I created this also as issue on Github (https://github.com/boonex/dolphin.pro/issues/83) but it was closed as invalid. I think however that the way Boonex is going with this change is the wrong one. They aren't giving people the choice and freedom they had before.
"Is it just me or am I missing the First name and Last name fields? We run a dating site and for "anonymity" / "privacy" members like it that it shows their First name instead of their Full name / username..."
As response I've got: "You are welcome to add any fields in profiles fields builder."
But it isn't that simple...
We tried that. Only problem is that everywhere appears the username or full name of the member because of the fact that first name isn't a option anymore at "Member display-name" in settings. So in notifications, messages, covers etc. everywhere is the username or full name of a member.
What is the added value for you as Boonex for changing it into full name / username? It worked very good before and if you checked first + last name you had the same result. Now they aren't giving people any option and we have to hire a developer for a custom job to place in notifications, messages, cover, profile info etc. the first name instead of the full name / username. |
I agree and I guess the remedy for me is to continue to hack Boonex code. The problem is they fucked around with the functions that controlled it as well. No one asked Boonex to fuck up existing features of the platform; most of the members here wanted them to fix the bug issues that had been sitting in the queue for years; five, six, or more years. New features should not fuck up existing sites when upgrading. Many will not be able to hack Boonex code and must make a decision to stay with 7.1.x with the bugs that are in the code or upgrade and break parts of their site. Geeks, making the world a better place |
Is it just me or am I missing the First name and Last name fields?
No, they fucked with the database as well. I have not examined the upgrade script but hopefully the upgrade script would not remove existing fields in the database; that would be very irresponsible of Boonex to put it mildly.
Geeks, making the world a better place |
Totally confused why you would change something that works good and the same before. Before you could also choose first + last name, so that way you also had the full name.
With this change they push people towards custom work and high costs and I can't think of a added value they win with it. |
@ AlexT
Sorry, but this is one issue I have to adamantly agree with. By combining the FirstName and LastName fields and removing the option of displaying a member's first name only, you have created a privacy issue that no one is going to like. This was a mistake, and it's a mistake that you need to correct ASAP, before you have a mass quantity of pissed off people upgrading from 7.1.6 to 7.2.0
From the upgrade script:
ALTER TABLE `Profiles` ADD `FullName` varchar(255) NOT NULL AFTER `FavoriteBooks`;
UPDATE `Profiles` SET `FullName` = CONCAT(`FirstName`, ' ', `LastName`);
ALTER TABLE `Profiles` DROP `FirstName`, DROP `LastName`;
Here, you remove the FirstName & LastName fields and combine them into the FullName field. Anyone upgrading a 7.1.6 site to a 7.2 site will instantly lose the privacy of displaying a users first name only. No one has even been warned that this will happen during this upgrade. The bad thing about this methodology, is that the process is irreversible. You can't un-combine these profile fields once this upgrade script is run. The site owner's only option after this upgrade is to restore the site from a backup.
This is a serious mistake. One which needs to be addressed immediately, before too many people upgrade their 7.1.6 sites, and find all their members have lost their anonymity. At the very minimum, alter the upgrade sql and db structure so that FirstName and LastName fields are not dropped... once you drop those fields, you leave site owners no way of restoring their users privacy.
I've moved this topic from 'Suggestions" to 'Bugs and Issues', due to the gravity of the situation it creates.
Perhaps the next thing Boonex staff should do, is make people aware of what happens during this upgrade, because of the serious privacy issue it creates.
My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
We've just updated upgrade patch to not delete FirstName & LastName fields. There is still FullName field, but old fields are preserved if someone wants to restore this functionality. Rules → http://www.boonex.com/terms |
And what do we need to do and people that download 7.2 or higher as new download instead of just upgrading to retrieve this? |
How we will restore it ? This is the question ! Proud Hosted by Zarconia.net |
How we will restore it ? This is the question !
We've just updated upgrade patch to not delete FirstName & LastName fields. There is still FullName field, but old fields are preserved if someone wants to restore this functionality.
Thanks Alex. This is a start. It prevents the upgrade script from destroying data. However.... you can't make this change to the 7.1.6 - 7.2.0 upgrade script without also changing the standard 7.2.0 install to add the FirstName and LastName fields to the DB. If you don't, you'll have some Dolphin sites at 7.2.0 that have a different default database structure. You can't have two versions of a default DB structure.
The right thing to do, is revert the changes that combined the FirstName and LastName ffields into the FullName field, and to revert all the associated functions that were affected by this change.
I wish that this issue had surfaced during the beta stages, but those flew by entirely too quickly. We all didn't really have enough time to thoroughly familiarize ourselves with the updated Dolphin. Had this issue come to light during that stage, I believe this is one feature that the majority of us would have wanted un-featured.
