This is one of those days I am wondering if ANYTHING works with this software. I thought I would try to make a google map but the "update cities" function generates the errors below. I got the map to display, but no profile locations are on it.
Also, we asked on another thread. Can you enter more than one "profile address field name" - i.e. City, country and zip - if so, do we separate by commas? What are others putting in this field.
Database error in
SELECT `p`.`City`, `p`.`Country` FROM `Profiles` AS `p` LEFT JOIN `bx_map_cities` AS `m` ON (`m`.`country` = `p`.`Country` AND `m`.`city` = `p`.`City`) WHERE ISNULL(`m`.`country`) LIMIT 4
Mysql error: Illegal mix of collations (utf8_general_ci,IMPLICIT) and (utf8_unicode_ci,IMPLICIT) for operation '='
Found error in the file '/var/www/vhosts/' at line 67.
Called 'getPairs' function with erroneous argument #0.