Call Back

Growing bug, or change that needs to be made...

Ok, I do not mind so much that every time I log into the admin panel the site checks to see if the registration is still good. However you should really code it in a way that if your server is down the site loads with out banners (or as what it was last time it was checked).

Not only could I not log into the admin panel to moderate the site, but the dolphin banner was put back on my site because it could not check the registration for my site. I am not trying to sound rude or demanding but this is really unacceptable. Our sites should not be subject to working properly only when yours is. This is the second time with in a month or so that this has come up. I understand the need for you to have a call back, however it should be set up in such a way that if it can not check the information due to your server being down for what ever... That our sties still work as they should.

I hate the idea of having to take the code out just to make sure my site works, but lets face it... It can be done, but id rather just have it work the way its packaged.

Quote · 26 Sep 2009

you are using d6?..

in d7 they fixed that problem works great :)

Quote · 26 Sep 2009

I'm not soo sure it works great.  When the boonex site was down I did not have the banners show up on the frong page.  However, it took a good 5+ minutes for my admin section to load in.  It sat there just loading and finally it did, but after an insane amount of time.  If i selected a function that took me from the admin section (such as messing wiht a profile), and then went back to the admin section, again the insane load wait.  Something needs to be coded to prevent this.  I have a paid license and should not be experiencing this problem.

A call back every time you log into the admin section is a really bad performance function.  Somethign like every x days should be implemented.  It should be programed based on what type of licesne you have.  I have a lifetime license, my program should never be calling back as it will always be valid, its a waste.

Quote · 26 Sep 2009

you are using d6?..

in d7 they fixed that problem works great :)

Yes I am using D6 because D7 is not done... And no as far as I can see D7 still has the call back feature, however it is just not active because they do not want you using the site as of yet so the call back feature as well that checks the registration code is sectioned off... The issue is not fixed from what I can see in the code.

and if you only had 5 min of problems your lucky, I was locked out for about 3 or 4 hours.

Quote · 27 Sep 2009

yes d7 still has callbacks

but only onece when u enter  license and at the time it's about to expire

boonex site was down few time but the ads don't show up on d7

only the admin section takes a bit time to load it has these bonnex rss feeds on it

Quote · 27 Sep 2009

yes d7 still has callbacks

but only onece when u enter  license and at the time it's about to expire

boonex site was down few time but the ads don't show up on d7

only the admin section takes a bit time to load it has these bonnex rss feeds on it

Umm how have you removed the link on D7 as it is? Because the line that controls the registration code is sectioned off.

Quote · 27 Sep 2009

Your admin home page will take forever to load if the Boonex site is down, because the script will sit there and wait for the boonex blog feed to load, so I fixed mine so that would never happen again.  I don't really need to see the boonex blog feed on my admin home page... I can just go to this site.  Andrew Boon said in a blog post, "You are free to remove it", so that's what I did.

1. Comment out the entire administration/templates/base/boonex_news.html file like this:


<div class="adm-news">
<div class="adm-news-header">
<img src="<bx_image_url:bn_header.png />" />
<div class="adm-news-items">
<div class="adm-news-item">
<div class="adm-ni-title"><a href="__link__">__title__</a></div>
<div class="adm-ni-content"><span class="adm-ni-date">__date__</span>__description__</div>
<div class="adm-news-more">
<a href="__link_more__"><bx_text:_adm_txt_go_to_boonex_feed /></a>
<div class="adm-news-footer">
<img src="<bx_image_url:bn_footer.png />" />

2: comment out 2 lines in administration/index.php around lines 67 & 68


setParam("news_enable", (int)$_REQUEST['boonex_news']); 


// setParam("news_enable", (int)$_REQUEST['boonex_news']);

My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees.
Quote · 28 Sep 2009
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.