99.9% of your work is brilliant, and commendable.... but pretty please, with sugar on top.... revert the changes.
My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
Here's another issue to consider.
From the Facebook Connect Module,
//-- fill array with all needed values --//
$aProfileFields = array(
'NickName' => $aProfileInfo['nick_name'] . $sAlternativeName,
'Email' => $sEmail,
'Sex' => isset($aProfileInfo['gender']) ? $aProfileInfo['gender'] : '',
'DateOfBirth' => $aProfileInfo['birthday'],
'Password' => $aProfileInfo['password'],
'FirstName' => isset($aProfileInfo['first_name']) ? $aProfileInfo['first_name'] : '', 'LastName' => isset($aProfileInfo['last_name']) ? $aProfileInfo['last_name'] : '',
'DescriptionMe' => clear_xss(isset($aProfileInfo['bio']) ? $aProfileInfo['bio'] : ''),
'Interests' => isset($aProfileInfo['interests']) ? $aProfileInfo['interests'] : '',
'Religion' => isset($aProfileInfo['religion']) ? $aProfileInfo['religion'] : '',
'Country' => $sCountry,
'City' => $sCity,
How is the FB Connect module going to populate profile fields that no longer exist?
My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
Thank you for pointing this out, It has been already fixed.
How is the FB Connect module going to populate profile fields that no longer exist?
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Alex, help me understand why this change was made. A default install creates privacy issues because you no longer have the option of NOT displaying a members last name. It was perfect the way it was. Trac is gone on boonex.com, so there's no way for any of us to retrieve the changeset(s) that altered this core functionality. It puts people in a tough spot.
I take it you are not convinced that this needs to go back to the way it was?
My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
The change was made to make the sign up form shorter, but you are right, it wasn't handled properly. We can't just "revert" it now, because there's no way to tell which bit was a FirstName and which was a LastName exactly, since spaces may have occurred in either one. So, it's not that we're not convinced, it's more that we don't see a clean way to bring it back at the moment. Heart Head Hands |
We can't just "revert" it now
Sooner or later you'll have to, because I doubt any user of prior versions is going to like this. Yeah.... you've created a mess by dropping db fields. Just think of those 800,000 Dolphin based dating sites running on V7.1.6 that upgrade to 7.2.0, and can no longer display only the members first name. I'm not even going to try and imagine what you guys were thinking when you made this change.
I'm sure that by now, there are a few site owners that are painfully aware, that they can't just "revert". This would be a good time to switch to damage control mode. With trac gone, we don't even have a way to find all the related code changes. You can't undo the damage that running the initial 7.1.6 > 7.2.0 upgrade has done, but there is no reason the previous functionality can't be restored. When you really think about it, any site owner that applies an upgrade without at least a database backup, is asking for trouble. Some of these folks may still have a way to restore the FirstName and LastName fields, but the more time passes, the less likely that becomes.
You really owe it to your customers to make them aware of this little snafu. The longer you wait, the harder it will be.
My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
It would indeed very nice if there comes a solution asap.
The change was made to make the sign up form shorter, but you are right, it wasn't handled properly. We can't just "revert" it now, because there's no way to tell which bit was a FirstName and which was a LastName exactly, since spaces may have occurred in either one. So, it's not that we're not convinced, it's more that we don't see a clean way to bring it back at the moment.
Here's one more thing to consider. Since Dolphin site members will no longer have a last name, how are we to have the capability of searching a Dolphin site for say, everyone with the last name 'Frank' living in 'Dallas'. After what you have done, there is no way to build a search query that can distinguish between people with a last name of 'Frank', and a first name of 'Frank'. Search results in many cases, take a severe quality hit.
The more I go over this change in my head, the worse it gets. Andrew, I'm really convinced that you need to come up with something fast, and let everybody in on it. If Dolphin 7.2.0 were an automobile, there would be a recall notice on it at this point. I'm surprised more people don't have something to say about this... I can only assume that awareness of this is low, and that's not a good thing. All my instincts tell me that you should make a public post about what the original upgrade sql does to their 7.1.6 database, before more people take a leap of faith and do something irreversible.
My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
Totally agreeing with @houstonlively. There's also the risk that someone starts a civil procedeeding because the site isn't usable for the purpose the organisation / person bought the license / modules for. |
Totally agreeing with @houstonlively.
Actually, it's the other way around... I'm agreeing with you, as you are the one that brought this issue to the foreground.
This is one little detail that Boonex should have gone public with, before just doing it "to make the sign up form shorter". I never even noticed a ticket or changeset in trac where this change happened.... this one sneaked in under the radar. I installed at least a half dozen pre-release versions of D 7.2 for testing, but never noticed this change because the admin account was the only user installed. I don't usually check out the well established join form... it would never have occurred to me to look for something like this,
This is like one of those 'awww shit' moments we've all had after we realize we deleted something from our computer that we shouldn't have.
