Can I replace the promo block with an swf file?
Can I replace the promo block with an swf file? |
I tried a few things and ended up using an iframe to add a swf and some html links. In Admin/BasicSettings tick use html block then put in the iframe code like <p><iframe id="topFlash" name="topFlashbox" src="/admin/yourpagehere.htm" frameborder="no" height="536" scrolling="no" width="796"></iframe></p> It wanted to find the html page in the admin folder so I uploaded it there. This gives me an area of whatever hieght is set - and I can put whatever I like in there. Set the width of the iframe to whatever you have your page set to. Also worth noting is that your embedded html page should have no margens like this <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" topmargin='0' bottommargin='0' leftmargin='0' rightmargin='0' marginwidth='0' marginheight='0'> Since my homepage is quite large I added a loading page to distract visitors for a moment while the main page loads. Im pretty happy with the final result which you can see here at the universe's most beautiful and cosmic online community dedicated to facilitating planetary awakening. Good luck Dan V |
Nice site!! Kids first |
omg buddy thts the best use of dolphin i have seen yet. can u tell me how u double lined the menu ? |
Thanks for the appreciation :-) WickedSunny - in the Dolphin Admin/Settings/AdvancedSettings there is a place to tell it how many items on each line of the nav bar. (I think its towards the bottom from memory). Just set it to half the number of items you have and its done. Be aware that the top line of menu items sort of has to have no submenus as they are almost impossible to click on. I really hope Boonex fixes this in the next update. hey dont make me take over this thread okay :-) There must be other ways to use a flash banner ? Dan V |
Nice site! I'll try what u told me Thanks! |
One more tip - I put the flash file in its own table or table cell. I make the background of this cell a picture to display if they dont have flash activated. The pic should be the exact size of the cell. This seems to be the most reliable way of solving the 'no flash' problem. DV |
BirdTribes I have uploaded the swf file through the html block but t is not centered. How can I center it? |
I set the size of the iframe. Then on the html page I made a table the same size in the top left corner of the html page. Then I center within the table using normal html. No borders on the table unless you want them. DV |
thank u so much for u r kind help birdtribe :) |
BirdTribe what do you mean by table? I used dream weaver to embed the swf file in a html page then I added the code you posted: <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" topmargin='0' bottommargin='0' leftmargin='0' rightmargin='0' marginwidth='0' marginheight='0'> Then I uploaded it in the Admin/BasicSettings- html block using the 1st code that you posted. I also set the iframe size of the html. But after I uploaded it, It was not centered and the submenus of the nav bar is covered by the swf file. |
Heres a simplified version of the html page I use. This has only the flash file in a table with an image file behind it <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" topmargin='0' bottommargin='0' leftmargin='0' rightmargin='0' marginwidth='0' marginheight='0'> Change the width and height and name of the jpg file and swf file and it might work. DV |
Ok i'll try it thanks! |
Bird Tribe I tried the code. My problem for the submenus covered by the swf file was solved but still the swf file is not centered. Any other ideas? Thanks |
Sorry its getting too far down the rabbit hole for me to follow. Im really only a beginner at all this too. DV |
Ok anyway thanks for trying to help me out with this... If you have some new informations regarding this please inform me I really need this... |
If you show us the code you are using perhaps we can help... It must have to do with the size of your swf and the size of the iframe. Mine are made to fit perfectly to each other. DV |
codes good....try it again with full urls cause inserting in admin strips and adds admin/file.swf once in..move the block from spt a to spt b n see have fun I have video tutorials to help you |
Finally I'm finish with this problem. I've added the swf file through the page1.htm at the templates/images. Here is the output- For those who replied thank you! |
Excellent thread! I was able to customize it beyond what I hoped. You can see it for yourself here - One problem however... The login box shows up behind the SWF and gets lost there. Anyway to change that? Thanks again! |
I found the answer... It was in the general css - .login_ajax_wrap { I changed the value from 250 to 50 moving the box to the top middle of the page above the swf. |