Hello! At this forum link, http://www.boonex.com/forums/topic/Changing-background-image.htm , I see you have helped other to change the background colors/images and etc. I am a novice at this but understand the basics. This should be a quick and easy answer for a seasoned pro, so THANK YOU for helping me!
I need to change the background of the logo area of the site from the light grey color, to white. Within /templates/base/css I have searched "general", "common", and many others, unable to find the correct place to change that grey to white, "FFFFFF"! Can ANYONE please, please help me and point me to the right folder and what to look for, to make this change? I have set up a rough logo with my account, over the grey, but the final logo will not work unless it is white background, not grey.
I have attached a screen shot of the exact area I'm referring to, in case I'm not clear. THANK YOU!
-Kristi- |
Hi. You need to change the CSS... Go to:
div.sys_main_logo {
background-color: #FFFFFF;
Note. You can copy this file and paste into templates/tmpl_uni/css and then no changes are made in base directory. Don´t forget to backup before and clear the cache after any changes.
Rick- I sincerely appreciate you trying to help me out! However, I have gone through templates/base/css/common.css 3 times, and had even done so 2 or 3 times before I posted. I can quite confidently say I'm either the biggest idiot ever and am completely missing it, or it is not there (div.sys_main_logo). I am pretty sure it's the latter because I usually don't miss things like that. div.sys_main_logo is not in common.css. I've found div.sys-loading, but not the one we need. I used Firebug already and saw that I need div.sys_main_logo, but I just can't find it.
Anybody else? Please help!
-Kristi- |
templates/base/css/general.css |
OK! The good news is that I FOUND that div.sys_main_logo. It was in templates/base/css/general.css, and not in templates/base/css/common.css. *(JUST saw that "okweb" just said same... thanks okweb!)
I tried changing the color from EDEDED to FFFFFF, but it will not "take". It seems the advice for "unchecking" certain items in Dolphin Dashboard-Settings-Advanced in order for it to "take" is slightly outdated or different than the last post on this (started 2009). To enable my ability to make changes, which of these must I uncheck? As follows:
-Kristi- |
Enable cache for CSS files: Enable cache for JS files: Enable compression for JS/CSS files(cache should be enabled):
turn this off when you edit css files, if you use firefox you will see wich file css code are placed in
and don't forget to clean cache after you have done the change
YAAAAAAAY! Success! Thank you ok!  -Kristi- |
I know this is a dumb Q, but clean cache in Dolphin, or cPanel? I don't know where to find that... :( -Kristi- |
OMG.. sorry me. I gave you a wrong path. my bad. Body bg is in templates/base/css/common.css and Header bg is templates/base/css/general.css
Clear the cache You can clear the cache on Dolphin/administration > Dashboard, but to be sure you really have cleaned, you better do this:
1- On Dolphin/Administration > Settings > Advanced Settings Go to template and uncheck all cache options and SAVE. You should check them back later!
2- In you Cpanel > File Manger go to yourdolphin>cache and delete all (except .htaccess) Also go to yourdolphin>cache_public and delete all.
3- If you still can´t see the changes, you might try to clean the cache of your browser or even try other browser.