From this point forward, I think the dolphin upgrade process should include an automatic dump of the database to a file on the server, before any changes are made.... maybe include a time stamp in the dump file name so its name will always be unique.
I don't know how practical it would be to copy the files that will be overwritten by the backup, to a folder before overwriting, but that would be advantageous as well. With a database dump and a files backup, we'd have everything we need to undo an 'upgrade'.
My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
That Man Up speaks sense ! A recall is must for this . Proud Hosted by Zarconia.net |
Thank you for bringing attention tho this problem.
What we've done:
1) we've updated upgrade script to not remove FirstName and LastName fields from the `Profiles` table
2) we've made a note in upgrade instructions about merging it into one `FullName` field
3) we're returning `FistName` & `LastName` fields as an option in Dolphin 7.2.1
The changeset - https://github.com/boonex/dolphin.pro/commit/8225f084e4b7adb69854bd125b7b0c7b6d0d6ad4
What we've done:
That should do it. I do think it would be worth considering a database dump to file by the upgrade script in some future release. Copying files that will be overwritten to a folder on the server would be nice also. That way, if anything ever goes wrong during an upgrade, there's a means to recover. Sure, people should do this anyway before an upgrade, but sometimes people just don't do what they should.
My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
Thank you for bringing attention tho this problem.
What we've done:
1) we've updated upgrade script to not remove FirstName and LastName fields from the `Profiles` table
2) we've made a note in upgrade instructions about merging it into one `FullName` field
3) we're returning `FistName` & `LastName` fields as an option in Dolphin 7.2.1
The changeset - https://github.com/boonex/dolphin.pro/commit/8225f084e4b7adb69854bd125b7b0c7b6d0d6ad4
So despite now it's gone in 7.2 with the update to 7.2.1, it gets back? Or do I need to uninstall Dolhpin 7.2 then and install 7.2.1 clean for it to work?
I take it back, there's a few more details to tend to for sites at 7.2.0
1: SQL queries to add the entries to `sys_profile_fields`
2. SQL query to add the 'LastName' and 'FirstName' fields to the 'Profile' table
3. Some kind of utility to add the 17 additional language strings that will be added by the 7.2.1 install
Then you have to wonder how in hell you're going to handle the upgrades from 7.2.0 to 7.2.1. ... or the 7.1.6 to 7.2.0 to 7.2.1 scenario. This screams for the release of a patch to run on 7.2.0 sites before a 7.2.0 > 7.2.1 upgrade.
Geezus what a mess. That idea of shortening the join form sure caused a lot of collateral damage.
My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
1: SQL queries to add the entries to `sys_profile_fields` 2. SQL query to add the 'LastName' and 'FirstName' fields to the 'Profile' table 3. Some kind of utility to add the 17 additional language strings that will be added by the 7.2.1 install
Just wait for 7.2.1, it will be done via upgrade script
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That's done !  Proud Hosted by Zarconia.net |
Great ! Working.
How to get first and last name in the messenger/composer, for recipient and sender ?
And in invite friend.
Because I have nickname instead : dsszZKwMii.
How to get first and last name in the messenger/composer, for recipient and sender ?
And in invite friend.
Thank you for the report:
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Well! I was all ready to go before I read this..... Now I'm in a holding pattern again...  http://towtalk.net ... Hosted by Zarconia.net! |
I noticed that this issue is only for member that joined before adding first et last name. For new subcription, first name is displayed (but not last name) |
It does populate if you bring the full name on the first page of join. Put it on the top, both name will be filled. But problem with fb_connect is, it doesn't fetch username. Instead of username it fetch the first name of the user. My feedback 
Here's another issue to consider.
From the Facebook Connect Module,
//-- fill array with all needed values --//
$aProfileFields = array(
'NickName' => $aProfileInfo['nick_name'] . $sAlternativeName,
'Email' => $sEmail,
'Sex' => isset($aProfileInfo['gender']) ? $aProfileInfo['gender'] : '',
'DateOfBirth' => $aProfileInfo['birthday'],
'Password' => $aProfileInfo['password'],
'FirstName' => isset($aProfileInfo['first_name']) ? $aProfileInfo['first_name'] : '', 'LastName' => isset($aProfileInfo['last_name']) ? $aProfileInfo['last_name'] : '',
'DescriptionMe' => clear_xss(isset($aProfileInfo['bio']) ? $aProfileInfo['bio'] : ''),
'Interests' => isset($aProfileInfo['interests']) ? $aProfileInfo['interests'] : '',
'Religion' => isset($aProfileInfo['religion']) ? $aProfileInfo['religion'] : '',
'Country' => $sCountry,
'City' => $sCity,
How is the FB Connect module going to populate profile fields that no longer exist?
