Better SEO Title for member profile pages

This simple little fix will give you better member profile names in the search engines and on the browser bar.    The default profile page title has the members "nickname" and the "headline" on their profile - but not everyone uses these fields.  I wanted my profiles to have the member's full name, followed by "international business profile".   Here is an example of how it looks in the browser bar:

SEO Title for Profile Pages

FILE: /profile.php


$_page['header']      = process_line_output( $p_arr['NickName'] ) . ": ". htmlspecialchars_adv( $p_arr['Headline'] );

Change this to whatever you want.  Look at profile table in database for available values...after uploading of new profile.php clean the cache and cache public folder.

In my case I changed this to:

$_page['header']      = process_line_output( $p_arr['full_name'] ) . ":International Business Profile";

"full_name" is a field I defined that has the member's full name, but you could use the firstname or lastname fields, or whatever you want.

12 Mar 2010

This is a very good post Caltrade. I use something similar but with more options: First Name+Last Name+Headline+City+Some Text. Here is:


$_page['header']      = process_line_output( $p_arr['FirstName'] ) . " ". htmlspecialchars_adv( $p_arr['LastName'] ) . ": ". htmlspecialchars_adv( $p_arr['Headline'] ) .". ". htmlspecialchars_adv( $p_arr['City'] ). ",  Text you want ";

It will show as follow: 1º Name Las Name: Headline. City, Text you want

15 Mar 2010

Adding city is a good idea. IMO search engines are going nuts these days over content which is geographically orientated/structured

This is a very good post Caltrade. I use something similar but with more options: First Name+Last Name+Headline+City+Some Text. Here is:

$_page['header']      = process_line_output( $p_arr['FirstName'] ) . " ". htmlspecialchars_adv( $p_arr['LastName'] ) . ": ". htmlspecialchars_adv( $p_arr['Headline'] ) .". ". htmlspecialchars_adv( $p_arr['City'] ). ",  Text you want ";

It will show as follow: 1º Name Las Name: Headline. City, Text you want

15 Mar 2010

Good tips guys - I especially like your "City" idea cbassthefish ( always liked your username by the way).    Someone help me with this, but I can't remember who, and it is buried in a post somewhere.  I will post the attributititle, and there are probably other things like that.


15 Mar 2010

I have pretty much did the same for my D6 website but with the Meta Description tag. No meta description tag in D7 though.

16 Mar 2010

You guys are brilliant!  This is probably one of the best threads I've ever seen here.

More tips!!!

19 May 2010

ok here we go:)

brand every site with your domain or company name

edit the file:


about line 675

find code:

case 'page_header':
if(!empty($GLOBALS[$this->_sPrefix . 'PageTitle']))
$sRet = $GLOBALS[$this->_sPrefix . 'PageTitle'];
else if(isset($_page['header']))
$sRet = $_page['header'];

$sRet = process_line_output($sRet);

and change to (change to your domain or company name):

case 'page_header':
if(!empty($GLOBALS[$this->_sPrefix . 'PageTitle']))
$sRet = $GLOBALS[$this->_sPrefix . 'PageTitle'];
else if(isset($_page['header']))
$sRet = $_page['header'].' |';

$sRet = process_line_output($sRet);

ue30 Mods -
19 May 2010

Excellent work to CALTRADE, mdroca and ue30!  SEO Titles and Site Branding.  Everyone should know how to do this!

Someday, Someway.
19 May 2010

Hi ue30!

why my first line is in orange this >> //$sRet = process_line_output($sRet);

//$sRet = process_line_output($sRet);
case 'page_header_text':
if(!empty($GLOBALS[$this->_sPrefix . 'PageMainBoxTitle']))
$sRet = $GLOBALS[$this->_sPrefix . 'PageMainBoxTitle'];
else if(isset($_page['header_text']))
$sRet = $_page['header_text'];

//$sRet = process_line_output($sRet);

ok here we go:)

brand every site with your domain or company name

edit the file:


about line 675

find code:

case 'page_header':
if(!empty($GLOBALS[$this->_sPrefix . 'PageTitle']))
$sRet = $GLOBALS[$this->_sPrefix . 'PageTitle'];
else if(isset($_page['header']))
$sRet = $_page['header'];

