I move the inactive blocks to the active section. They do not pop up though. I've emailed the team about it. They took a look and said that some of them were HTML blocks just named the same thing (Which was an attempt for me to try and re-create the same blocks that initially came with the software).This is what Igor sent to me:
" These blocks are generated by certain functions (see the Func column in the sys_page_compose table).
For the index page the functions are declared in the template's file: templates/base/scripts/BxBaseIndexPageView.php
The function names start with getBlockCode_ and the rest of the name corresponds to the value in the Func column.
So, to replicate a block, you will need to replicate a record in the table and a function in the file. "
I am not sure what he means. What i need is simple. To put the blocks that came with dolphin (on Page builder) in the active section, and have them actually show-up. Also, what do I do if the block appears in the inactive section on one page, and that same block that I need does not appear when another page is selected (Still in page builder view).