Umar Haroon |
It does populate if you bring the full name on the first page of join.
You missed the point of my post that you quoted, but it really doesn't matter. The issue is resolved in 7.2.1
My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
A little of topic. When is 7.2.1 being released? http://towtalk.net ... Hosted by Zarconia.net! |
Tried the demo of 7.2.1 but still only a full name field.. |
FirstName&LastName can be enabled optionally in Profile Fields Builder.
Tried the demo of 7.2.1 but still only a full name field..
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Alex T,
I will like to register this point to preserve the FULLNAME option and let no oversight issue in the future cause you to drop it, while still retaining those first and Last name features for the hideandseek.coms.
My reason will be good for those running stuffs that has to do with the Corporate world.
Please preserve FULLNAME until that time when companies and organizations begin to have First and Last Names.
Fullname is used by default, FirstName&LastName aren't used by default, but can be enabled in profile fields builder.
Please preserve FULLNAME until that time when companies and organizations begin to have First and Last Names.
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INSERT INTO `sys_profile_fields` VALUES(NULL, 'FullName', 'text', NULL, '', 2, 200, '', 'LKey', '', 0, '', 1, 1, 0, IFNULL(@iMiscBlockId, 0), IF(ISNULL(@iMiscBlockId), NULL, 1), 17, 2, 17, 2, 0, NULL, 17, 2, 17, 5, 0, NULL, 17, 2, '', 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 0);: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
Upgrading 7.1.6 to 7.2.0
I take it upgrade doesn't work then. What to do now?
TravelNotes.org - The Online Guide to Travel |
Please preserve FULLNAME until that time when companies and organizations begin to have First and Last Names.
@Ayo, it's amazing how many people don't think of these things. Full names should also be entered as per the phone book "Wilson, Demmy" to retain strict alphabetical indexing. Although Dolphin allows you to do this, there's no algorithm built in to pick up the first name. Thus emails may look like this: Dear Wilson, Demmy instead of Dear Demmy, or Dear Demmy Wilson. Fortunately the people search facilities are good and the issue isn't a serious one.
I've always avoided using First Name, Last Name and I'm glad Dolphin also does.
First Name, Last name are important fields to have. We don't have to display them.
We have username, for one name field; although I guess you 'could' add 'Company Name' but I find that redundant.
A company is not a user.
TravelNotes.org - The Online Guide to Travel |
"A company is not a user."
However, my partner has a Club site and it's the Club name that's featured everywhere. Thus he uses "Full Name" and not username.
I'm still totally confused is Dolphin-Patch-v.7.1.6-to-v.7.2.0 safe to use without having to mess around patching the code itself?
TravelNotes.org - The Online Guide to Travel |
I'm still totally confused is Dolphin-Patch-v.7.1.6-to-v.7.2.0 safe to use without having to mess around patching the code itself?
The 7.2.0 patch removes those fields and merges them into FullName (so the data is not lost). The 7.2.1 patch adds the fields back. Perhaps you could remove the code the removes/adds the fields to keep them as-is, if that's a concern.
BoonEx Certified Host: Zarconia.net - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin |
I rolled back the database to remove the 'Searchable' column that could have been causing upgrade problems before.
Cleared cache, then resolved the new database errors by replacing the Seacrhable Fields changed files.
inc/classes/BxDolPFM.php inc/classes/BxDolProfileFields.php templates/base/scripts/BxBaseProfileView.php
Now I'm worried about this Full Name merge - removes and adds - with one patch patching the other.
Wouldn't it just be easier to provide a clean upgrade path that doesn't drop and merge then add back later?
Igor said some things (You will need to edit the INSERT statement like this one) in the help window but that all confused the issue further.
When I looked at the sql.sql file what he wrote wasn't exactly the same as what is there and then (You will have to specify the names of the fields explicitly, for example).
For example?

TravelNotes.org - The Online Guide to Travel |
The latest upgrade patch don't remove first & last names, it just disables it.
Please refer to this post on how to enable it back, so you can do it after upgrade is completed:
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I would also like to add/request the addition of two other fields as default - name prefix (such Mr, Mrs, Dr, etc) and a name suffix (such as Jr, Sr, etc). This would be very useful I think as there are a lot of Jrs and Srs, and Mrs and Mrs out there. I know for me - the doctors want to be able to have their full name - such as Dr. Calvin C. Fowler, MD. I have had to take a completely great site and redo everything because I too was disappointed with the new change regarding names. But wanting to take advantage of the Chat+, I was forced to use the most recent version of Dolphin. I did not upgrade because I did not want to mess up what is already working. Plus, having the separate fields allows for searching a lot better. caredesign.net |