Sorry, I don't have a solution to this, but I have seen this and would love to get an answer on this one too... Anyone know?
Sorry, I don't have a solution to this, but I have seen this and would love to get an answer on this one too... Anyone know? clubbeyourself |
Open /inc/classes/BxDolSharedMedia.php
Find (in function getTagLinks() )
foreach ($aTags as $iKey => $sVal ){ $sVal = trim($sVal, ',' );
After it add:
$sVal = str_replace("\'", "'", $sVal);
As usual this has not been tested - but I am confident it will do the job.
Let me know. Daniel
For the file description you can::
(Again in BxDolSharedMedia.php)
Find (in function showFileInfo($aFile))
Change to:
<? $fileDesc = $aFile['medDesc']; $fileDesc = str_replace("\'", "'", $fileDesc); ?> <?=$fileDesc?>
That outta do it! |
Awesome!! Just what I was looking for! Is there any chance someone can modify this to include double quotes, too? |
Nevermind- figured it out. :)
<? $fileDesc = $aFile['medDesc']; $fileDesc = str_replace(array("\'", '\"'), array("'", '"'), ($fileDesc)); ?> <?=$fileDesc?>