Biz2: Free Dolphin 7.2.1 Template - part 2

26 Oct 2015


the colors are changed as your's were not good

 In that case, I would suggest that you make a copy of the evo template, and change it to your liking.  Judging from your screen shot, you and I are polar opposites in the world of aesthetics.

My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees.
26 Oct 2015

 question: is it possible to show a different type of main menu on tablet or smartphone in your template similar to sub nav on page 

Answer: Yes

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26 Oct 2015


 question: is it possible to show a different type of main menu on tablet or smartphone in your template similar to sub nav on page 

Answer: Yes

 Question: is that something that you will add in new update of the template?

26 Oct 2015

In the case of the Birthday block, the thumbnail image block is wrapped in a div that has no associated styling. The result of this will be that there will be no vertical spacing between blocks, and it wrecks the layout. To solve this problem:


Open for editing, /modules/andrew/birthblock/classes/ABirthBlockModule.php line 180



                $sSubCode .= '<div>' . get_member_thumbnail($aData['ID'], 'none', true) . '</div>';


Change to:

                $sSubCode .= '<div class="bx-def-margin-sec-top">' . get_member_thumbnail($aData['ID'], 'none', true) . '</div>';


Then tell AndrewP I said 'You're welcome'

My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees.
26 Oct 2015


  Question: is that something that you will add in new update of the template?

 No.... but I will probably do something different with the top menu for mobile and tablet.  I don't really like the way it is in the evo template, and subsequently this one.  Touch screen users are given no visual clues that they must swipe the menu to see all the items if they flow off the screen to the right... I hate that.

My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees.
26 Oct 2015



  Question: is that something that you will add in new update of the template?

 No.... but I will probably do something different with the top menu for mobile and tablet.  I don't really like the way it is in the evo template, and subsequently this one.  Touch screen users are given no visual clues that they must swipe the menu to see all the items if they flow off the screen to the right... I hate that.

Yup i hate that too. i am sure you come up with a great options and will wait for that.

thanks for giving it a thought.

26 Oct 2015


In the case of the Birthday block, the thumbnail image block is wrapped in a div that has no associated styling. The result of this will be that there will be no vertical spacing between blocks, and it wrecks the layout. To solve this problem:


Open for editing, /modules/andrew/birthblock/classes/ABirthBlockModule.php line 180



                $sSubCode .= '<div>' . get_member_thumbnail($aData['ID'], 'none', true) . '</div>';


Change to:

                $sSubCode .= '<div class="bx-def-margin-sec-top">' . get_member_thumbnail($aData['ID'], 'none', true) . '</div>';


Then tell AndrewP I said 'You're welcome'

 I don't know about AndrewP but from my side, "Thank You" !

27 Oct 2015



  Question: is that something that you will add in new update of the template?

 No.... but I will probably do something different with the top menu for mobile and tablet.  I don't really like the way it is in the evo template, and subsequently this one.  Touch screen users are given no visual clues that they must swipe the menu to see all the items if they flow off the screen to the right... I hate that.

 I was about to inform this previously. In the computer, we are shown "more" button which tells there are still some menu items available. I was using UC Browser on mobile but didn't find anything which gives a clue that more menu items are still there.

But when I opened my website and boonex demo site on Chrome Mobile then I was shown a strip of line giving a clue that this is a slider.

That's why I didn't ask thinking you will tell there is nothing to do with the template, the website is opening properly in Chrome Mobile, this is UC Browser problem, contact UC Browser!!!

27 Oct 2015


contact UC Browser!!!

 OK.... sure.    I'll go ahead and contact the other 400 browser developers for ios and android while I'm at it.

My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees.
27 Oct 2015



contact UC Browser!!!

 OK.... sure.    I'll go ahead and contact the other 400 browser developers for ios and android while I'm at it.

 Thanks HL. Always going above and beyond for the Boonex community.

27 Oct 2015



In the case of the Birthday block, the thumbnail image block is wrapped in a div that has no associated styling. The result of this will be that there will be no vertical spacing between blocks, and it wrecks the layout. To solve this problem:


Open for editing, /modules/andrew/birthblock/classes/ABirthBlockModule.php line 180



                $sSubCode .= '<div>' . get_member_thumbnail($aData['ID'], 'none', true) . '</div>';


Change to:

                $sSubCode .= '<div class="bx-def-margin-sec-top">' . get_member_thumbnail($aData['ID'], 'none', true) . '</div>';


Then tell AndrewP I said 'You're welcome'

 I don't know about AndrewP but from my side, "Thank You" !

