That mysql bug wit the ' (apostrophy?) inside text fields such as description is getting to be administrator hell.
typing thing like "I'm" or "I'll" totally screws up the wall.. and give a nasty mysql error on the dump screen.. Alex had enough patience to find the original error. from the first occurance I posted of this from my website. We need a coder to write a simple conversion program for all text fields that can handle the conversion of the ' (apostrophy?) error when adding to the wall.. the data seems to go into the mysql file and update but for some reason the wall crashes with it. Anyways... Three days of testing I have found very little wrong wit the acutally code.. still throwing it through rigourous testing.. going to try 7000+ books to the store database (an upload script) to see if it can handle mass volume from one user (if one then for all) in the next couple of days. Good work Alex. I am very impressed with the accuracy of your coder skills.. only one code problem in three days.. the rest was simple misconfiguration.. see the world map error.. it's not updateing old user files (I am using location as a field that may or may not be a problem with the config) (leave it blank? then update?)
keep you posted with what i find. or my user find and tell me about.. so far 4 out of 4 simple could not figure out how to use the birthday calander entry box.. had to manually write help for it. where ever i could.. but after they were told how it works they managed to join the website...