By Request: Free Companies Module

A special renamed version of the Boonex 'Groups' module, where the singular ends in 'y', and the plural ends in 'ies'.  This version is useful for renaming in such a case.  For instance, if you need a 'Flunkies' module, where the singular is 'Flunky', you'll find renaming this module fairly easy.

The only category installed is 'Other', so you'll have to add your own categories.  I've changed the language strings to something sensible in most cases, but you may need to tailor them to suit your individual needs.

To install, upload the 'modules' folder to your sites root and choose overwrite if prompted... don't worry, no existing source files will be overwritten, provided however, you do not have an existing /modules/boonex/companies folder.  Install the 'Companies by Boonex' module from admin as usual.  Modify the .htaccess file in your site's root per instructions in the readme.txt file.


Temporary demo just to show it works.  This demo will disappear some day without notice. · 63.5K · 516 downloads
My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees.
Quote · 7 Apr 2014

Much appreciated, needed this one and didn't know it til now. lol

ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong!
Quote · 8 Apr 2014

Thank you for taking the time out to produce this awesome module


To get the little icon to show in the outline post


Find (at around line 449)

return parent::_serviceGetWallPostOutline($aEvent, 'company', $aParams);


Change company to any Font Awsome icon you wish (its the same procedure for artists, bastards, etc)


Also in modules/companies/sql/install.sql


To get the little icon to show in the site stats - Find (at around line 412)


-- site stats
SET @iStatSiteOrder := (SELECT `StatOrder` + 1 FROM `sys_stat_site` WHERE 1 ORDER BY `StatOrder` DESC LIMIT 1);
INSERT INTO `sys_stat_site` VALUES(NULL, 'bx_companies', 'bx_companies', 'modules/?r=companies/browse/recent', 'SELECT COUNT(`id`) FROM `[db_prefix]main` WHERE `status`=''approved''', 'modules/?r=companies/administration', 'SELECT COUNT(`id`) FROM `[db_prefix]main` WHERE `status`=''pending''', 'company', @iStatSiteOrder);



To get the icon to show in the sub menu Find (at around line 380)


SET @iMaxMenuOrder := (SELECT `Order` + 1 FROM `sys_menu_top` WHERE `Parent` = 0 ORDER BY `Order` DESC LIMIT 1);
INSERT INTO `sys_menu_top`(`ID`, `Parent`, `Name`, `Caption`, `Link`, `Order`, `Visible`, `Target`, `Onclick`, `Check`, `Editable`, `Deletable`, `Active`, `Type`, `Picture`, `Icon`, `BQuickLink`, `Statistics`) VALUES
(NULL, 0, 'Companies', '_bx_companies_menu_root', 'modules/?r=companies/home/|modules/?r=companies/', @iMaxMenuOrder, 'non,memb', '', '', '', 1, 1, 1, 'top', 'company', 'company', 1, '');
SET @iCatRoot := LAST_INSERT_ID();


Change company to any Font Awsome icon you wish (its the same procedure for artists, bastards, etc)

Quote · 8 Apr 2014


Let's not get carried away and show us how the US Government would add the icons.


Let's just add this to your templates icons.css {
content: "\f0c0";

That gives a group of people.

This is a briefcase: {
content: "\f0b1";


There really isn't a good fontawesome icon for this.  You can always upload an icon to the modules images/icons folder and use it for a background instead of the vector icons.

My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees.
Quote · 9 Apr 2014
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.