Please STOP adding tickets to 7.0.1...
The way it looks right now, It will never finish. There will always keep coming tickets, which is irritating. It has already over 160 fixed tickets, some which are highly important.
Why not realease this as 7.0.1 and move the remaining 52 tickets to 7.0.2, or simply lock it down, so the 52 are the last, get it done and all new ads are for 7.0.2?
I agree.
Have mentioned this elsewhere - releases should be time driven not feature driven - plan a release every month / quarter - or better still just plan to do something - not throw all of the issues is one big pile and hope they sort themselves out.
Boonex - you need a project manager!!
Happy to supply my services - email me at my usual address and I will send you through a schedule of rates ;)
Dolphin - Ajax Masturbation |
I agree.
Have mentioned this elsewhere - releases should be time driven not feature driven - plan a release every month / quarter - or better still just plan to do something - not throw all of the issues is one big pile and hope they sort themselves out.
Boonex - you need a project manager!!
Happy to supply my services - email me at my usual address and I will send you through a schedule of rates ;)
Exactly! I hope they will consider this because with the current speed & process, it will be probably 6 months or more before 7.0.1 is out. It has many important updates, so it's stupid to wait that long.. 160 tickets is a lot...
I'd prefer to have my fixes, thank you very much. I can wait as much as possible.
What's that, Mr. Idea? I can apply individual fixes until the release of the patch? And the patch will simply overwrite the fixes with the same fixes? And the needed information is typically included in tickets? Thanks!
BoonEx Certified Host: - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin |
first off this should not have been posted in the bugs thread, as your post is not a bug, nor does it really have anything to do with a bug that has been discovered.
secondly, there are many of us who have spent countless hours trouble shooting and testing the totality of the Dolphin 7 script and spent our time making these reports first in the Dolphin 7 forum for clarity from other users who will help test. then the bug is reported in the bugs thread and then a member who has trac access will post the bug to trac and the developers will assign to whichever version they deem it most appropriate in the greater scheme of things.
if there is a particular patch that is needed by whomever, MS is correct, read the ticket, apply the patch and wait for the timely release. to ask that tickets be ignored is ludicrous.
When a GIG is not enough --> Terabyte Dolphin Technical Support - Server Management and Support |
We have to close most of the tickets before 7.0.1, it will not take so long time to close current tickets, and HOPE no new tickets will be created. Rules → |
Please Alex ;-) the Admin side need several urgent improvements:
Avatars management (missing) - Photos management (photos infos displaying wrong as soon as you go to page 2 - 3...) - Blogs management (no buttons at the bottom of the list) - Members management (Member ID is so useful... Link to list Promotion membership missing...) - Unconfirmed Members and Confirm email (have to reselect every options when Confirmation request email is sent to go to the 2nd, 3rd... page of the list)... Some issues especially with IE7.
Nothing letal :-) but very annoying when you need to use these functions many times a day...
Life is a fatal disease, sexually transmissible - Virginity is carcinogenic! Ask here for vaccine. |
We have to close most of the tickets before 7.0.1, it will not take so long time to close current tickets, and HOPE no new tickets will be created.
Alex. You should really freeze 7.0.1 If you do not - then this could simply perpetuate forever. It is unrealistic to expect that you will enter a period where no bugs are reported.
'HOPE' is not a manageable or measurable commodity. It should not form that basis of your project management.
Andrey, you should really look at getting a project manager to manage this for you and leave the coders to code.
Dolphin - Ajax Masturbation |
We have to close most of the tickets before 7.0.1, it will not take so long time to close current tickets, and HOPE no new tickets will be created.
Alex. You should really freeze 7.0.1 If you do not - then this could simply perpetuate forever. It is unrealistic to expect that you will enter a period where no bugs are reported.
'HOPE' is not a manageable or measurable commodity. It should not form that basis of your project management.
Andrey, you should really look at getting a project manager to manage this for you and leave the coders to code.
I honestly do not see an issue with the current way tickets are being handled for Dolphin 7.0.1. I'd honestly prefer them fixing tickets, and not halting anything just because you want to play "project manager." Before trying for that title, you may want to speak with the directors of the company, who actually do that as part of their job.
As I've said before, you can apply fixes as their appropriately associated tickets are closed. It's not difficult, and just requires that you are willing to click three times, and remember to download a file in its original format from the Trac. The fixes you download will be the same fixes applied in the patch, which means when the time comes and the patch is released, you can simply overwrite your changes, since they will be the same. If you're unwilling to do this, it's your loss, and can continue to complain while the rest of us have adapted to a fairly sane procedure.