 You're welcome.  I went to the trouble of downloading the free birthdays module, so I could find out exactly where to correct the code that generates the thumbnail blocks, so that they would look exactly like all the rest of the thumbnail blocks throughout dolphin.  Then I posted the correction here, just so your problem, that has nothing to do with this template, would be fixed.

I see from viewing your website, that you completely ignored my advice.   I have to go now. I just spent two hours preparing dinner, and it looks delicious, so I have to go throw it in the trash.

My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees.
28 Oct 2015



In the case of the Birthday block, the thumbnail image block is wrapped in a div that has no associated styling. The result of this will be that there will be no vertical spacing between blocks, and it wrecks the layout. To solve this problem:


Open for editing, /modules/andrew/birthblock/classes/ABirthBlockModule.php line 180



                $sSubCode .= '<div>' . get_member_thumbnail($aData['ID'], 'none', true) . '</div>';


Change to:

                $sSubCode .= '<div class="bx-def-margin-sec-top">' . get_member_thumbnail($aData['ID'], 'none', true) . '</div>';


Then tell AndrewP I said 'You're welcome'

 I don't know about AndrewP but from my side, "Thank You"!

 Yesterday I made changes to the code as per your suggestion and the layout problem got fixed. That's why I said you Thank you.

Today in the morning when I checked my website again.... the layout was broken. I didn't make any changes to code after that. I saw that code again and the suggested change is already reflecting there still the layout is broken. I don't know why!

28 Oct 2015

Thank you so much!

28 Oct 2015


  Yesterday I made changes to the code as per your suggestion and the layout problem got fixed. That's why I said you Thank you.

Today in the morning when I checked my website again.... the layout was broken. I didn't make any changes to code after that. I saw that code again and the suggested change is already reflecting there still the layout is broken. I don't know why!

 Yesterday, when I looked at your site, the thumbnail blocks were NOT wrapped in the div tags that were to be modified.  That means you made a mistake and the browser is ignoring the div tags


Use the attached file instead of yours.  Clear the /cache folder, then everything should be fine.


This stuff is an exact science.... there is no "Close enough"

ABirthBlockModule.php · 7.8K · 389 downloads
My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees.
28 Oct 2015



 Yesterday, when I looked at you site, the thumbnail block were NOT wrapped in the div tags that were to be modified.  That means you made a mistake and the browser is ignoring the div tags

Use the attached file instead of yours.  Clear the /cache folder, then everything should be fine.

This stuff is an exact science.... there is no "Close enough"

 I had made the same changes what you made in this file. It may be a cache issue. I was clearing cache from administration but this time I did it from /cache folder.
It is working properly now, but I will wait for 2, 3 days to confirm it!! 

28 Oct 2015


It is working properly now

 Since I can't see the block on your site anymore, and can't verify that the block code is correct, I'll have to take your word for it.

My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees.
28 Oct 2015



contact UC Browser!!!

 OK.... sure.    I'll go ahead and contact the other 400 browser developers for ios and android while I'm at it.


28 Oct 2015



It is working properly now

 Since I can't see the block on your site anymore, and can't verify that the block code is correct, I'll have to take your word for it.

 I increased the day limit to 30 and now you can verify that!

29 Oct 2015


  I increased the day limit to 30 and now you can verify that!

 Yes... block html code is correct now.


However, this reveals a mistake I made, which causes thumbnail blocks in the birthday block to have 2 less pixels of vertical spacing than those in the featured member block, which is enough to give me stress.  This is unacceptable.


FIX: In common.css at around line 51



div.thumbnail_block {
    width: 64px;
    height: 64px;   


Change to:

div.thumbnail_block {
    width: 66px;
    height: 66px;   

My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees.
29 Oct 2015



  I increased the day limit to 30 and now you can verify that!

 Yes... block html code is correct now.


However, this reveals a mistake I made, which causes thumbnail blocks in the birthday block to have 2 less pixels of vertical spacing than those in the featured member block, which is enough to give me stress.  This is unacceptable.


