We've just updated Chat Plus to v.0.43.0.
Since it's a fork of Rocket.Chat, for the full list of changes please refer to the notes for releases from 0.35.0 to 0.43.0:
Download - https://www.boonex.com/downloads
Upgrade instructions - https://github.com/boonex/dolphin.pro/wiki/ChatPlus-Upgrade
BoonEx Premium+ and Business+ subscribers can request to update it.
NOTE: when upgrading make sure to run:
sudo n 4.5
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Thank you Alex, this is awesome !
Please note, I just upgraded D7 to 7.3.2 recently, I am assuming Chat+ upgrade comes packaged within D7 upgrade, but from this post, I see that we can safely upgrade Chat+ w/o waiting for the next D7 upgrade, right ?
I have a dedicated server, how do I check which Chat+ version do I currently have ?
Thank you ! |
Yes, you can upgrade Chat+ without upgrading Dolphin.
To see the current Chat+ version, login to the chat under admin account and open chat Administration > Info:

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Hi Alex,
Thanks for addressing my question about the Chat+ version v.0.43.0 found here:
Would you mind answering the remaining questions in that topic?
Thanks a lot.
I am currently on v.0.20.0 - I was wondering if I can upgrade directly to v.0.43.0 ?
Also, what are the chat+ critical folders & config files I need to backup before I perform an upgrade just in case things go south and will need to rollback..
Thanks ! |
Boonex Team, can you please provide some directions..
Chat+ Upgrades and installations differ based on OS platform which you can see here at Rocket.Chat Doc: https://rocket.chat/docs/installation/updating/from-0-x-x-to-0-40-0/
My concern is not the data, that can be backed up & restored, but rather, my custom work I did for Chat+ front-end which is time consuming..
I am using CentOS, based on the upgrade instructions, it says to remove Rocket.Chat folder, (see attached) but will that remove all my custom work I did for Chat+ ?
Thanks !
@Boonex_Team - We have been asking questions about Chat+ and everything has been going to deaf ears, what is going on ?
Forget my prior questions, I already got the answers directly from Rocket.Chat support. But some other questions need to be answered by your team since you are supporting this product..
You said Chat Plus v.0.43.0 is ready, but does this update MongoDB version too ? if so, what version the DB will be updated to ?
I checked the version of my mongodb database, it is v3.0.12.
In short, my chat+ admin says: v.0.20.0 and my mongodb version says v3.0.12. I need to know what versions do I expect not only on Admin level but also on DB level once this upgrade is done..
Thank you !
I was wondering if anyone was able to upgrade Chat+ successfully ?
I am getting the error message below after the upgrade was complete:
| |
| |
| Your database migration failed: |
| [Models._Base: Empty query] |
| |
| Please make sure you are running the latest version and try again. |
| If the problem persists, please contact support. |
| |
| This Rocket.Chat version: 0.43.0 |
| Database locked at version: 32 |
| Database target version: 63 |
| |
| Commit: 8ace721899ac03a470bb432d5540a534b170c20b |
| Date: Mon Oct 24 13:43:57 2016 +0600 |
| Branch: master |
| Tag: v.0.20.0 |
| |
> I would like to redo the upgrade process this way if possible: Upgrade the MongoDB manually to the latest version without using the script provided - which I can do with no issues - But how do I run {example-init.sh} without automatically upgrading MongoDB ?
Could someone help please.. Thanks.
Anybody home ?? It looks like I am the only person who is going insane with Chat+ upgrade 
I am almost there, but I can still use a lifeline :(
I did manage to upgrade mongodb successfully to the latest version to v3.2.10 > Here is the upgrade command: yum install -y mongodb-org-3.2.10 mongodb-org-server-3.2.10 mongodb-org-shell-3.2.10 mongodb-org-mongos-3.2.10 mongodb-org-tools-3.2.10
But you need to setup mongo Repo for v3.2.10. I documented the process, if anyone wants to see it, let me know..
