Classifieds Disappeared - 404 Error Message

I am getting this error message:

The requested URL /ads/search was not found on this server.

Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request. Also, articles don't show unless I type in /articles.php in the browswer. Clicking "Articles" on the menu shows "No Profile." I believe it's the .htaccess file. Trying to find one. I saw it here somewhere but unable to find it. Am I thinking in the proper direction?

What can be done to fix it please? Thank you!

Quote · 23 Jun 2009

a PHP Function is not enabled on your Hosting Server...




Make sure your HOST review as well ;)

Quote · 23 Jun 2009

a PHP Function is not enabled on your Hosting Server...


Make sure your HOST review as well ;)

theGhost, thanks for replying. A question for you. There wasn't a problem until I added a rewrite for a new page. If I type my site's url and the extension /classifieds.php or /articles.php it connects. I hear you about that php function not being connected but I do not see anything in the .htaccess about ads or articles. (I don't know much and not doubting you. I'm just not wanting to bother my hosting company.) They tend to tell me they're not dolphin experts and I'm sick of hearing it.

Thank you! :)

Quote · 24 Jun 2009

Okay Jhazzi... Here is what they won't say but I will... ;)


Your host is LAZY. All they NEED to do is follow the link I provided. Wait til the NET is quiet: Around 'Ghost' time 1am-3am and rebuild thier/your Apache PHP environment to support Dolphin. Until they do this your htaccess file is like a 'wanna be' fix to customization of Host Environment.


Dedicated is BEST, VPS is easily possible, Sharred is ALSO possible but 'resellers' are either 'lazy' or 'entrprenuers' and not 'GEEKy'! I know this because 'Geeky' ALWAYs gets the JOB Done ;) And GEEKs RULE the WORLD :) Yes we DO!!!! ROFL


Now regardless of 'HOW GREAT' your CURRENT Host was before finding DOLPHIN and my Glourious BoonExTEAM; They will probably FAIL you time and time again. IF they are a BOONex Certified Host, and your having these problems then THEY should be ashamed and you PM me their details and I'll 'scare' them back to LIGHT :) LOL


Years ago... When UNITY first came to life... Well we were 'giving' away hosting per say... People get crazy, when they get all excited... Watch and 'experience' when HOOKIE drops into the global NET.


So from me to you, PLEASE get yourself a BOONex Certified Host for your COMMUNITY. You are GOOD PEOPLE and I want you around for a LONG TIME!!!


:) That's a good 300 marker ;)

Quote · 24 Jun 2009

You're the most adorable ghost I've ever dealt with . . . actually, the only ghost I've ever had the pleasure of meeting (Thank God!!) *LOL* And you have ghostly features because I clicked your nick for your profile and it wasn't there! *shiver* How ghastly! LMBO (B=bum)

I am unable to argue with what you said, even the part about geeks! I'm a wannabe. LOL Thank you. I'm capable of handling it and will. I was trying to give them a break but people do become lazy when you lighten up. I left GoDaddy because they were so very nice but unnecessary for my needs. It didn't matter I could reach them on the phone if they couldn't resolve my issues or decided to upcharge me if they did.

I digress. Thanks for the "good people etc" comment, Oh Ghastly One! You've made my day, retroactively from this morning (some 12 hours ago for me). Thank you! I'll get it sorted.

Be well!

Quote · 24 Jun 2009
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.