FIX: In common.css at around line 51



div.thumbnail_block {
    width: 64px;
    height: 64px;   


Change to:

div.thumbnail_block {
    width: 66px;
    height: 66px;   


30 Oct 2015

Customize profile menu is not showing because background and text both have the same color!

Screenshot (49).png · 28.8K · 1115 views
30 Oct 2015


Customize profile menu is not showing because background and text both have the same color!


Here's the problem we're going to have here:


The next version of the biz2 template that I upload here, corrects this and other minor issues.  However, yours is no longer the biz2 template.... it's something else now.  I can resolve issues in the original template, but if I have to start providing individual fixes for every hacked variation of this template..... well... that's just not going to happen.  In your case, you can't just replace your css files with the corrected ones from any new versions.

Do you see where I'm going with this?  This is why I suggested previously that you start off with the EVO template and customize it to your liking. That's what I did with this one. 


The update instructions for the next version I upload here, will be to upload all the new files and overwrite all of the existing files.  That's not going to work out too well for you... is it?

My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees.
30 Oct 2015

Probably some time on Saturday, I will upload a new version with various fixes and improvements.  If anyone has issues with the DEFAULT version of this template, I will do my best to resolve those issues. 

My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees.
30 Oct 2015


I use language pack pt-br. 
Any comments?

 No comments, but I do have a question: Exactly what does language pack pt-br have to do with this template?

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4 Nov 2015


My problem now is: menu buttons or login on the home page do not appear. following image.

 Judging from your screen shot, you should use a different template, because this one is never going to work for you.

My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees.
7 Nov 2015

 Hi HL is version 1.0.3 the latest re your Biz2 template?


Many thanks for this!



Probably some time on Saturday, I will upload a new version with various fixes and improvements.  If anyone has issues with the DEFAULT version of this template, I will do my best to resolve those issues. 


There are none so blind as those that will not see.
7 Nov 2015





  • Various fixes and improvements


Template now supports Igor_L's PlayThru captcha integration


To use PlayThru, follow instructions given in Igor_L's topic..DO NOT replace the BxTemplCaptchaReCAPTCHA.php  file included in this template



1. run this query:


INSERT INTO `sys_options` SET `Name` = 'sys_playthru_use_playthru', `kateg` = '14', `desc` = '<bx_text:_usePlaythru />', `type` = 'checkbox', `order_in_kateg` = '81';




2. Add this language key:


Key Name: _usePlaythru


String for English language: Use PlayThru Captcha in templates that support it

3, Enter Playthru captcha settings in admin (advanced settings > security)

If you do not want to use Igor's PlayThru captcha integration, skip steps 1 and 2 above... regular captcha will be used


To update from previous versions of this template, upload all files, overwriting all existing files.


My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees.
7 Nov 2015


 Hi HL is version 1.0.3 the latest re your Biz2 template?


Many thanks for this!



Probably some time on Saturday, I will upload a new version with various fixes and improvements.  If anyone has issues with the DEFAULT version of this template, I will do my best to resolve those issues. 


 No. Now it's 1.0.4

My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees.
7 Nov 2015

Many thanks HL!



There are none so blind as those that will not see.
7 Nov 2015

Thanks a lot HL.. Great work..

7 Nov 2015

Great work HL

However I have a little problem though.

I have my site set for 'Registration by Invitation only' until I am ready to go live with it.
Your latest version seems to be over riding this setting  and when a visitor clicks on registration
they can see the join form and proceed.

I have reverted back to your previous template and everything is fine again.

Any ideas as to the cause?

Many Thanks

7 Nov 2015

Would you like my credit card number and pin number too?


7 Nov 2015


Great work HL

However I have a little problem though.

I have my site set for 'Registration by Invitation only' until I am ready to go live with it.
Your latest version seems to be over riding this setting  and when a visitor clicks on registration
they can see the join form and proceed.

I have reverted back to your previous template and everything is fine again.

Any ideas as to the cause?

Many Thanks

 The 'reg_by_inv_only' parameter is checked in join.php, and I know of no way to simply override this setting with a mere template.  Offhand, I'd say you have entered the Twilight Zone where things like this are possible.  For now, that's the only explanation I can offer, because I just don't see any way this template can do what you are suggesting.  Perhaps someone will prove me wrong on this.

