Call to undefined function: mb_substr()

Thanks for allowing me to post this query.


I'm running across a Fatal error message during install.

This happens just after entering information about db information

and entering Site Name and various email addresses and Site Admin and Password.


Here's the error:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: mb_substr() in /home/content/t/d/h/tdhealth/html/members/install/index.php on line 1752

Would someone kindly assist me as quickly as possible


Tim Caron

Quote · 10 Jun 2008

substr should work mb_substr is what its says at the moment

find your mb and remove or ask host to enable mb string support "multibyte"

so open file install/index.php

then find:




please note, i only included the section of the line not the whole line

i search with ctrl-f so it goes right to it if your doing it by eye then the actual lines are

if ( mb_substr( $s, 0, 1 ) == '#' ) continue; //pass comments
if ( mb_substr( $s, 0, 2 ) == '--' ) continue;

hope this clears things up

Source: Mrpowless Post on Expertzzz

if you find you need help with this just hit me up



When a GIG is not enough --> Terabyte Dolphin Technical Support - Server Management and Support
Quote · 10 Jun 2008

The better solution is ask your host to compile php with mb_string support.



Quote · 11 Jun 2008

If you got the shell access to a unix server, just run yum install php-mbstring and restrart your web server. Worked for me !

Quote · 29 Apr 2009
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