Also, his name is no longer Andrey Sivtsov. A few years ago, he changed his name to Andrew Boon, along with his wife, Julia:
He's also one of the directors, if I recall.
BoonEx Certified Host: - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin |
I personally think over 200 tickets (including active tickets) is umm enough for teeny weeny version of 7.0.1. Again.. it's only 7.0.1.
I personally think over 200 tickets (including active tickets) is umm enough for teeny weeny version of 7.0.1. Again.. it's only 7.0.1.
Hm, I guess we're two different people, then.
Still, I stand by what I've said in this topic.
BoonEx Certified Host: - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin |
I personally think over 200 tickets (including active tickets) is umm enough for teeny weeny version of 7.0.1. Again.. it's only 7.0.1.
Hm, I guess we're two different people, then.
Still, I stand by what I've said in this topic.
I don't see anything wrong with jumping to 7.0.2. We still have to wait anyway. Just break it up. :)
I personally think over 200 tickets (including active tickets) is umm enough for teeny weeny version of 7.0.1. Again.. it's only 7.0.1.
Hm, I guess we're two different people, then.
Still, I stand by what I've said in this topic.
I don't see anything wrong with jumping to 7.0.2. We still have to wait anyway. Just break it up. :)
Eh, I suppose it's since I just apply the fixes as they come, I don't care as much for release schedules.
Hey, he was the one who called him Andrey. 
BoonEx Certified Host: - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin |
I'm disappointed that this conversation has to happen at all.
This was supposed to be the most tested Dolphin ever, with the fewest bugs upon release.
The truth is, we are still waiting for D7 (proper) to be released. I understand why D7 was released when it was, but it wasn't what was advertised at all.
D7.0.1 is long overdue. I know this doesn't jive with what some other people (whom I respect greatly), have said....but a bug fix release would be huge help. Opening a D7 site with the current fileset is just asking for problems. Trying to update a site via changesets is such a hassle as to be a non-starter for most. I have spent hours updating and I haven't even scratched the surface.
Providing the fixes for the major prob's - as well as the currently fixed 'minor' issues - would really, REALLY assist those who still wait to go live with their sites.
D7 is a big change & this was to be expected. None of what I have said should be construed as criticism. It's just my opinon - for whatever that's worth.
~ PC
I'm disappointed that this conversation has to happen at all.
This was supposed to be the most tested Dolphin ever, with the fewest bugs upon release.
The truth is, we are still waiting for D7 (proper) to be released. I understand why D7 was released when it was, but it wasn't what was advertised at all.
D7.0.1 is long overdue. I know this doesn't jive with what some other people (whom I respect greatly), have said....but a bug fix release would be huge help. Opening a D7 site with the current fileset is just asking for problems. Trying to update a site via changesets is such a hassle as to be a non-starter for most. I have spent hours updating and I haven't even scratched the surface.
Providing the fixes for the major prob's - as well as the currently fixed 'minor' issues - would really, REALLY assist those who still wait to go live with their sites.
D7 is a big change & this was to be expected. None of what I have said should be construed as criticism. It's just my opinon - for whatever that's worth.
~ PC
You know... I'm still waiting for that bugfix release for Dolphin 5.6...
Just sayin' (if you understand the meaning of it).
BoonEx Certified Host: - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin |
I personally think over 200 tickets (including active tickets) is umm enough for teeny weeny version of 7.0.1. Again.. it's only 7.0.1.
Hm, I guess we're two different people, then.
Still, I stand by what I've said in this topic.
I don't see anything wrong with jumping to 7.0.2. We still have to wait anyway. Just break it up. :)
Eh, I suppose it's since I just apply the fixes as they come, I don't care as much for release schedules.
Hey, he was the one who called him Andrey. 
I apply some important fixes myself but not everyone does this. I'm just saying Boonex needs to stop and breathe for once.
I personally think over 200 tickets (including active tickets) is umm enough for teeny weeny version of 7.0.1. Again.. it's only 7.0.1.
Hm, I guess we're two different people, then.
Still, I stand by what I've said in this topic.
I don't see anything wrong with jumping to 7.0.2. We still have to wait anyway. Just break it up. :)
Eh, I suppose it's since I just apply the fixes as they come, I don't care as much for release schedules.
Hey, he was the one who called him Andrey. 
I apply some important fixes myself but not everyone does this. I'm just saying Boonex needs to stop and breathe for once.
All to their own, I suppose. Perhaps you may be right about dividing the release of bug fixes, so long as they don't stop the actual work on them.
