Caption Removal

Hello. I added a custom HTML block to main page but it has a caption area saying _HTML BLOCK (in code view it is div that has boxfirstheader class.) How can I remove that caption area for the html block?

Thanks in advance.

Quote · 23 Dec 2008

Hello. Thanks for the reply. I know we can change the caption text. But I want to remove both caption text and the gray caption background (boxfirstheader background). So that the block will not look as a seperate block in page but rather as an embedded section.

Quote · 23 Dec 2008

so is it that you are looking to remove the header on the block when you create a block? this may be accomplished by using a custom designbox. you may want to go look over on and see if there is a tutorial on that. i remember seeing something similar to this when he had his post it block loaded on there. take a look at This site and see if that is what you are trying to accomplish? this site owner is available on this forum and could most likely point you in the right direction if this is what you are trying to achieve? good luck in all that you seek to do with your site.




When a GIG is not enough --> Terabyte Dolphin Technical Support - Server Management and Support
Quote · 23 Dec 2008

Hello. Thanks for the reply. I want to illustrate the case. First I added a html block to homepage. Caption text appears as _HTML BLOCK as below.

But all I want to add some text and I dont need to make that area captioned.Below is the I want

I can use css to hide caption background and borders. But  that caption text is creating problem. If I change the caption text on Admin area and make it empty,  then I cant edit that block again (probably because of a bug). So I want to know there is there any option to disable caption heading on Dolphin.

Quote · 24 Dec 2008

well, there is and there isnt. the caption block is pertinent to the sites ability to be able to serve it. since this is written to the language files when you create it, and the name is necessary. now an alternative would be to create a custom designbox() and with that, you can make the dont the same color as the header which if mouse over, and dragged (selected) would ultimately show up. did you view the sites link i posted for you to review, i think he has come close to what you are looking for, but really not getting a grip on why you would want a block added with no caption text. 



When a GIG is not enough --> Terabyte Dolphin Technical Support - Server Management and Support
Quote · 24 Dec 2008

Sometimes I need to put only an anchor link in block. Anchor is self describing and I think caption is unnecessary at that case. Thanks for the reply by the way. I got the idea.

Quote · 24 Dec 2008
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