One thing I did a bit differently from the script provided by Alex, I used the full path rather than the script {example-init.sh} which fixed some of my other issues. The full path is based on your OS and your App name & its path, mine is: cd /opt/chat/appname/programs/server/npm/node_modules/meteor/npm-bcrypt
Then run these commands: n 4.5 npm install bcrypt
> Here is the result & the warning from the above command:
npm WARN cannot run in wd bcrypt@0.8.7 node-gyp rebuild (wd=/opt/chat/appname/programs/server/npm/node_modules/meteor/npm-bcrypt/node_modules/bcrypt)
bcrypt@0.8.7 node_modules/bcrypt
├── bindings@1.2.1
└── nan@2.3.5
>> More checking:
> node -v
> node-gyp --version
> npm --version
>> Chat+ process ran for few minutes and then was killed on its own & I got this error on the log: ERROR! SERVER STOPPED |
| |
| Your database migration failed: |
| [Models._Base: Empty query] |
| |
| Please make sure you are running the latest version and try again. |
| If the problem persists, please contact support. |
| |
| This Rocket.Chat version: 0.43.0 |
| Database locked at version: 32 |
| Database target version: 63 |
| |
| Commit: 8ace721899ac03a470bb432d5540a534b170c20b |
| Date: Mon Oct 24 13:43:57 2016 +0600 |
| Branch: master |
| Tag: v.0.20.0
Could someone help please 
And here is my DB info including collections - It is up to date & looks good:
> mongo --version MongoDB shell version: 3.2.10
> mongo [ start mongo shell ] MongoDB shell version: 3.2.10 connecting to: test
> show dbs local 0.078GB rocketchat 0.203GB
> use rocketchat switched to db rocketchat > > show collections _raix_push_notifications avatars.chunks avatars.files instances meteor_accounts_loginServiceConfiguration meteor_oauth_pendingCredentials meteor_oauth_pendingRequestTokens migrations rocketchat__trash rocketchat_cron_history rocketchat_custom_emoji rocketchat_uploads.files . . . system.indexes users usersSessions
Rocket.Chat databases should be upgraded automatically, if it didn't happen I would suggest to drop old database, new one will be automatically created.
Important: all chat data will be lost and chat will need to be configured from the scratch.
1. Stop chat server, allow some time for it to be stopped completely
2. Drop database, execute the following using SSH:
mongo rocketchat --eval "db.dropDatabase()"
3. Start chat server and configure it again
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Hi Alex,
This time, I recorded the process so you can see exactly what I did per your instructions, unfortunately, no success..
Here is the video with the upgrade process: https://youtu.be/LUq3lyMt07o
Please advise. Thanks ! |
Alex, any status please ??
My chat+ has been down for 2 weeks now..
Thanks. |
I requested a status yesterday & waited 24hrs in hopes someone from Boonex explains these issues.. I am in week 3 now without any support from Boonex and my Chat+ has been down for 3 weeks now.. I even sent Boonex team a direct emai and everything has been going to DEAF EARS !!
Nobody gives a damn anymore ! I am really start to loose patience now !!
If you rather want me to pay for this, just say so & fix this damn thing !! |
This time, I recorded the process so you can see exactly what I did per your instructions, unfortunately, no success..
Here is the video with the upgrade process: https://youtu.be/LUq3lyMt07o
It looks like you did everything right, but at the end you didn't start the chat server, only upon first start new db is created.
Also clear logs before starting the chat, it looks like it is old logs there.
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Thanks Alex ! I had no idea starting rocket.chat process would have created the DB. And yes, after I did that, things look good now..
It would have been helpful if that was mentioned on the Doc. As you know, this product is fairly new to all of us, the more detailed Docs, the better it is..
> Please note: After I started the chat, I noticed the warning below: pidNote: you are using a pure-JavaScript implementation of bcrypt.
While this implementation will work correctly, it is known to be approximately three times slower than the native implementation. In order to use the native implementation instead, run
meteor npm install --save bcrypt
in the root directory of your application.
> Should we run the above command ? if so, do I run it from it the app directory like so:
cd /opt/chat/appname meteor npm install --save bcrypt
FYI - I deleted my upgrade video for security purposes, but I documented the process, if anyone needs it please let me know..
Thank you !
I got this part done. Thanks to Rocket.Chat support who helped me with this part..
FYI - If anyone wants to run this mod, make sure to run it from the root of your chat app, here is an example from my app:
$ cd /opt/chat/appname/programs/server
$ npm install --save bcrypt
stop/start rocket.chat, and the warning should be gone..
Anyone else facing a 100% CPU utilization with v0.43.0?? http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/paansystems - your resource for Dolphin Pro |
I am also running v0.43.0 but no CPU issues so far. You may want to check out the post below which has similar CPU issues but on v0.42.0. That might give you some clues..