I've been actually applying the fixes to the original package, so the fresh installs are allot easier to work with.
BoonEx Certified Host: - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin |
I totally understand the 5.6 reference, but I don't think that's what is happening here. At least I hope not.
Yeeeesh, now that you brought that up I'm a little worried. It would suck if D7 went that way.
I don't think we are at that point though. (Hopefully)
Based on all the commotion, just for the heck of it I checked to see what the remaining tickets were. Look pretty important to me. Since they've already fixed 75% of tickets since D7 was released, maybe waiting a few more weeks wouldn't be such a bad thing. I do agree with capping them now, though. Sure there will be more. Found one bug myself I'd like to see squashed. As Magnussoft said, if something seems critical, apply the fix. Had to do that for forcing the avatar upload on join, and I'm glad I did. But I couldn't imagine doing 160 one by one.
BTW, what's with still listing a timeline for 6.1.7? I mean, Really!!
Someday, Someway. |
BTW, what's with still listing a timeline for 6.1.7? I mean, Really!!
BoonEx was suppose to continue supporting Dolphin 6.1, but seems to have abandoned that idea and is now just pushing for people to switch to Dolphin 7.
Shame, because there are still multiple important fixes needed for Dolphin 6.1, and allot of web sites simply cannot upgrade beyond it.
BoonEx Certified Host: - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin |
Good point, but I haven't seen anything done about it. Guess my thought is, fix the few tickets that remain for those dedicated Boonex'ers who have been stranded, or admit you don't intend to do it and remove the timeline. At least give those who are committed to 6.1.6 a reason to believe they will be taken care of if that's your intention, and let them know when. Someday, Someway. |
In case anyone is interested, a zip file of all changed files from 7.0.0 to the latest version in trac:
And.... the sql difference between the two versions:
INSERT INTO `sys_options` VALUES('MetaDescription', '', 19, 'Insert Meta description on site pages', 'text', '', '', NULL, ''); INSERT INTO `sys_options` VALUES('MetaKeyWords', '', 19, 'Insert Meta keywords on site pages (comma-separated list)', 'text', '', '', NULL, ''); INSERT INTO `sys_options` VALUES('enable_inbox_notify', '', 4, 'Enable new message notifications', 'checkbox', '', '', 2, ''); INSERT INTO `sys_options` VALUES('nav_menu_elements_on_line_usr', '12', 3, 'The number of elements in the navigation menu which will be desplayed before the More link for logged in members.', 'digit', '', '', 15, ''); INSERT INTO `sys_options` VALUES('nav_menu_elements_on_line_gst', '12', 3, 'The number of elements in the navigation menu which will be desplayed before the More link for visitors', 'digit', '', '', 16, ''); INSERT INTO `sys_options` VALUES('sys_template_cache_image_enable', '', 13, 'Enable cache for images', 'checkbox', '', '', 3, ''); INSERT INTO `sys_options` VALUES('sys_security_impact_threshold_log', '9', 3, 'Total security impact threshold to send report', 'digit', '', '', 0, ''); INSERT INTO `sys_options` VALUES('sys_security_impact_threshold_block', '27', 3, 'Total security impact threshold to send report and block aggressor', 'digit', '', '', 0, ''); INSERT INTO `sys_pre_values` VALUES('Country', 'MM', 58, '__Burma', '', '', '', '', ''); INSERT INTO `sys_shared_sites` VALUES(NULL, 'furl', '', 'furl.png'); INSERT INTO `sys_shared_sites` VALUES(NULL, 'netscape', '', 'netscape.gif'); INSERT INTO `sys_shared_sites` VALUES(NULL, 'shadows', '', 'shadows.png'); INSERT INTO `sys_shared_sites` VALUES(NULL, 'sphere', '', 'sphere.png');
Knock yourselves out. Looks to me, like you can ignore the DB changes and just overwrite existing files.
Disclaimer: If you screw things up, don't blame me.
Maybe some ambitious project manager type can check all this and come up with an interim upgrade for everyone My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
Thanks houstonlivey! I really appreciate it! :)
Ha ha, I notice some of my reports in your SQL queries.
Thank you for packaging all these fixes together.
BoonEx Certified Host: - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin |
The point of this thread is not to "place blame" or anything, but simply to try and think in a different direction.
As people said earlier, hoping to come to the day where no bugs are reported may never come, but then again it may come next week.
The main reason behind this post was to perhaps see that there IS a better way to do this. When you await a release, you can't say "it's running for unlimited time, untill no more tickets are created", especially with it being the first official update since the release. There are many important things that people are waiting for, and again "for an unknown time"..
