Yes I have not changed the script within the BxDolEvents2.php file. But I am not getting the error your grtting i am just getting a blank page.
Are you logged into your site when you attempt to go to the URL? Also, how do you have it set to notify of errors? If you have it set to not show errors to members/visitors then you probably won't see it, I forget where that is on the server.
I have several mods on my site so I went back and grabbed a fresh copy of BxDolEvents.php and uploaded that as BxDolEvents2.php to my server and reran the scenario. This was the best way to get around my modifications, it cleared the one error using the clean files, howeer it threw this error:
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class BxDolEvents in /home/tbcsi1/public_html/inc/classes/BxDolEvents2.php on line 16
I looked in the file and here is the string:
class BxDolEvents {
//count of events per page
var $iEventsPerPage; // count of events to show per page
//max sizes of pictures for resizing during upload
var $iIconSize;
var $iThumbSize;
var $iImgSize;
//admin mode, can All actions
var $bAdminMode;
//path to image pic_not_avail.gif
var $sPicNotAvail;
//path to spacer image
var $sSpacerPath;
var $iLastInsertedID = -1;
//use permalink
var $bUseFriendlyLinks;
* constructor
function BxDolEvents($bAdmMode = FALSE) {
global $site;
$this->sSpacerPath = getTemplateIcon( 'spacer.gif' );
$this->sPicNotAvail = 'images/icons/group_no_pic.gif';
$this->bAdminMode = $bAdmMode;
$this->iEventsPerPage = 10;
$this->iIconSize = 45;
$this->iThumbSize = 110;
$this->iImgSize = 340;
$this->bUseFriendlyLinks = getParam('permalinks_events') == 'on' ? true : false;
Note how many times it's referring to BxDolEvents within that code alone, this will continue through as you fix one area and then send it to the next. You will need to create css for this, new language keys, change all the BxDolEvents to BxDolEvents2 and so on. Basically, the script will need to quit referring to events and instead refer to Events2 as if it's a completely seperate item within your site.
My suggestion, get out the Notepad++ and use the search/replace function on it, make a list of all files called and start working with them until you get it to work correctly.
Now, on the good side, if I adjust events2.php to call BxDolEvents.php instead of BxDolEvents2.php then this does work. The issue is your simply asking it to do all the work twice because your files are identical on BxDolEventss.php & BxDolEvents2.php
Have fun with this, it's going to take you a few hours, but you should get what you want when your done, and be prepared to check every section and hunt bugs.