All of the photos on my site are broken and do not show up. That includes member photos and avatars. What could be the reason for this?
Can you check under the Admin Panel => Tools => Host Tools for any errors? BoonEx Certified Host: Zarconia.net - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin |
This is what I have found that have errors listed.
Software requirements
PHP: 5.6.30 - OK
- allow_url_fopen = Off - FAIL (must be = On)
- allow_url_include = Off - OK
- magic_quotes_gpc = Off - OK
- memory_limit = 33554432 - FAIL (must be >= 134217728)
- post_max_size = 8388608 - WARNING (should be >= 52428800)
- upload_max_filesize = 2097152 - WARNING (should be >= 52428800)
- register_globals = Off - OK
- safe_mode = Off - OK
- disable_functions = - OK
- php module: curl = curl - OK
- php module: gd = gd - OK
- php module: mbstring = mbstring - OK
- php module: xsl = xsl - OK
- php module: json = json - OK
- php module: fileinfo = fileinfo - OK
- php module: openssl = openssl - OK
- php module: zip = zip - OK
- php module: ftp = ftp - OK
- php module: calendar = - WARNING (should be module calendar)
- php module: exif = exif - OK
Site optimization
PHP accelerator = OPcache - OK
PHP setup = litespeed - OK
key_buffer_size = 1073741824 - OK
query_cache_limit = 1048576 - OK
query_cache_size = 0 - FAIL (must be >= 16777216)
query_cache_type = ON - OK
max_heap_table_size = 16777216 - OK
tmp_table_size = 16777216 - OK
thread_cache_size = 0 - FAIL (must be > 0)
User-side caching for static conten = click here to check it in Google Page Speed
If it is not enabled then please consider implement this optimization, since it improve perceived site speed and save the bandwidth, refer to this tutorial on how to do this. To apply this optimization you need to have expires_module Apache module - OK
Server-side content compression = can be checked manually or in "Page Speed" tool build-in into browser.
If it is not enabled then please consider implement this optimization, since it improve perceived site speed and save the bandwidth, refer to this tutorial on how to do this. To apply this optimization you need to have deflate_module Apache module - FAIL (You will need to install deflate_module for Apache)
you are missing .htaccess in the root folder of dolphin. https://dolphin-techs.com - Skype: Dolphin Techs |
I re uploaded the .htaccess file and it works now. Thanks. |