As many have stated, D7 is not yet enough stabile to run bigger sites, since there are some cirtical errors that will be fixed with 7.0.1.. For this reason, I see NO harm at all in saying.. OK, now we have been running like this, and already fixed over 160 tickets.. Let's give it a break now, either "close" the version for new tickets (unless something highly critical comes up) ortherwise move everything to 7.0.2.. A release that fixes over 160things is good enough in my opinion, and this would give people an idea what to plan with..
Just imagine this.. You know that there is a release coming every (for example) 2 months or something, rather than this, waiting but never knowing for how long..
I honestly do not see an issue with the current way tickets are being handled for Dolphin 7.0.1. I'd honestly prefer them fixing tickets, and not halting anything just because you want to play "project manager." Before trying for that title, you may want to speak with the directors of the company, who actually do that as part of their job.
As I've said before, you can apply fixes as their appropriately associated tickets are closed. It's not difficult, and just requires that you are willing to click three times, and remember to download a file in its original format from the Trac. The fixes you download will be the same fixes applied in the patch, which means when the time comes and the patch is released, you can simply overwrite your changes, since they will be the same. If you're unwilling to do this, it's your loss, and can continue to complain while the rest of us have adapted to a fairly sane procedure.
Also, his name is no longer Andrey Sivtsov. A few years ago, he changed his name to Andrew Boon, along with his wife, Julia:
He's also one of the directors, if I recall.
LOL 'play' at being project manager. I would do a bit of research before baiting people with comments like that. It's not a title or a skill that I have to 'try' for. Additionally - I did not mention halting anything, nothing needs to stop - if you are referring to the term 'freeze' - it simply means not adding further tickets to 7.0.1 but to 7.0.2. instead.
Regarding manually applying individual pre-release fixes - if you seriously consider that it is a good business model to expect your clients to have to do this, then good luck to your online endeavors.
Dolphin - Ajax Masturbation |
I honestly do not see an issue with the current way tickets are being handled for Dolphin 7.0.1. I'd honestly prefer them fixing tickets, and not halting anything just because you want to play "project manager." Before trying for that title, you may want to speak with the directors of the company, who actually do that as part of their job.
As I've said before, you can apply fixes as their appropriately associated tickets are closed. It's not difficult, and just requires that you are willing to click three times, and remember to download a file in its original format from the Trac. The fixes you download will be the same fixes applied in the patch, which means when the time comes and the patch is released, you can simply overwrite your changes, since they will be the same. If you're unwilling to do this, it's your loss, and can continue to complain while the rest of us have adapted to a fairly sane procedure.
Also, his name is no longer Andrey Sivtsov. A few years ago, he changed his name to Andrew Boon, along with his wife, Julia:
He's also one of the directors, if I recall.
LOL 'play' at being project manager. I would do a bit of research before baiting people with comments like that. It's not a title or a skill that I have to 'try' for. Additionally - I did not mention halting anything, nothing needs to stop - if you are referring to the term 'freeze' - it simply means not adding further tickets to 7.0.1 but to 7.0.2. instead.
Regarding manually applying individual pre-release fixes - if you seriously consider that it is a good business model to expect your clients to have to do this, then good luck to your online endeavors.
Oh, I wasn't baiting you, you were the one pulling all the needed strings. But, I suppose it's up to your opinion (not that I'd have a problem with it, honestly).
Thank you for the kind words. My business, and it's projects have all been fairly successful. I guess it's because I actually know what I'm doing. From a BoonEx-standard, applying fixes as they come makes perfect sense (do you honestly think they have a release schedule?) to myself. As I have said above, perhaps a release now wouldn't be such a bad idea, as long as they continued with periodic updates. Realize, though: you're talking about BoonEx. Take any hope for sanity with a slab of salt.
@emcct: I'm not trying to place blame, unless you're ignoring some key facts here, then, yes, maybe I (comma) am. If you're actually hoping for a "bug-free day," then I'd suggest you snap out-of that mindset, because (unfortunatly), that will never come. Something of Dolphin's size will never be bug-free, as it continues to evolve. With that, I recommend we cease all further development and dedicate three years to making it the most outdated, but bug-free community script available.
I've said it above, but I'll say it again: it's possible that the BoonEx team should consider releasing sooner, rather later. But, something tells me they already have a release schedule (or whatever it is you draw when you're bored), and they intend to stick to it, however long the time may be (who knows, they can be stubborn).
