I have posted successfully to my store products with a price that goes to my verified Pay Pal Account after I make the product. The next day I go to the store and the price is no longer displayed and the shopping cart is gone. Please see my site at my site if you go to my store you will see no price for products. I assure you i have done this 3xs and the price just goes away..........after time only....... Csampson |
Change privacy for your file's in product, to allow every logged in member see "add to cart" button you need to set it for "members". Now you set it to default - it is more complicated, because it depends on your default group - but for every user default groups behavior can be different. Rules → http://www.boonex.com/terms |
Change privacy for your file's in product, to allow every logged in member see "add to cart" button you need to set it for "members". Now you set it to default - it is more complicated, because it depends on your default group - but for every user default groups behavior can be different.
now here is where documentation is more than necessary. you as one of the lead developers on this project, post an answer with such vagueness, that for every user, default groups behavior can be different. please explain this in its fullest capacity.
1. what are the privacy settings actually affecting?
2. what limitations will be incurred
3. what is the actual purpose of these privacy settings in admin, if the user can also have the option of setting privacy?
4. can you please, if not you, then somebody, please start explaining the functionality of the admin panel, because as it is, there are many unknowns, and sites are breaking because there is stuff coded that in essence creates conflicts when ran in conjunction with each other.
When a GIG is not enough --> Terabyte Dolphin Technical Support - Server Management and Support |
Agreing wholeheartedly with DosDawg!
The selections made initially in your MEMBERSHIP LEVELS & PRIVACY SETTINGS can make or break your functions within the website..
After a couple of weeks or trying all types of combinations (and numerous posts on FORUMS) with the help of DosDawg we worked out that the description of the levels are very misleading. (I recommend the first thing you do when starting a new install/setup of Dolphin 7 is to untick 'Enable Default Group' i nthe privacy ssetting or get out your henna kit as you will go gray/grey (for Australians) trying to get the site functioning..
'Soap Box Mode Off' 
Regards, Ken |
i have the problem that if ppl put something in their carts, the symbol of the cart leads back to "home" - not to the member's cart with the cart details. where can i change the link, pls? http://community-schwerbehinderung-aktuell.com/stoma-web |
Change privacy for your file's in product, to allow every logged in member see "add to cart" button you need to set it for "members". Now you set it to default - it is more complicated, because it depends on your default group - but for every user default groups behavior can be different.
now here is where documentation is more than necessary. you as one of the lead developers on this project, post an answer with such vagueness, that for every user, default groups behavior can be different. please explain this in its fullest capacity.
1. what are the privacy settings actually affecting?
2. what limitations will be incurred
3. what is the actual purpose of these privacy settings in admin, if the user can also have the option of setting privacy?
4. can you please, if not you, then somebody, please start explaining the functionality of the admin panel, because as it is, there are many unknowns, and sites are breaking because there is stuff coded that in essence creates conflicts when ran in conjunction with each other.
1. Privacy setting affect very different things, it depends on the places where it is used. It is like permissions: for viewing content, for changing content, etc.
2. If you set privacy "for me only" - nobody will be able to access the feature you set this privacy for.
3. Admin can disable/enable certain groups, for example for the sake of simplicity admin can leave only 'friends' and 'public' privacy groups.
4. http://www.boonex.com/trac/dolphin/wiki/DolAdmin - it is not fully documented yet, if anyone wish to help in completing this section, we will be appreciate it.
The only thing which have double meaning is default privacy group ! First of all it is not completely something which is set by default .. it is special user's groups ! The purpose of this groups that user can assign default privacy group to some content and then user can change privacy for all this content from one place - by changing meaning of this group. So default privacy group can be one of the existing privacy groups or some custom user's privacy group.
Rules → http://www.boonex.com/terms |
thanks for this explanation, and i would be glad to help, but quite frankly, there should be some ideology of how this stuff works from the perspective of coding it, and that would be the person i would presume could document it the very best, even if just primitively so that we have some idea on how things are supposed to work.
but will do some more digging on this and if you can fix my login to trac, i will gladly post what i have found sir.
Change privacy for your file's in product, to allow every logged in member see "add to cart" button you need to set it for "members". Now you set it to default - it is more complicated, because it depends on your default group - but for every user default groups behavior can be different.
now here is where documentation is more than necessary. you as one of the lead developers on this project, post an answer with such vagueness, that for every user, default groups behavior can be different. please explain this in its fullest capacity.
1. what are the privacy settings actually affecting?
2. what limitations will be incurred
3. what is the actual purpose of these privacy settings in admin, if the user can also have the option of setting privacy?
4. can you please, if not you, then somebody, please start explaining the functionality of the admin panel, because as it is, there are many unknowns, and sites are breaking because there is stuff coded that in essence creates conflicts when ran in conjunction with each other.
1. Privacy setting affect very different things, it depends on the places where it is used. It is like permissions: for viewing content, for changing content, etc.
2. If you set privacy "for me only" - nobody will be able to access the feature you set this privacy for.
3. Admin can disable/enable certain groups, for example for the sake of simplicity admin can leave only 'friends' and 'public' privacy groups.
4. http://www.boonex.com/trac/dolphin/wiki/DolAdmin - it is not fully documented yet, if anyone wish to help in completing this section, we will be appreciate it.
The only thing which have double meaning is default privacy group ! First of all it is not completely something which is set by default .. it is special user's groups ! The purpose of this groups that user can assign default privacy group to some content and then user can change privacy for all this content from one place - by changing meaning of this group. So default privacy group can be one of the existing privacy groups or some custom user's privacy group.
When a GIG is not enough --> Terabyte Dolphin Technical Support - Server Management and Support |
4. http://www.boonex.com/trac/dolphin/wiki/DolAdmin - it is not fully documented yet, if anyone wish to help in completing this section, we will be appreciate it.
LOL. ok. Did he just say in essence, "we made it, but didn't write it all down yet, anyone have notes?"
Please god, tell me there is a different language pack, because I must have translated that wrong.
Guyz be happy that you have a good product. Defintiely it will take some time to clear certain issues. But trust me you are getting a product free of this size which you will never find in the whole of internet.
If you are so concerned then why dont you go to that place instead of always trying to blame the Boonex team who are doing a good job.
I have seen many posts criticizing boonex team infact they should be rather appreciated for giving us such a good product and that too free or if not for few bucks. which is one nights stay if you go to some good hotel.
I hope you guyz all out there understand and stop criticizing Boonex Team and start encouraging them so that the y do more good to these products and even feel better after doing that .
Guyz last anybody needs a little appreciation for doing something....These guyz have defintiely done a very very good and big job...So try to appreciate ...........
I am pooling up some money and as soon as i am through i will buy one PRIME license as a token of my appreciation for the hard work and time the boonex team has put in..
4. http://www.boonex.com/trac/dolphin/wiki/DolAdmin - it is not fully documented yet, if anyone wish to help in completing this section, we will be appreciate it.
LOL. ok. Did he just say in essence, "we made it, but didn't write it all down yet, anyone have notes?"
Please god, tell me there is a different language pack, because I must have translated that wrong.