Geeks, making the world a better place |
thank you ! Is there a tutorial on how to download Trident ? Thanks Proud Hosted by |
Heart Head Hands |
Thanks Man ! let have fun :) Proud Hosted by |
Thank You |
Where's the trident forum please. Cheers |
You are in trident forum :) unless if i'm mistaken just make sure whenever you want to post a new topic choose Select Froum and choose Dolphin and ---> Trident . Proud Hosted by |
Trident b Install was quick and easy. |
Thank you for the feedback. I would suggest to re-check cron jobs, most probably it is not correctly installed, or wasn't installed at all. apps don't appear when msg says it will and stays in Queue modes...
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Table sys_cron_jobs time field says : transient instead of what it should be. Thank you for the feedback. I would suggest to re-check cron jobs, most probably it is not correctly installed, or wasn't installed at all. apps don't appear when msg says it will and stays in Queue modes...
hi..thanks for launching beta version.. if possible launch migration script soon.. username migration is all i need ..other stuff i can ask user to share again..
regards, prince |
Hi, installation went smooth, installation of modules after setting the correct permissions on a directory modules/boonex downloaded and installed. First impression; WOW, great! After an hour or two playing around the problems start to occur .... to many to list them, so I will probably repeat the procedure.... or I will wait a while .... edit: problems were as I can tell for now due to caching with OPC, cache turned off completley for now and back on track But this is what the modern community site should look like. Great job, congrats Greetings Mayki "When things get tough the tough get going..." |
So, yes, the B1 is out, but we are still working on connecting things together and updating the site. Trident will be distributed and supported via Since we are now trying to catch and fix any critical issues with Trident and the process of installation, apps download, apps purchasing and activation, etc., it would be great if you share your findings. if you happen to make an order and it's stuck in any way - email me at and we'll get it fixed. Heart Head Hands |
It is going to be a very turbulent week, so please be patient. Any information is much appreciated. Heart Head Hands | is currently in "Invitation Only" mode. BoonEx members will be receiving invitations shortly. Heart Head Hands |
sys_cron_jobs table is ok Cron jobs must be installed on the system, as described on one of the installations steps: Setup the following cron jobs command:
* * * * * /usr/bin/php -q /path_to_trident/periodic/cron.php
More detailed info on how to setup cronjobs described here:
Table sys_cron_jobs time field says : transient instead of what it should be.
what should it be...? * * * * * or something else
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Thanks Alex it works now... one other thing: the like function... msg should be: sorry you can't like your own post! |
What's this about? Notice: Use of undefined constant BX_CONNECTIONS_CONTENT_TYPE_CONTENT - assumed 'BX_CONNECTIONS_CONTENT_TYPE_CONTENT' in /home/loveland/public_html/modules/base/profile/classes/BxBaseModProfileModule.php on line 240 ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong! |
Thanks Alex it works now... one other thing: the like function... msg should be: sorry you can't like your own post! i will like my own post... i think its ok..just give option to unlike or take like back by clicking again on like button.. |
Thank you for the report. The site isn't updated to the latest version yet. It should be automatically updated within next several hours and everything should be ok. What's this about? Notice: Use of undefined constant BX_CONNECTIONS_CONTENT_TYPE_CONTENT - assumed 'BX_CONNECTIONS_CONTENT_TYPE_CONTENT' in /home/loveland/public_html/modules/base/profile/classes/BxBaseModProfileModule.php on line 240
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trident beta 1 problem on Email Confirmation ERROR OCCURRED, PLEASE REPORT ERROR TO SITE ADMINISTRATOR.
Hello! Can I use trident with my old license? |
Hello! I am getting this messages when trying to install trident, any solution. Thank you Your hosting doesn't meet minimal requirements:
fileinfo module is required for Trident. Actually this module is installed by default starting from PHP 5.3+, however for windows systems fileinfo module must be explicitly enabled: I am getting this messages when trying to install trident, any solution. Thank you Your hosting doesn't meet minimal requirements:
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I am liking it so far much more so than D7. Like the fluid layout and ease of installation. Seems to be much more less bloated than D7 also. I think with Trident (D8), Boonex is headed in the right direction. Nice Job Team! Jeremy | module not showing in apps .. and storefront is saying not connected to boonex.. m testing trident beta b1 version..current one... anyone know how to fix this to connect to boonex..and download apps and install.
Cannot connect to BoonEx. Please try again later.
Please try to login to the boonex with the same login/password the key/secret pair is generated for. module not showing in apps .. and storefront is saying not connected to boonex.. m testing trident beta b1 version..current one... anyone know how to fix this to connect to boonex..and download apps and install.
Cannot connect to BoonEx. Please try again later.
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Thank you for the feedback, we really appreciate it. I am liking it so far much more so than D7. Like the fluid layout and ease of installation. Seems to be much more less bloated than D7 also. I think with Trident (D8), Boonex is headed in the right direction. Nice Job Team!
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nex with the same login/password the key/secret pair is generated for.
i paste key and secret.. and login with my own boonex credentials.. its working except album module wont show in list .. |
Albums module is on of a few paid modules. its working except album module wont show in list ..
Albums module is on of a few paid modules. its working except album module wont show in list ..
i can't see in my list .. what went wrong... is boonex made modules are free for prime license holder or we have to buy.. if its free then how to install them ..its asking to checkout.. |
Actually this is bug, we are working on the problem. i can't see in my list ..
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Actually this is bug, we are working on the problem. i can't see in my list ..
hi..album is showing in store now a premium module.. can anyone tell me boonex made modules are free for prime licence or do i have to buy them.. i thought all boonex modules will be free..but its asking me to checkout.. if its free then how to install.. |
As this is a beta, it's probably that the license data hasn't been converted to market purchases, yet. BoonEx Certified Host: - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin |
As this is a beta, it's probably that the license data hasn't been converted to market purchases, yet. is there anyway to install that.. |
Yes, Prime license holders will be able tot download BoonEx paid apps for free. We are still working on linking boonex accounts, trident and, though and as a result you don't see those apps as free yet. Should you decide to go ahead and buy them, just email me you transaction ID to and I will refund the purchase. Heart Head Hands |