I have a problem with uploading video because the video upload as it should but after that it shows me this:

Witch is good but if i select the video and play it, it shows me a empy space like this image:

and it doesnt matter how much i wait it stays emty. And if i try to download it imidiatly it shows me this:

And in my admin panel i have seleted to auto. approve the videos and if i after that go to the videos page then there is not one video? I have the license for the video so thats not the problem.
Does have/had someone the same problem or do you know how to fix it?
I would appreciated if someone helps me with this,
Thanks in advance
There are some problems with the video mode... some of us can't play video's greater then 30 sec. other have no problem at all... so I don't know why... Hopely someone has a answer to this. Kids first |
Yes, i hope that someone knows a solotion for this... |
I'm unable to post more than 1 video system wide. Try to upload the 2nd and it fails. |
i helped somebody else out with that same problem, couldnt actually pinpoint the problem, but what we done was installed on a subdirectory, and made the connection to rms and uploaded vids and audio. there was something wrong with the initial upload, some file went corrupt or something, but that would take forever to track down. so i think i would try to do an installation on a subdomain, and see if you get any different results. also, how are you uploading? are you uploading then extracting, or are you limited to ftp uploads?
ftp can make a wreck of this scripts files, so you have to be careful and read your ftp logs after it uploads.
When a GIG is not enough --> Terabyte Dolphin Technical Support - Server Management and Support |
Thanks DosDawg for your help.
I will deffinetly do that, but before that i want to say to be sure, I have no problems with uploading music and photos and a the other options where i can upload files to my site.
I use Dolphin 6.1 + Free Ray 3.5 + Orca 2.0 and i think that its is maby a fault in the script? (since the script is new)
And yes I am uploading and the extracting.
I didnt know what you mean with : or are you limited to ftp uploads?
I my admin settings I have a max. of 64 mb and further that i can upload and do what i want.
A other strange thing I notice:
In Ray Base setting i have this:

Witch is alright but, if i click on Use RMS then it gives me this:

Any idea?
Video uploads shouldn't have any bearing on rms. Rms is for profile video, chat related, and instant messenger related.
Most likely you need to increase your php.ini or .htaccess depending on hosting type to allow larger file uploads, max execution and timeouts and such.
Try this...and post your values if you are unable to increase them with this link:
You can delete all the temp files too they are just wasted space.
DialMe.com - Your One and Only Source For Boonex Dolphin Tutorials and Resources |
Thanks gameutopia it works!
My site is a lott faster and i uploaded a video and it shows like it should be
I have know one problem:
I have know a php.ini and a .htacces file.
Is it any problem to have them both? I use Server API: CGI.
The .htacces file was always standard there on my site. But CGI servers need php.ini?
I want to thank every one that helped me with this problem exspecially gameutopia!
No problem to have them both with php as cgi. This is very common. A little technical but all servers use php.ini.
Cgi servers you just drop your needs into there to increase values, while you still use .htaccess for other apache things like redirects, rewrites, deny ips, etc. so they work hand in hand. php.ini is more like setting your limits, while your .htaccess is more about controlling the limits.
If you had php as apache api you do not use php.ini. There is still a master php.ini as defined by your host, but you would include both increase values and standard apache redirects, rewirtes, deny's etc all in the .htaccess instead.
So it is very important than you determine which your host has that the link explains.
I'm glad it worked out for you and you are now able to do what you are looking for. Dolphin is very powerful and not learned over night. Have fun with it.
gameutopia DialMe.com - Your One and Only Source For Boonex Dolphin Tutorials and Resources |
No problem to have them both with php as cgi. This is very common. A little technical but all servers use php.ini.
Cgi servers you just drop your needs into there to increase values, while you still use .htaccess for other apache things like redirects, rewrites, deny ips, etc. so they work hand in hand. php.ini is more like setting your limits, while your .htaccess is more about controlling the limits.
If you had php as apache api you do not use php.ini. There is still a master php.ini as defined by your host, but you would include both increase values and standard apache redirects, rewirtes, deny's etc all in the .htaccess instead.
So it is very important than you determine which your host has that the link explains.
I'm glad it worked out for you and you are now able to do what you are looking for. Dolphin is very powerful and not learned over night. Have fun with it.
good post gameutopia, max_execution_time never occurred to me. but on the install i was dealing with we had already gone through that process. good call and glad he got it going.
When a GIG is not enough --> Terabyte Dolphin Technical Support - Server Management and Support |
Yes thank you for your help |