hi i would like to change my __switch_lang_block__ layout.
i want to have the lyout show the flag AND the language name next to it.can anyone tell me the files i need to change and how i change them? thank
hi i would like to change my __switch_lang_block__ layout.
| i want to have the lyout show the flag AND the language name next to it.can anyone tell me the files i need to change and how i change them? thank |
Hello! It can be done via editing function getLangSwitcher() function in inc/languages.inc.php file Regards | |
hi leon, thanks for your help! thats what i was looking for.
so far i have foreach( $aLangs as $sName => $sLang ) { this gives me the unused language name but as im new to php i dont know the syntax for the used language. i believe i should change $sRet .= ' but im not sure to what. any suggestions? thanks again, gareth | |
hi leon! update - its ok! i got it i was missing a ' so i kept getting an error but no problem. for anyone else like me who is new to this im using <img class="lang_selected" src="' . $sFlag . '" alt="' . $sTitle . '" title="' . $sTitle . '" /> '. $sTitle .''; this seems to work. cheers gareth |