$sRet = process_line_output($sRet);

and change to (change to your domain or company name):

case 'page_header':
if(!empty($GLOBALS[$this->_sPrefix . 'PageTitle']))
$sRet = $GLOBALS[$this->_sPrefix . 'PageTitle'];
else if(isset($_page['header']))
$sRet = $_page['header'].' |';

$sRet = process_line_output($sRet);

Post Reply - if you going to help - No for - bla bla bla bla
18 Jul 2010

Can you tell me how to read the member photo and the description about the member


This simple little fix will give you better member profile names in the search engines and on the browser bar.    The default profile page title has the members "nickname" and the "headline" on their profile - but not everyone uses these fields.  I wanted my profiles to have the member's full name, followed by "international business profile".   Here is an example of how it looks in the browser bar:

SEO Title for Profile Pages

FILE: /profile.php


$_page['header']      = process_line_output( $p_arr['NickName'] ) . ": ". htmlspecialchars_adv( $p_arr['Headline'] );

Change this to whatever you want.  Look at profile table in database for available values...after uploading of new profile.php clean the cache and cache public folder.

In my case I changed this to:

$_page['header']      = process_line_output( $p_arr['full_name'] ) . ":International Business Profile";

"full_name" is a field I defined that has the member's full name, but you could use the firstname or lastname fields, or whatever you want.

Post Reply - if you going to help - No for - bla bla bla bla
18 Jul 2010


Caltrade, ue30 & mdroca

thats a good mod

working 100%



9 Oct 2010

Does this work with D7.0.3.?

ok here we go:)

brand every site with your domain or company name

edit the file:


about line 675

find code:


case 'page_header':
if(!empty($GLOBALS[$this->_sPrefix . 'PageTitle']))
$sRet = $GLOBALS[$this->_sPrefix . 'PageTitle'];
else if(isset($_page['header']))
$sRet = $_page['header'];

$sRet = process_line_output($sRet);


and change to (change to your domain or company name):


case 'page_header':
if(!empty($GLOBALS[$this->_sPrefix . 'PageTitle']))
$sRet = $GLOBALS[$this->_sPrefix . 'PageTitle'];
else if(isset($_page['header']))
$sRet = $_page['header'].' |';

$sRet = process_line_output($sRet);



There are none so blind as those that will not see.
9 Oct 2010

 I just tried it in 7.0.3.  It works for the most part.  Doesn't seem to work for Blogs Home, Articles Home, News Home , or Forum Home, as well as SOME of their sub items.  Still, I think it's worth it for all the other pages.

I did the profile.php mod in 7.0.2 and that still works.


Does this work with D7.0.3.?

ok here we go:)

brand every site with your domain or company name

edit the file:


about line 675

find code:


case 'page_header':
if(!empty($GLOBALS[$this->_sPrefix . 'PageTitle']))
$sRet = $GLOBALS[$this->_sPrefix . 'PageTitle'];
else if(isset($_page['header']))
$sRet = $_page['header'];

$sRet = process_line_output($sRet);


and change to (change to your domain or company name):


case 'page_header':
if(!empty($GLOBALS[$this->_sPrefix . 'PageTitle']))
$sRet = $GLOBALS[$this->_sPrefix . 'PageTitle'];
else if(isset($_page['header']))
$sRet = $_page['header'].' |';

$sRet = process_line_output($sRet);




Someday, Someway.
11 Oct 2010

Any one knows  how  to make this in the user photos page

like User| Album | photo title



11 Oct 2010


Any one knows  how  to make this in the user photos page

like User| Album | photo title





no ?

12 Oct 2010

Do i have to edit


been searching but ith no succes ?

12 Oct 2010


Do i have to edit


been searching but ith no succes ?


13 Oct 2010

any idea

14 Oct 2010

How would you do

$_page['header']      = process_line_output( $p_arr['NickName'] ) . ": ". htmlspecialchars_adv( $p_arr['Headline'] ); "Domain Name" This way the domain name it always a part of the title...

14 Oct 2010

How can i change this browser bar in the Photos of the users these features ?

i want to put there the city of the users

Anyone can help?

15 Nov 2010

Just tried ue30's fix on 7.0.3 and there is no longer a reference to "" so I guess that one doesn't work anymore.

15 Nov 2010

i use this in Profiles.php in 703  and it works


This is a very good post Caltrade. I use something similar but with more options: First Name+Last Name+Headline+City+Some Text. Here is:

$_page['header']      = process_line_output( $p_arr['FirstName'] ) . " ". htmlspecialchars_adv( $p_arr['LastName'] ) . ": ". htmlspecialchars_adv( $p_arr['Headline'] ) .". ". htmlspecialchars_adv( $p_arr['City'] ). ",  Text you want ";

It will show as follow: 1º Name Las Name: Headline. City, Text you want


15 Nov 2010


Just tried ue30's fix on 7.0.3 and there is no longer a reference to "" so I guess that one doesn't work anymore.

It works. The actual line is 688 in Dreamweaver. The  code added is .' |' - and you should make your domain name or business name, not use the example he gave.

Verified 7.0.3


23 Nov 2010

ok on 7.0.3

thank you

23 Nov 2010

Here is another thing that I figured out for SEO.  add this line right underneath the page header to add a custom description

$oSysTemplate->setPageDescription(process_line_output( $p_arr['DescriptionMe'] ));

This put in a page description custom meta description tag for each profile. For me I chose the profile descriptionme field because it was the most relevant.

18 Jan 2011

would be fine if boonex could get a methode to manage those things in admin area!! - your resource for Dolphin Pro
28 Feb 2011


Here is another thing that I figured out for SEO.  add this line right underneath the page header to add a custom description

$oSysTemplate->setPageDescription(process_line_output( $p_arr['DescriptionMe'] ));

This put in a page description custom meta description tag for each profile. For me I chose the profile descriptionme field because it was the most relevant.

Where exactly to add this code?? in which file??
16 Mar 2011

Hey this is great stuff. I was just doing a search for SEO tactics here and found this. I am about to start launching my site and wondered if all this is compatable with the latest version of Dolphin 7.05 before I get into it to much?

22 Mar 2011


Hey this is great stuff. I was just doing a search for SEO tactics here and found this. I am about to start launching my site and wondered if all this is compatable with the latest version of Dolphin 7.05 before I get into it to much?

its working on 7.0.5

go ahead  :)
22 Mar 2011

I was wondering if I do this and use the members name instead of nickname isn't it going to show in the url when a member looks at another members profile? I don't have members real names showing on my site. The other optoions for location and descriptions though are great stuff I'm working on now.

22 Mar 2011


Here is another thing that I figured out for SEO.  add this line right underneath the page header to add a custom description

$oSysTemplate->setPageDescription(process_line_output( $p_arr['DescriptionMe'] ));

This put in a page description custom meta description tag for each profile. For me I chose the profile descriptionme field because it was the most relevant.

 Can someone tell me where I can find this?

22 Mar 2011

FILE: /profile.php


$_page['header']      = process_line_output( $p_arr['NickName'] ) . ": ". htmlspecialchars_adv( $p_arr['Headline'] );


Should be on line 92


Here is another thing that I figured out for SEO.  add this line right underneath the page header to add a custom description

$oSysTemplate->setPageDescription(process_line_output( $p_arr['DescriptionMe'] ));

This put in a page description custom meta description tag for each profile. For me I chose the profile descriptionme field because it was the most relevant.

Can someone tell me where I can find this?


Diddy is not greedy and has time. Dolphin is cool and its not just mine :-)
22 Mar 2011

 Thanks Didy. Got another question. Couldn't find this in 7.05. Is this still neccesary in 7.05? Couldnt find anything with in the entire file



ok here we go:)

brand every site with your domain or company name

edit the file:


about line 675

find code:


case 'page_header':
if(!empty($GLOBALS[$this->_sPrefix . 'PageTitle']))
$sRet = $GLOBALS[$this->_sPrefix . 'PageTitle'];
else if(isset($_page['header']))
$sRet = $_page['header'];

$sRet = process_line_output($sRet);


and change to (change to your domain or company name):


case 'page_header':
if(!empty($GLOBALS[$this->_sPrefix . 'PageTitle']))
$sRet = $GLOBALS[$this->_sPrefix . 'PageTitle'];
else if(isset($_page['header']))
$sRet = $_page['header'].' |';

$sRet = process_line_output($sRet);



22 Mar 2011

this is a different file and not profile.php. This is inc/classes/BxDolTemplate.php cos it spread over almost the entire dolphin site and the other one is for member*s profile :-)

don't look for thats just a sample, look for this code at  inc/classes/BxDolTemplate.php and add like is says where stands the way you like which is good if its your domain name :

case 'page_header':
if(!empty($GLOBALS[$this->_sPrefix . 'PageTitle']))
$sRet = $GLOBALS[$this->_sPrefix . 'PageTitle'];
else if(isset($_page['header']))
$sRet = $_page['header'];

$sRet = process_line_output($sRet);

Thanks Didy. Got another question. Couldn't find this in 7.05. Is this still neccesary in 7.05? Couldnt find anything with in the entire file



ok here we go:)

brand every site with your domain or company name

edit the file:


about line 675

find code:


case 'page_header':
if(!empty($GLOBALS[$this->_sPrefix . 'PageTitle']))
$sRet = $GLOBALS[$this->_sPrefix . 'PageTitle'];
else if(isset($_page['header']))
$sRet = $_page['header'];

$sRet = process_line_output($sRet);


and change to (change to your domain or company name):


case 'page_header':
if(!empty($GLOBALS[$this->_sPrefix . 'PageTitle']))
$sRet = $GLOBALS[$this->_sPrefix . 'PageTitle'];
else if(isset($_page['header']))
$sRet = $_page['header'].' |';

$sRet = process_line_output($sRet);




Diddy is not greedy and has time. Dolphin is cool and its not just mine :-)
22 Mar 2011

OH. ok I got it now. Wow what a brain fart that was. Just one more question about it. The example shows a slash before it. Should I be putting that in?

'header'].' |';  

24 Mar 2011

Great Job and thank you for this guys... this works great

30 Mar 2011

 Thanks ue30, worked like a charm in 7.0.5. Just what I was looking for. Much appreciated. Now off to go add this to the list of core changes made.

Regards, Coolmoe

ok here we go:)

brand every site with your domain or company name

edit the file:


about line 675

find code:


case 'page_header':
if(!empty($GLOBALS[$this->_sPrefix . 'PageTitle']))
$sRet = $GLOBALS[$this->_sPrefix . 'PageTitle'];
else if(isset($_page['header']))
$sRet = $_page['header'];

$sRet = process_line_output($sRet);


and change to (change to your domain or company name):


case 'page_header':
if(!empty($GLOBALS[$this->_sPrefix . 'PageTitle']))
$sRet = $GLOBALS[$this->_sPrefix . 'PageTitle'];
else if(isset($_page['header']))
$sRet = $_page['header'].' |';

$sRet = process_line_output($sRet);



24 Apr 2011


ok here we go:)

brand every site with your domain or company name

edit the file:


about line 675

find code:


case 'page_header':
if(!empty($GLOBALS[$this->_sPrefix . 'PageTitle']))
$sRet = $GLOBALS[$this->_sPrefix . 'PageTitle'];
else if(isset($_page['header']))
$sRet = $_page['header'];

$sRet = process_line_output($sRet);


and change to (change to your domain or company name):


case 'page_header':
if(!empty($GLOBALS[$this->_sPrefix . 'PageTitle']))
$sRet = $GLOBALS[$this->_sPrefix . 'PageTitle'];
else if(isset($_page['header']))
$sRet = $_page['header'].' |';

$sRet = process_line_output($sRet);


 worked great. Thanks. The only thing is that the forum still shows orca forum. I assume that the same thing can be done with the forum page?

25 Apr 2011

how can i add spaces between first middle and last names?

25 Sep 2011

good 1

13 Nov 2011

I have changed it around 1 mouth before. I replaced it with full name and looks good. You are right it is good for better SEO. I am planing to optimize the description of profile page, i want it to display full name in description for every profile just like Facebook. Its very good for SEO.


 Join Facebook to connect with Prashank Abhishek and others you may know. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and ...

so much to do....
13 Nov 2011

I realize this was my mod originally, but could anyone tell me what happens when a field is blank?   I have use a field called "full_name" on one of my sites in place of the nickname field.  But on this site, full name is optional as pseudonyms are allowed, so I also have the nickname field.  What will happen with the users who keep the full_name field blank?

13 Nov 2011

If full_name i blank than there will be nothing as title and search engine maybe show null.

On my site full name is necessary. 

so much to do....
13 Nov 2011

I have jsut upgraded to 7.0.9 and lost this mod. If I upload the profile.php file that I had before the upgrade, the title works as it should : nickname- headline - city - site slogan, however I am not sure how that could impact other functionalities as the new profile.php file seems quite different from the previous one


If I simply add the modified portion


$_page['header']      = process_line_output( $p_arr['NickName'] ) . ": ". htmlspecialchars_adv( $p_arr['Headline'] ).". ". htmlspecialchars_adv( $p_arr['City'] ). " |  Free Dating Site ";
$oSysTemplate->setPageDescription(process_line_output( $p_arr['DescriptionMe'] ));


it won't display the upgraded title...


Any suggestions anybody?



8 May 2012

 Does anybody know how to add better seo titles for articles?

I have jsut upgraded to 7.0.9 and lost this mod. If I upload the profile.php file that I had before the upgrade, the title works as it should : nickname- headline - city - site slogan, however I am not sure how that could impact other functionalities as the new profile.php file seems quite different from the previous one


If I simply add the modified portion


$_page['header']      = process_line_output( $p_arr['NickName'] ) . ": ". htmlspecialchars_adv( $p_arr['Headline'] ).". ". htmlspecialchars_adv( $p_arr['City'] ). " |  Free Dating Site ";
$oSysTemplate->setPageDescription(process_line_output( $p_arr['DescriptionMe'] ));


it won't display the upgraded title...


Any suggestions anybody?




6 Apr 2013

Can this still be done for SEO on Profiles?

Vunderba..... Challenge Yourself to be the Best...... Hosting from
20 Jul 2013

i never knew about any of this,, i am on 7.09 is it still possible?

MY SITES general social networking | niche site
20 Jul 2013

UE30's suggestion works well in 7.3

I am wondering about the profile, but wanted some experienced members to confirm.

If it's working now for the branding, I am sure it would work back then 3 yrs ago. most of my pages show my site name in the description tab of browser, Example would be the address bar says "" the tab says "browse profile/"

I want to try the profile name city and text, instead of nickname.   It would be better to see yeah am bad/Cleveland/Social butterfly

Vunderba..... Challenge Yourself to be the Best...... Hosting from
20 Jul 2013

In 7.1.4 I get a strange effect with the NickName or ['ID'] in1.4 and ['Heading'] becoming a jumbled mess. 


The code I use is:


$_page['header'] = process_line_output(getNickName($p_arr['ID']))." " .(empty($p_arr['Headline']) ? '' : ": " . htmlspecialchars_adv($p_arr['Headline'])) ."| ". htmlspecialchars_adv( $p_arr['City'] ). ",  My Text Here ";

Its supposed to look like (user: headline | city, text)

instead it's (strangecharacters}mix~edwith headline | city, text)

check picture:  

problemwithpagetitle.jpg · 13.3K · 488 views
16 Dec 2013

Ok I fixed it:


If you run into this problem with 7.1+ just use the same code and replace the entire string. I made the mistake of trying to edit the 7.1.4 string, it only messed things up for me. ***note- I upgraded from 7.0.9 so things might be a little different for new sites.


THIS:  $_page['header'] = process_line_output(getNickName($p_arr['ID'])) . (empty($p_arr['Headline']) ? '' : ": " . htmlspecialchars_adv($p_arr['Headline']));

Whith THIS:   $_page['header']      = process_line_output( $p_arr['NickName'] )  . ": ". htmlspecialchars_adv( $p_arr['Headline'] ) .". ". htmlspecialchars_adv( $p_arr['City'] ). ",  Your text  ";
16 Dec 2013
27 Mar 2015
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.