I've actually had no problems running Dolphin 7 on larger web sites, especially when applying fixes from Trac as they appear. As always, I suppose results may vary for a script such as this. And even if I did know of when a release would happen, I would still update my installation with the fixes as they appear, as I'd prefer simply not waiting and taking advantage of the fixes already available before me. Ah, all to their own, I suppose.
Now, then, if you'll excuse me, I have some more work to do (secret stuff).
BoonEx Certified Host: - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin |
I honestly do not see an issue with the current way tickets are being handled for Dolphin 7.0.1. I'd honestly prefer them fixing tickets, and not halting anything just because you want to play "project manager." Before trying for that title, you may want to speak with the directors of the company, who actually do that as part of their job.
As I've said before, you can apply fixes as their appropriately associated tickets are closed. It's not difficult, and just requires that you are willing to click three times, and remember to download a file in its original format from the Trac. The fixes you download will be the same fixes applied in the patch, which means when the time comes and the patch is released, you can simply overwrite your changes, since they will be the same. If you're unwilling to do this, it's your loss, and can continue to complain while the rest of us have adapted to a fairly sane procedure.
Also, his name is no longer Andrey Sivtsov. A few years ago, he changed his name to Andrew Boon, along with his wife, Julia:
He's also one of the directors, if I recall.
LOL 'play' at being project manager. I would do a bit of research before baiting people with comments like that. It's not a title or a skill that I have to 'try' for. Additionally - I did not mention halting anything, nothing needs to stop - if you are referring to the term 'freeze' - it simply means not adding further tickets to 7.0.1 but to 7.0.2. instead.
Regarding manually applying individual pre-release fixes - if you seriously consider that it is a good business model to expect your clients to have to do this, then good luck to your online endeavors.
Oh, I wasn't baiting you, you were the one pulling all the needed strings. But, I suppose it's up to your opinion (not that I'd have a problem with it, honestly).
Thank you for the kind words. My business, and it's projects have all been fairly successful. I guess it's because I actually know what I'm doing. From a BoonEx-standard, applying fixes as they come makes perfect sense (do you honestly think they have a release schedule?) to myself. As I have said above, perhaps a release now wouldn't be such a bad idea, as long as they continued with periodic updates. Realize, though: you're talking about BoonEx. Take any hope for sanity with a slab of salt.
@emcct: I'm not trying to place blame, unless you're ignoring some key facts here, then, yes, maybe I (comma) am. If you're actually hoping for a "bug-free day," then I'd suggest you snap out-of that mindset, because (unfortunatly), that will never come. Something of Dolphin's size will never be bug-free, as it continues to evolve. With that, I recommend we cease all further development and dedicate three years to making it the most outdated, but bug-free community script available.
I've said it above, but I'll say it again: it's possible that the BoonEx team should consider releasing sooner, rather later. But, something tells me they already have a release schedule (or whatever it is you draw when you're bored), and they intend to stick to it, however long the time may be (who knows, they can be stubborn).
I've actually had no problems running Dolphin 7 on larger web sites, especially when applying fixes from Trac as they appear. As always, I suppose results may vary for a script such as this. And even if I did know of when a release would happen, I would still update my installation with the fixes as they appear, as I'd prefer simply not waiting and taking advantage of the fixes already available before me. Ah, all to their own, I suppose.
Now, then, if you'll excuse me, I have some more work to do (secret stuff).
I am not hoping for a bug free version.. I am saying the exact opposite! This day will probably never come, which is the sole reason behind my thread. (Look at my first post QUOTE:"There will always keep coming tickets, which is irritating.")
Because of that fact, it's best to split it up and say either lock on a date or ticket size. (date preffered IMO). This way, we release an update every 2 months. If, like our current situation, time is up and there are 50 tickets left, where over 160 are fixed, they would be moved to 7.0.2 (in this case) and a update would be released.
As I said, it's not cool not knowing when its coming, and the way its going now, seriously and realisticly speaking it CAN be 1 year before 7.0.1 is out.. With tickets constantly being added, who knows when it will end? If anyone had the ability to predict the future, I'm sure there would be better things to predict that boonex update release date :)
If anyone had the ability to predict the future, I'm sure there would be better things to predict that boonex update release date :)
Dolphin - Ajax Masturbation |
Thanks houstonlivey! I really appreciate it! :)
Don't thank me... this could turn into a can of worms really fast. I didn't check all the modules directories for sql updates. Personally, I think it's best to wait for the official Boonex upgrade script
My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
I personally think over 200 tickets (including active tickets) is umm enough for teeny weeny version of 7.0.1. Again.. it's only 7.0.1.
Hm, I guess we're two different people, then.
