Avatar not set by default

When a person first joins and uploads a picture, they will still have that generic image by default.  To make that picture your Avatar, you have to go to that section and add it, after using the cropping tool.   I don't think most people will know this- it even took me a bit of time to figure it out.  Shouldn't that first picture the upload be set as their avatar by default?

Quote · 10 Oct 2009

Yes, I noticed this too, and I consider it to be a defect

Quote · 10 Oct 2009

Didn't this work in an earlier beta?  I thought I remembered being taken to that crop page right after adding a profile pic - or on first login.

Quote · 12 Oct 2009

I know in Beta 6, I had to choose a default avatar and click submit. There wasn't one by default.

Nothing to see here
Quote · 12 Oct 2009

It is a defect Gary.  They made this worse somehow.  I thought the admin could set this before?  People won't know they have to set that avatar - this is not workable.

UPDATE:  Let me restate this as a question.   Is there any way I, as an administrator, can set the avatar for a user submitted picture?

Quote · 13 Oct 2009

I'm still not completely getting this avatar thing.  I could have sworn that a previous version automatically took members to the "set avatar" page, but now it doesn't.  Is this something with my set-up or is it that way for everyone?   Does anyone know that answer to the question I asked earlier - if a member doesn't set their avatar, can the site administrator do it?



Quote · 15 Oct 2009

Hey Caltrade,

I mis-read you inquiry the first time. You are correct, in Beta 6, when a user first joins, they were directed to the "select avatar" page.

I have actually been testing my site myself and have not tried to join another test user yet. I will check this out once I get home. Work blocks my site for social networking Laughing

Nothing to see here
Quote · 15 Oct 2009

Hey Caltrade,

I setup a test user and did not upload a photo during the join process. Once I completed the join form, I was redirected to the "Choose Avatar" page to upload a picture or choose an avatar. Is this not happening for you?

Nothing to see here
Quote · 16 Oct 2009

Thanks Zarcon, but I was talking about a situation were the user does load a photo.  I have had a few people do that and not set their avatars.  I could have sworn there was a way for admin to do that in a previous beta, but I can't seem to find it.  In fact, can you still moderate profile photos at all?  It is not in my moderation settings.   In any event, I just added a test account with a profile photo, and on first login, it took me to the account page.   The avatar link is there, but how are people supposed to know to do that?   It is not always easy to get people to load photos so this is frustrating.


p.s.  And I still don't know if there is any way for admin to set the avatar.  Boonex - I would love a response on this one - is it possible?

Quote · 16 Oct 2009

escalating the bump war!

Quote · 18 Oct 2009

This is quite frustrating.

I, the owner of a site, took forever in figuring out how to make my uploaded photo appear in the avatar . ..  .  I can only imagine the nightmare my members will have.

This is awful. Nobody wants to look at a dating site, full of avatars lol.  And nobody will take the time to figure out how it works.  They will join .   get confused and leave and never come back

Quote · 18 Oct 2009

Thank you iKanDu!   I couldn't believe I was the only one here concerned about this.  It is already difficult to get people to post pics, and this means we won't even get the benefit of most of the pics.  It is absurd having to write members to ask them to set their avatar - and even worse it is next to impossible for the admin to do it.   Please, please, please fix this Boonex.


p.s.  Also - am I crazy - I am fairly certain this worked in an earlier version.  After registering the first login would take you to the set avatar page (if you posted a pic) and I am pretty sure the admin could set them then also.  Is this another thing they went backwards on?

Quote · 18 Oct 2009

Your right in d6 when you jioned and uploaded a pick you crop and make it avatar all at the same time.  Likely they broke something or tried to "upgrade" it to a different area of the site instead of leaving well enough alone.

Quote · 18 Oct 2009

I'm thinking that few people have noticed this serious issue because few people are testing B7 - maybe less than a dozen.    Why should they?  There was supposed to be another beta last week, and the RC is supposed to be this coming week.   Hard to believe they could still be going backwards after all this time.

Boonex - please note - this issue is a "show stopper" - this makes the software unusable and in my opinion B7 has failed because of this.   It would be a waste of time for anyone else to install it.    I still don't see this in Trac - how do we go about getting attention to this critical issue?

Quote · 19 Oct 2009

Could someone please, please, please, please, please put this in trac.  I just looked, and after all this drama, it is still not there.   In my opinion, this has made D7B7 completely worthless, and if it ends up in the RC that will be worthless also.

Quote · 20 Oct 2009

Developers haven't put but 2 minor tickets up, everythign else we've encoutnered and put the code to fix, nothing from boonex.

Quote · 20 Oct 2009

Already said many times that this Avatars thing is a big mistake :-(

That makes a quite wonderful script to rise on a lame ground work :-( BoonEx syndrome hurts again !

Life is a fatal disease, sexually transmissible - Virginity is carcinogenic! Ask here for vaccine.
Quote · 20 Oct 2009

I am with you on this Rob. I can see it causing a headache for D7 site owners. I personally see it as a major flaw and so think it should be fixed for the RC.

Quote · 20 Oct 2009

To force the upload of a Profile photo during the join process, then use a small thumbnail of the Primary Profile photo rather than an Avatar will be a much better solution (just like that was working in D7 alpha).

Life is a fatal disease, sexually transmissible - Virginity is carcinogenic! Ask here for vaccine.
Quote · 20 Oct 2009

If you use a .png file, you can not set an avatar. I just tried it with 1 photo. The .jpg version can be used to set an avatar. The .png version says failed to set avatar. Add a ticket to fix .png files.


When you use photo upload at join form, it does redirect to avatar setup.

Quote · 20 Oct 2009

Я думаю, все согласятся с тем, что Boonex должна исправить это, потому что он действительно сделал программное трудно использовать. Я искренне, что эта просьба будет исправлена в следующей версии, чтобы мы все могли бы перейти к следующему вопросу.


Quote · 21 Oct 2009

Robert, in English do not understand you? The inquiry will be faster executed if to write in Russian? Wink

10 days till November, 1st remain. Beta 8 we did not see still.  Now many tickets . And every day new errors more and more.
It is impossible to stop a stream.

It is necessary to decide that release RC at the given stage and to give the chance to work with D7 in a mode of real time, with users.

Quote · 21 Oct 2009

Да, это правильно tech66. Переводя на мой призыв на русском языке я надеялся убедить Boonex реагировать здесь. Они часто говорят нам пишут наши вопросы здесь, а не на блогах, но они редко отвечают здесь. Я заметил, что Алекса ответила на вопрос, который был размещен на русском языке, игнорируя при этом другие, поэтому я подумал, что это может дать мне шанс. Я думаю, вы знаете, я не владеющих русским языком и используется автоматическая программа перевести с английского, так что я даже не уверен, что это будет понято. Тем не менее, я подумал, что стоит попробовать.


P.S. Я также согласен, я должна начать работать с реальным пользователям быстро - очень скоро.

Quote · 22 Oct 2009

Not so it is important, in what language. They answer those questions which it is possible to answer.
As far as I understand, they do not have group of testers which can check up our all errors. Each developer is responsible for the concrete module, the often general questions remain without the answer.


Не так важно, на каком языке. Они отвечают на те вопросы,  на которые можно ответить.
Насколько я понимаю, у них нет группы тестеров, которые могут проверить все наши ошибки. Каждый разработчик отвечает за конкретный модуль, часто общие вопросы остаются без ответа.


Quote · 22 Oct 2009

Everything is done such way to allow user to set avatar most quickly and easy, now user has to press one button to set avatar. There is a short description how to use this tool and preselected square on the image, we tried to do all possible to make this process most easy.

Rules → http://www.boonex.com/terms
Quote · 22 Oct 2009

Alex, speech here about what. If the person has not selected an avatar (has forgotten, could not, does not know where) the first photo loaded in the profile becomes an avatar. I so have understood.


Алексей, речь вот о чем. Если человек не выбрал аватару (забыл, не смог, не знает где), то аватарой становится первое фото, загруженное в профиль. Я так понял.

P.S. Русский на всякий случай, если мой английский все так же плох :)

Quote · 22 Oct 2009

Alex,  did you read this thread?  A previous version of the beta took the user to the set avatar page on first log in, and also I believe there was a way for admin to do it if they did not.  In d7b7 this functionality disappeared.   As MichelSwiss, Tech66 and others have said, the primary photo should be made into an avatar by default - give them an option to set an avatar if you want.  It may seem like a small thing, but it is not always easy to get people to post their pictures, and this has essentially ruined the program.

Quote · 22 Oct 2009

To be honest with you, I believe the "upload photo" located on the Join page should be a required field. At least this way you don't end up with a bunch of folks on your site that don't have a profile picture because they got confused when trying to set one in Avatars.

This way, when the user "understands" how to use the avatars, they can change their profile picture at another time. With that being said, the member could sign up, upload their profile picture during the join, and once they click submit, they can be taken to the Dashboard or wherever.

Just another suggestion I'm throwing out there.

Nothing to see here
Quote · 22 Oct 2009

I just came across this posting tonight as I have been struggling with an import.  I realized after bringing over about 1500 members from D6 their photos aren't showing correctly as avatars.  I have played around for a bit and ran this:

INSERT INTO `bx_avatar_images` (author_id)
SELECT DISTINCT owner FROM `bx_photos_main`

... to get the avatar data in the correct table from the photo table and then this:

UPDATE Profiles p
INNER JOIN bx_avatar_images i
ON p.id = i.author_id
SET p.avatar = i.id

...to update profiles with the new avatar_id, however here is where I got stuck.  I didn't realize the avatar module creates entirely new photos and stores them in its own directory with the avatar_id as the name.  This is problematic because the photos are named according to the user_id.  So I got this far but fear I have ran into a brick wall.  If I had the time I could go through cropping and renaming close to a thousand images, but I am sure there has to be an easier way.

Anyway - just thought I would post what I have found, not that it is really very useful, but maybe other ideas are out there.

Quote · 29 Oct 2009
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.