You are correct that the postback for individual blogs are working correctly.
However, the postback url for the user's main blog itself is not working and sending you to
Here is how I am arriving at the issue:
My blog page at the demo site is: I have 3 test post there
1. Now I click on RSS Subscribe from my blog main page of demozzz
2. I am given this link to subscribe: (click on the link to test to see that it takes you to the proper RSS feed)
3. I subscribe via firefox (name it Demozzz mk11232 blog) and my 3 blog entries showup as those are what I have (picture)

4. Now I don't want to click on an individual entry but go to the blog's homepage to see all entries at once so I click on Open Demozzz mk11232 Blog to go to the main blog page and it is clicking on that link that takes me to

5. Firefox RSS may be the issue? So I test it on my site, I put the blog RSS feed in a RSS feeder on my site to see what dolphin does, well it looks nice and shows everything:

6. However, when I hover over the Blogs RSS feed to go to the main blog RSS look at the url that shows in my browser:

So the postback url for the main blog feed itself is incorrect and will bring you to a page that states Profile Cannot be Displayed for Viewing.