Still, I stand by what I've said in this topic.
I agree with you Magnussoft!
Why post and complain? Fair enough we all hate bugs but it's not as if you paid for this script, unless your with prime. I could never expect and open source script to be so perfect, especially on its first release. I think this topic should be deleted and forgotten about to be honest!
So if HL can produce this, why can't Boonex? I'm tempted to do his update, but I think I would rather have an official version number. As I have said before, it would be a big help if Boonex would just tell us approximately when the next minor release is. It doesn't seem like it should be that big of a deal to tell us, and it would allow us to make more rational decisions about mods, patches, etc. I tend to think every two the three months would be about right, but it would me nice to just have some information.
@theguypc - I agree that trying to update our sites via changesets is a major hassle for most of us, plus it makes it much harder to track down an issue when something goes wrong.
@emctt - thank you for posting this. I also agree there will never be a "bug free version" - I don't know why people are saying that.
We have to close most of the tickets before 7.0.1, it will not take so long time to close current tickets, and HOPE no new tickets will be created.
Alex. You should really freeze 7.0.1 If you do not - then this could simply perpetuate forever. It is unrealistic to expect that you will enter a period where no bugs are reported.
'HOPE' is not a manageable or measurable commodity. It should not form that basis of your project management.
Andrey, you should really look at getting a project manager to manage this for you and leave the coders to code.
It will not last forever, HOPE - I mean no delays at all, if there will be some new tickets it will just delay for some time, not more than several days. Freezing - means that some open bugs will be not closed for months, it is better to wait one more week and release 7.0.1 with all known defects fixed.
Rules → |
Ok, well that is at least a ballpark estimate. Thank you Alex (I think you know what bug I want fixed).
Ok, well that is at least a ballpark estimate. Thank you Alex (I think you know what bug I want fixed).
Let me guess: it involves some sort of a predefined list, am I correct?
BoonEx Certified Host: - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin |
It will not last forever, HOPE - I mean no delays at all, if there will be some new tickets it will just delay for some time, not more than several days. Freezing - means that some open bugs will be not closed for months, it is better to wait one more week and release 7.0.1 with all known defects fixed.
It is a tough call, but to freeze the release, yes - some bug-fixes will not be released until the next version, this is why prioritization is so important.
So... in one week all known defects will be fixed! That's a big statement! I hope this is not an overestimation, it only raises anticipation, which in turn leads to disappointment if it does not happen.
So by my reckoning, 7.0.1 will be released on the 11th.
Dolphin - Ajax Masturbation |
Have you considered that so far it has taken nearly 2 months to close out the first 160 odd tickets, what makes you think that you can address a further 51 in a week?
Dolphin - Ajax Masturbation |
This topic gives me a headache when trying to comprehend any logic to it. Call that a bait if you must, but I need some Ibuprofen.
BoonEx Certified Host: - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin |
It will not last forever, HOPE - I mean no delays at all, if there will be some new tickets it will just delay for some time, not more than several days. Freezing - means that some open bugs will be not closed for months, it is better to wait one more week and release 7.0.1 with all known defects fixed.
It is a tough call, but to freeze the release, yes - some bug-fixes will not be released until the next version, this is why prioritization is so important.
So... in one week all known defects will be fixed! That's a big statement! I hope this is not an overestimation, it only raises anticipation, which in turn leads to disappointment if it does not happen.
So by my reckoning, 7.0.1 will be released on the 11th.
Sorry, you didn't understand me properly - I mean that maximum delay because of newly added tickets will not be more that one week !
Considering this 7.0.1 will be approx released by the end of March I think - it is just assumption, but not a promise !
Rules → |
Sorry, you didn't understand me properly - I mean that maximum delay because of newly added tickets will not be more that one week !
Considering this 7.0.1 will be approx released by the end of March I think - it is just assumption, but not a promise !
So you think that it might be the end of March, but you're not
promising anything?
LOL - it's D7 all over again - and just for an interim bugfix release. What happens when you have a real release?
Jeesh, if I sat in a boardroom and gave a project review like this this, I think I would expect to lose that contract instantly.
Guys, please remember that this is a commercial product, and as such there are certain expectations. Wooly, unsure answers not being one of them. At least have some conviction and confidence in what you are saying, or let your press officer do the talking instead.
Dolphin - Ajax Masturbation |
Sorry, you didn't understand me properly - I mean that maximum delay because of newly added tickets will not be more that one week !
Considering this 7.0.1 will be approx released by the end of March I think - it is just assumption, but not a promise !