Here is the link: High CPU usage #4543 https://github.com/RocketChat/Rocket.Chat/issues/4543
>> More info from this user @ramin at Rocket.Chat support:
The problem is the version 6 node js My problem was solved by switching to version
Rocket.Chat version: 0.42.0 When running Rocket.Chat on Ubuntu 14.04 and Apache with mod_proxy, CPU is always at a 100% as soon as a user is conn
Hope this helps !
Hi Alex -
I didn't see anywhere on v0.43.0 Doc which version of mongodb this upgrade requires ? I know this will be done automatically, but it would be helpful to know what to expect.. Please provide the mongo version we expect once v0.43.0 upgrade is complete.. Otherwise, is it safe to upgrade the mongodb to the latest version of db which is 3.2.10 regardless of v0.43.0 ?
Disregard my earlier inquiries, I as of now found the solutions straightforwardly from Rocket.Chat bolster. Be that as it may, some different inquiries should be replied by your group since you are supporting this item..
You said Chat Plus v.0.43.0 is prepared, however does this overhaul MongoDB form excessively ? provided that this is true, what form the DB will be upgraded to ?
I checked the form of my mongodb database, it is v3.0.12. best Assignment help uk
To put it plainly, my chat+ administrator says: v.0.20.0 and my mongodb rendition says v3.0.12. I have to comprehend what renditions do I expect on Admin level as well as on DB level once this update is finished..
You said Chat Plus v.0.43.0 is prepared, however does this overhaul MongoDB form excessively ? provided that this is true, what form the DB will be upgraded to ?
You all have a misunderstanding of what is happening.
My server updates mongod when there is a release; if your managing your own server you should see these.

The connection to the database is updated when you upgrade chat+.
ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong! |
Hey @Newton, you said "My server updates mongod when there is a release.."
I am afraid that is a huge mistake & here is why ?
Unless you are running few micro-blog databases where data is not that important, but if you are running a critical financial database and if someone does not get his/her paycheck, then you will need to answer some questions from the CFO. Let me elaborate a bit, I am currently maintaining a multi-million dollars Oracle 11g financial database which is one of the main engines at the Corp, if I let this database get upgraded AUTOMATICALLY by the AWS automatic service when a new release is available, I can assure you that HR will show me the door in no time The reason is simple, our front-end Financial suite is not certified yet with the latest Oracle version 12c, therefore, if the database is upgraded somehow w/o getting a confirmation from the vendor whether their Financial suite is ready to work with 12c, things will go south and so is my career..
The same concept should be applied here - For this reason, I asked the question as to what version of mongdb that is compatible with chat+ v.0.43.0. I know the latest version of mongodb is v3.0.12, but what if Boonex Team (Alex) is only certifying Chat+ v.0.43.0 to work with mongodb v3.0.10 instead and not with mongo v3.0.12 ? oops, we can tell Alex that our servers updates all of our databases automatically - and now what ?? not only you will start allover again, but you might loose your data as well.. Chat+ is a playground for me, but do you really want to use your approach in the real world..
In short, I believe we are asking valid questions..and I don't think we have a misunderstanding of what is happening..mate :)
Thanks for that but i already run on 4.5 as "n" tells me ... any other idea?
I am also running v0.43.0 but no CPU issues so far. You may want to check out the post below which has similar CPU issues but on v0.42.0. That might give you some clues..
Here is the link: High CPU usage #4543 https://github.com/RocketChat/Rocket.Chat/issues/4543
>> More info from this user @ramin at Rocket.Chat support:
The problem is the version 6 node js My problem was solved by switching to version
Rocket.Chat version: 0.42.0 When running Rocket.Chat on Ubuntu 14.04 and Apache with mod_proxy, CPU is always at a 100% as soon as a user is conn
Hope this helps !
http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/paansystems - your resource for Dolphin Pro |
The same concept should be applied here - For this reason, I asked the question as to what version of mongdb that is compatible with chat+ v.0.43.0.
I'm not saying it's automatically done, unless your server is updating.
OK, well mine updated last night because I set it too. My chat is still at lower version, so I really don't think this matters.
I've updated mongod each time there is a release and my chat has never failed.
ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong! |
I just updated my chat to current version and updated node, all is working fine. ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong! |
Using nodejs version 4.6.2 fixes the high CPU load http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/paansystems - your resource for Dolphin Pro |
https://bestseoexpert.pro/ |