attempted newsletters, sweepstakes, drawings etc I can't get them to come back. I'm thinking these results are attributed to the many failed components, site delays, downtime and inability to figure out just how the hell to use the platform. Don't get me wrong, I love the bucket of features that come with it, but i'm going to spend a lifetime composing these features in a way that my users understand how to use them. Overwhelming i guess.

Skype: shawn.nelson
Quote · 16 Feb 2011

well i can see you went a long way to beat the Chinese spammers perhaps you should try saying hello in Cantonese it might post it with a slogan for ugg boots .... after 2 years i can see why you use the here comes johnny avatar

Quote · 16 Feb 2011


well i can see you went a long way to beat the Chinese spammers perhaps you should try saying hello in Cantonese it might post it with a slogan for ugg boots .... after 2 years i can see why you use the here comes johnny avatar

I started using the Johnny avatar after a mentally disturbed member of this site had a psychotic episode, and posted hundreds of negative comments on my profile here, in a matter of a few hours.  I'm not sure whatever happened to him, but I use the Johnny avatar in remembrance of him, and several other infamous nut jobs of unity.  Believe me, there's more than enough of them to make a yearly calendar... we could call it, 'The Annual Nut Jobs of Unity Calendar'. 

Anyway, I disabled Askimet.... I just pisses me off that I've paid an annual fee for a piece of crap.  I feel violated.

My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees.
Quote · 16 Feb 2011

It would not have been so bad to have Askimet thinking that saying HELLO is spam .. if we were given the possibility to moderate comments on our admin panel, and make the final decision ourselves.

I am not seeing any possibility to do this anywhere.


@ ... I am really curious what type of problems you were or still are facing

Quote · 20 Feb 2011

Askimet is a complete waste of time to begin with. Who in the heck is going to come up with this kind of bling just to check comments and posts for spam?

This is the price to use Askimet on a social network - which last I checked, Dolphin is. Free Image Hosting

No farking way in Hael I am paying that kind of cash to just check spam. Give me a break. That would pay for a cheap dedicated server for God's sake!

Quote · 20 Feb 2011

Sorry HL, but it seems to function on my site - well, it lets me post anyway.

I have no idea if it will actually block spam, but I was able to submit comments (see attached video)

It did seem to slow things down dramatically at times, but that may have been my server slowing down for some reason.



2011_02_20_11_17_14.wmv · 4M · 284 downloads
Quote · 20 Feb 2011


Askimet is a complete waste of time to begin with. Who in the heck is going to come up with this kind of bling just to check comments and posts for spam?

This is the price to use Askimet on a social network - which last I checked, Dolphin is. Free Image Hosting

No farking way in Hael I am paying that kind of cash to just check spam. Give me a break. That would pay for a cheap dedicated server for God's sake!

Wow this people making a lot of money  if they getting customer

I will disable my askimet because is to mutch guys everytime I add new template is giving me the warning messages

I will control spammers by my own

Post Reply - if you going to help - No for - bla bla bla bla
Quote · 20 Feb 2011

Ok, I logged in with Chrome and was able to replicate HL's results.

Now for the funny part

"Hello" causes a spam warning, but "hi" does not.

I pulled a link from an email that Google flagged (and is obviously spam), and it was NOT flagged.

What this all means is beyond me, but it isn't working as intended. That is certain.

Now if I could just come up with $100 - $1000 a month to pay for the pleasure of this aggravation........hmmmm....

Quote · 20 Feb 2011

They changed their payment options apparently, because when I signed up, I paid $59 for a year's service.  $59 isn't going to break me, but I may as well have just flushed the $59 down the toilet.  Now I have two things wasting space on my server.... phpids and askimet. 

Since I block every country but the US from joining, and also block US based open proxies, my spammer registrations have dropped to zero.

My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees.
Quote · 20 Feb 2011

their latest pricing update gonna bring down their customers base big time ....  up to 60 USD/year is acceptable but 100/month for starting service is kinda joke ?

Quote · 20 Feb 2011


their latest pricing update gonna bring down their customers base big time ....  up to 60 USD/year is acceptable but 100/month for starting service is kinda joke ?

Yes, I agree.

I thought this might be a mistake, but I contacted Askimet and it appears this is what they actually expect to get.


Askimet may as well be removed from the script because with this kind of cost to it only a few will be able to afford it & they probably wouldn't buy it anyway.

Not like it matters, the plugin doesn't work. At least we know it isn't worth fixing now.


Quote · 21 Feb 2011

I'd like to see Boonex provide detailed instructions on removing PHPIDS,and Askimet.

My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees.
Quote · 22 Feb 2011

there should be backend option to permanently disable aksimes and phpids so those who can afford payx can pay those who cant afford it (most of us) can permanently disable it

Quote · 22 Feb 2011


there should be backend option to permanently disable aksimes and phpids so those who can afford payx can pay those who cant afford it (most of us) can permanently disable it

You don't look around too much, do you (hint: they're disabled by default)?

BoonEx Certified Host: - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin
Quote · 22 Feb 2011

well i do not know if this guy sucks or not and i have had a fair few spamming ***** but the ip blocking and proxy blocking seems rather derogatory to your site traffic stats and this will also stop spiders and knock down on your links in why not just make menu disappear to none members and email verify new members most spammers use non active emails since i did this last week has stopped spam intruders with out restricting  access to my site from any one in the world or there spiders :O) hope i will not be thought of as a spammer but thought i would say hello lmas ...

Quote · 22 Feb 2011

i didnt installed version with aksimet support yet so i didnt know so i was just guessing from what HL said :-)

Quote · 22 Feb 2011


well i do not know if this guy sucks or not and i have had a fair few spamming ***** but the ip blocking and proxy blocking seems rather derogatory to your site traffic stats and this will also stop spiders and knock down on your links in why not just make menu disappear to none members and email verify new members most spammers use non active emails since i did this last week has stopped spam intruders with out restricting  access to my site from any one in the world or there spiders :O) hope i will not be thought of as a spammer but thought i would say hello lmas ...

First, 'Askimet' is not a 'guy'... or girl for that matter.... it's a plugin.  Second, if my site is focused on a single metropolitan area of the United States, why in hell should I permit someone in bumf**k Egypt to register?  Besides, I don't block the entire site... I only block a single file, join.php.  Everyone on the planet can view the entire site, but the only ones that can join the site, must live in the United States, and that is exactly the way I want it.  Anyone that doesn't live in the US has no business joining my site.


Edit: Oh... btw....None of this will stop US based search engines from indexing the join form.

My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees.
Quote · 22 Feb 2011

Houston you are a respected poster on these forums and there are peeps out there who are new to this as i am what would happen if they followed your advise with out realizing that you are only interested in localized traffic :O) and you can do as you wish i did not recall telling you any thing different....


and are you telling me program's are gender less and sex less .. wow who would be a prog....


happy thoughts

Quote · 22 Feb 2011

My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees.
Quote · 22 Feb 2011

It would be nice if this got added to TRAC Tongue out

Quote · 28 Feb 2011
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