So you think that it might be the end of March, but you're not
promising anything?
LOL - it's D7 all over again - and just for an interim bugfix release. What happens when you have a real release?
Jeesh, if I sat in a boardroom and gave a project review like this this, I think I would expect to lose that contract instantly.
Guys, please remember that this is a commercial product, and as such there are certain expectations. Wooly, unsure answers not being one of them. At least have some conviction and confidence in what you are saying, or let your press officer do the talking instead.
I understand why Alex reply the way he does. It's impossible for him to give a date (which is the main problem behind the way its being handled).
He can't know when tickets will stop being added.. Maybe there will be added 10 every day for a month, maybe not..
I really hope they will consider making pre-fixed dates, and this way just move the tickets to the next update.
and modules of payments - are planned for when Bosun / Moderator -- My Products : |
We have to close most of the tickets before 7.0.1, it will not take so long time to close current tickets, and HOPE no new tickets will be created.
Alex. You should really freeze 7.0.1 If you do not - then this could simply perpetuate forever. It is unrealistic to expect that you will enter a period where no bugs are reported.
'HOPE' is not a manageable or measurable commodity. It should not form that basis of your project management.
Andrey, you should really look at getting a project manager to manage this for you and leave the coders to code.
It will not last forever, HOPE - I mean no delays at all, if there will be some new tickets it will just delay for some time, not more than several days. Freezing - means that some open bugs will be not closed for months, it is better to wait one more week and release 7.0.1 with all known defects fixed.
So! You are telling us you will be releasing 7.01 in 1 week? That works for me. ... Hosted by! |
STILL new tickets being opened.... Can we PLEASE get some sort of clarification? |
@Skyforum - I read it that way too at first - now he is saying the end of March "maybe" if there are no more tickets.
@emcct - That is what I don't understand about this whole thing - that if there are new tickets, there will be "further delays". There will aways be new tickets, there always should be new tickets. As DeeEmm pointed out, this is an issue that can be resolved just by setting priorities. Do the most important tickets, and the most easy tickets, and then publish what you have as close to your scheduled release date as possible- which I would like see to about every two months or maybe quarterly. They seem to have some kind of idea that there will be a "bug free" version - that is just not going to happen - at least not anytime soon - the software is too complex.
@Skyforum - I read it that way too at first - now he is saying the end of March "maybe" if there are no more tickets.
@emcct - That is what I don't understand about this whole thing - that if there are new tickets, there will be "further delays". There will aways be new tickets, there always should be new tickets. As DeeEmm pointed out, this is an issue that can be resolved just by setting priorities. Do the most important tickets, and the most easy tickets, and then publish what you have as close to your scheduled release date as possible- which I would like see to about every two months or maybe quarterly. They seem to have some kind of idea that there will be a "bug free" version - that is just not going to happen - at least not anytime soon - the software is too complex.
That was my point exactly! Decide... OK, new tickets can be added anytime, BUT every 2 months we do a update, so if we simply can't follow thru, we will move the remaining to the next update..
This means that if at the end of this month, there are 30 tickets left, then move them to 7.0.2, and keep a timeline that people can't acually adjust to. This way we are waiting without knowing for how long.. With this rate, realisticly speaking it could be 1 year before 7.0.1 is out...
WTF? Why is adding four sites to you D7 sites section part of bug fixing?
INSERT INTO `sys_shared_sites` VALUES(NULL, 'furl',
'', 'furl.png'); INSERT INTO
`sys_shared_sites` VALUES(NULL, 'netscape',
'', 'netscape.gif'); INSERT INTO
`sys_shared_sites` VALUES(NULL, 'shadows',
'', 'shadows.png'); INSERT
INTO `sys_shared_sites` VALUES(NULL, 'sphere',
'', 'sphere.png');
Those 196 closed tickets are worthless to most site owners until boonex releases the official update. And the Remaining 39 are holding the 196 hostage.
Also, the more fixing / changes boonex includes in an update the harder it is to fix your site if an update breaks something.
As this is 7.0.1 most people would understand this to be a minor update. If this continues it will no longer be a minor update...
I also think minor updates just be released on a schedule, every three months sounds good to me.
Why is it so hard to setup the 7.0.2 mile stone and start putting new tickets in there?
This is a gem: dbTopMenus do not play well with FF zoom function ; opened 2 months ago ; Last modified 2 months ago
Yeah, its a bug. But... How many users are effected by this compared to the other 196 issues?
Or how about this one: License is not requested when logging into administration using the
bottom icon and right after Dolphin installation.
It is requested only when you log out and then back in using the
/administration link.
