Chat Issue Asking Question 5th Time

I have chat issue i have asked this question so many times but not get useful answer.

I have attached a screenshot its showing everything what i am asking .

see the 1 , 2 , 3 points you will understand what i want.

Kindly tell me the solution asap its very late.

See the attached screenshot please.

issue.jpg · 314.9K · 234 views
Quote · 18 Feb 2016

what you think should happen - is not what it was designed to do. Not trying to be rude, but that is the simplest answer. What happens if you try to click the little film icon - instead of the name or photo.


But, just as an FYI, any time you see a users name and it is clickable, it will bring you to the users profile page. The same general rule applies with a users profile picture or avatar.
Quote · 18 Feb 2016

So, did clicking on the film icon work for you - that should open up the chat box. I know you needed a quick answer - just wondering if you understand now.
Quote · 18 Feb 2016

On film icon its opening video messenger and its like a group chat.

See my attached screenshot may be you  can  understand what i am asking.

screen.jpg · 284.6K · 177 views
Quote · 19 Feb 2016

you are still not understanding. Again, what you think should happen, is not designed to happen that way.


A - that chat which you are referring to as Group Chat - is in fact a One on One Video chat between you and the person where you clicked the film icon (the film icon signifies video communication). It looks exactly like the Group chat - yes. But it is a one on one conversation. When you type something in the message field - the user will get a popup that you want to chat with them. Because it is a video chat, it does not pop up in the member menu like you want it to - that is just the way it is designed and that is the only answer i can give you.


B - What you are looking for is the simple messenger - make sure this module is installed in your admin section


C - the simple messenger is only accessible from the users profile page. Once installed, if the user is online, then an open field appears for you to send them a quick message - at this point, the message window you are looking for will appear.


Again, it is the design of it, and while we all may have our only opinions, for whatever reason, thats what they decided to do. So, until they change it, or you come up with a workaround, you are kinda stuck with the functionality
Quote · 19 Feb 2016

did this help???
Quote · 20 Feb 2016

Thank you ProfessorSr for your answers but your answers did not help.

My point was pretty clear in the screenshot and i don't want that video chat messenger to be popup.

I need simple messenger popup as i showed in my screenshot.

I have simple messenger installed properly but i don't know why its not  showing the chat messenger like my screenshot.

Yes but if user1 write from compose email to user2 then user2 is can see that messenger popup and then user2 can chat with that chat box and when user2 reply to that chat then user1 can also see that chat box messenger.

but why why why its not opening in first click why i have to go in  compose first.

if you are ProfessorSr then i am sure you will know this . This is common sense 

Quote · 20 Feb 2016

Again - it is not the way it was designed. Unfortunately - as many times as you may say this is what you are looking for - you wont get it unless you recode things yourself. The video chat is designed a certain way - which was not to open like you want it to - for what you want - it is simple messenger only. Sorry bud - but it is how they designed it. Sorry I cant help you out.
Quote · 20 Feb 2016
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