Btw... the join by reg option on my site with this very template works just fine.


Usually, when weird shit happens, clearing the /cache folder sometimes helps... but only if that part of your site has not also entered the Twilight Zone.

My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees.
7 Nov 2015

Yes it must be something to do with The Twilight Zone Smile

I did a fresh install of 1.0.4 instead of overwriting 1.0.3 and it works fine.

Thanks again for the template.

7 Nov 2015

Morning HL..

I have a different error going on but when I checked the error logs on the server. Besides the error I am fighting with I noticed I have 36 of this error as well. It is going back since I uploaded the new template:

[16-Nov-2015 00:20:16 America/New_York] PHP Fatal error:  Cannot redeclare class BxBaseProfileView in /home/mysite/public_html/templates/tmpl_biz2/scripts/BxTemplProfileView.php on line 132


Just wondering if you have it as well and what it might mean so I can try to fix it..

I looked at that file and that line has something to do with privacy I think..

Here is that files function:


115.    function _getBlockCaptionCode($iBlockID, $aBlock, $aBlockCode, $bStatic = true, $sDynamicType = 'tab')
116.    {
117.        //--- Privacy for Profile page ---//
118.        $sCode = "";
119.        if($this->iMemberID == $this->oProfileGen->_iProfileID) {
120.            $sAlt = "";
121.            $sCode = $GLOBALS['oSysTemplate']->parseHtmlByName('ps_page_chooser.html', array(
122.                'alt' => $sAlt,
123.                'page_name' => $this->sPageName,
124.                'profile_id' => $this->oProfileGen->_iProfileID,
125.                'block_id' => $iBlockID
126.            ));
127.        }
128.        //--- Privacy for Profile page ---//
130.        return $sCode . parent::_getBlockCaptionCode($iBlockID, $aBlock, $aBlockCode, $bStatic, $sDynamicType);
131.       }
132.   }




16 Nov 2015


Just wondering if you have it as well and what it might mean so I can try to fix i

Looks like  I may have worked on that file while intoxicated.  For now, copy the file from the evo template to use in this one, until I fix it.  All the change in this file is intended to do, is encase the status message on the profile cover photo with block quotes... so it's not a change that's very important.  I may just do away with the change... it's more trouble than it's worth.


There's a pending issue that affects this, so I'll have to wait for an official Boonex resolution.


Until then, anyone that experiences this problem should use the file from the evo template.

My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees.
16 Nov 2015

Ok Thank you for your reply..

16 Nov 2015


I am using version 4 and have just noticed that when trying to view
members friends in their profile, results in a blank page?
all the other links seem to be working fine.

For now I have replaced BxTemplProfileView.php from version 3 and that works ok.

Is there something missing in version 4?


19 Nov 2015

I'll say this one more time Mr. Pimento.  This template is never going to work for you. Use something else. I would suggest that you customize the evo template to your liking.


One more thing: Do not post any more screen shots of your little porn site.

My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees.
19 Nov 2015

Excellent template, Luv it!  now to customize it, Thanks!  Laughing

4 Jan 2016

hello houstonlively  I gave a probleme with viewFriends.php
make it error 500
can resolve it for now by replace this template page by the same of EVO


12 Jan 2016

the error is  : PHP Fatal error:  Cannot redeclare class BxBaseProfileView

12 Jan 2016

in BxTemplName.php
the value of Desc is $sTemplDesc = _t('_adm_txt_templ_custom_desc');

is not better to rename is by $sTemplDesc = _t('_adm_txt_templ_BIZ2_desc'); ?



12 Jan 2016


hello houstonlively  I gave a probleme with viewFriends.php
make it error 500
can resolve it for now by replace this template page by the same of EVO


 viewFriends.php is not part of this template  I don't know what your problem is, but I don't believe this template is the cause.

My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees.
12 Jan 2016


in BxTemplName.php
the value of Desc is $sTemplDesc = _t('_adm_txt_templ_custom_desc');

is not better to rename is by $sTemplDesc = _t('_adm_txt_templ_BIZ2_desc'); ?



 You can name it whatever you want to, as long as it is unique.  Most people aren't going to go through the trouble of adding a description text for a custom template.

My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees.
12 Jan 2016
27 Mar 2016
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.