I consider that a feature, especially when I'm working with sub domains.
Light man a fire keep him warm for a night, light him ON fire & he will be warm the rest of his life |
Closed tickets:201Active
tickets:37 Three
more added, and still no sign of 7.0.2 on the road map. Is
this because after 7.0.1 boonex will only work on Trident? Light man a fire keep him warm for a night, light him ON fire & he will be warm the rest of his life |
WTF? Why is adding four sites to you D7 sites section part of bug fixing?
INSERT INTO `sys_shared_sites` VALUES(NULL, 'furl',
'', 'furl.png'); INSERT INTO
`sys_shared_sites` VALUES(NULL, 'netscape',
'', 'netscape.gif'); INSERT INTO
`sys_shared_sites` VALUES(NULL, 'shadows',
'', 'shadows.png'); INSERT
INTO `sys_shared_sites` VALUES(NULL, 'sphere',
'', 'sphere.png');
Those actually remove four web sites, not add them. These web sites were a part of the content sharing feature, but they are defunct, so including them no longer makes any sense.
If you have a problem with them, you'll want to bring it up with me, who asked for them to be removed.
To answer your following post, I do not know if they have any plans for a Dolphin 7.0.2, but they will be working on a Dolphin 7.1, which will then add any requested new features into the script, along with some more fixes. I admit, the wait has been fairly long for a bug fix release, but it would appear the the closed/non-closed ticket ratio is finally starting to become favorable towards a release. We now have far less tickets opened, with allot of fixes. I feel the wait will be worth it.
BoonEx Certified Host: - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin |
This is a gem: dbTopMenus do not play well with FF zoom function ; opened 2 months ago ; Last modified 2 months ago
Yeah, its a bug. But... How many users are effected by this compared to the other 196 issues?
It affects every single D7 site whether anyone realizes it or not. If you don't mind parts of your design box menus disappearing when people visit your site and have a high resolution monitor attached to their PC.... then don't worry about it.
Don't worry.... Boonex isn't taking it seriously either. Personally, I don't give a shit whether they fix it or not, because I've fixed it on my own site.... making my site the only D7 site on the planet that doesn't have the problem:)
My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
This is a gem: dbTopMenus do not play well with FF zoom function ; opened 2 months ago ; Last modified 2 months ago
Yeah, its a bug. But... How many users are effected by this compared to the other 196 issues?
It affects every single D7 site whether anyone realizes it or not. If you don't mind parts of your design box menus disappearing when people visit your site and have a high resolution monitor attached to their PC.... then don't worry about it.
Don't worry.... Boonex isn't taking it seriously either. Personally, I don't give a shit whether they fix it or not, because I've fixed it on my own site.... making my site the only D7 site on the planet that doesn't have the problem:)
Actually, one of my development web sites uses a template that is completely void of anything beyond basic HTML, so I'm also free of this issue.
Proud to be the first NetPositive-supported Dolphin web site (albeit without anything cool on it).
BoonEx Certified Host: - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin |
Actually, one of my development web sites uses a template that is completely void of anything beyond basic HTML, so I'm also free of this issue.
Proud to be the first NetPositive-supported Dolphin web site.
You sure about that? The root of the problem is a javascript function that calculates the width of the div that contains the db top menu when the menu items are fetched. When people visit a D7 site with a high res monitor (1920px Wide for ex.), the first thing they will do is zoom in. This is what makes the rightmost db top menu item disappear from view. Being that this affects every single D7 site, I figured it was worth a ticket.
But like I said, most people are oblivious to the fact that this is even happening and Boonex is ignoring the ticket. Maybe 2-3 years down the road, people will start noticing the problem.
My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
Actually, one of my development web sites uses a template that is completely void of anything beyond basic HTML, so I'm also free of this issue.
Proud to be the first NetPositive-supported Dolphin web site.
You sure about that? The root of the problem is a javascript function that calculates the width of the div that contains the db top menu when the menu items are fetched. When people visit a D7 site with a high res monitor (1920px Wide for ex.), the first thing they will do is zoom in. This is what makes the rightmost db top menu item disappear from view. Being that this affects every single D7 site, I figured it was worth a ticket.
But like I said, most people are oblivious to the fact that this is even happening and Boonex is ignoring the ticket. Maybe 2-3 years down the road, people will start noticing the problem.
I admit, I haven't gotten rid of every shred of JavaScript and CSS, but I'm working on it. Things are no longer dynamic, and look like a GeoCities page from 1998, but hey, it's the future.
BoonEx Certified Host: - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin |