This is the release version of 7.0.0. I'm installing on Windows 2008, PHP 5.3.
Couldn't get the cron job for video to run, but the otehr jobs were running. Looked at the sys_cron_jobs table which had 5 entries in it in this case. The lasy entry was the bx_videos command. On looking at the execution of cron.php I noted that the call to read the cron job always calls
$aJobs = $oDb->fromCache('sys_cron_jobs', 'getAll', 'SELECT * FROM `sys_cron_jobs`');
On checking the cache file there were only 4 entries instead of the 5 in the actual MySql table. Whatever forces the update of the cache was not doing it's job somewhere.
I deleted the db_sys_cron_jobs.php file in cache and it rebuilt and the job now runs properly.
I did add modules piecemeal, one at a time making sure it ran before adding the next module. I previously added the Sounds and Video Comments module. Videoes was the last one added when the cache didn't update.