V6.1.4 After moving from shared server to VPS.
Now, when you go to post a classified...it doesn't give you the option for a subdirectory. So if you go ahead with the post...this is the error that you get.
V6.1.4 After moving from shared server to VPS. - Now, when you go to post a classified...it doesn't give you the option for a subdirectory. So if you go ahead with the post...this is the error that you get. - HEEELLLLPPPP! - |
Should I create the sub-directories AGAIN or is there something that I have not refreshed since the move? |
It doesn't even show the subdirectories there when I go into classifieds from ADMIN. - It shows the ads that were already placed tho.... |
As you can see the categories appear in the view.... - |
And even the ads appear...although if you try to edit them they will disappear. - |
So, uploaded a dump of a prior database (into another install-test site) that worked on old server. Then, from that database dumped the ClassifiedSubs...and uploaded to live site to see if that would fix. It did not. Cleared cache. Didn't bring up the subdirectories. - Can anyone help with this please? - Thanks.~~ L |
The actions don't come up when you are adding a sub-category either...ie. salary, price. |
Added a test sub-category...it saves it, but never appears in the Admin screen again. It appears under the listings of classifieds for the member, but it does not give it as an option of a sub-category when trying to place a classified. - |
I have compared tables for the classifieds in phpmyadmin....they look the same. - Can I get some help here on what to try next! |
Lorren, I just went to check out your site to see if I could help, but I was unable to register. That big "Join Now" button on your homepage leads to a broken link. That is probably more serious than your classifieds in the short term. - Rob |
Hey Rob, - Just went and checked the paths in the html block...it was working this morning and it is now working again. - Sent a support email to Boonex with ftp details...wouldn't have thought they would change that stuff. But in this world, ya never know. - Thanks for the heads up. Try now. - ~L - Lorren, I just went to check out your site to see if I could help, but I was unable to register. That big "Join Now" button on your homepage leads to a broken link. That is probably more serious than your classifieds in the short term. - Rob |
Bumping it...I need some knowledgeable input guys! |
MrP any ideas for me to check on this one? I am at a loss here. - Thanks. - ~~ L |
I guess that I am talking to myself...but I thought I would let you in on what was happening. - DosDawg had mentioned that when you use Cpanel it zips up the WHOLE site so you don't miss uploading or downloading any files. - Well, with HSphere...you don't have that capability to ZIP up the site. So I had to download all of the site via my ftp client. - To make a long story short....I was missing a KEY folder/file upon uploading. The CLASSIFIEDS do NOT work without the xml folder containing the get_list.php file. - Hopefully this will save someone else 6 hours of pissing about. - ~~ L |
During posting new Ad - all subcategories automatically load (AJAXY) into new element, it must appear. Mainly, all Ajaxy for Ads in dynamic_core.js.php, can you check - are this file was included at your adding Ad page? If not ... I can help you to inspect your page. Send your site url and login to PM. |
Thank you Andrey for your response. It is appreciated greatly. - But I do believe that I have fixed it as per above post. But I will keep what you have said in mind for any future glitches in this area. - Thanks again... - ~~ Lorren - During posting new Ad - all subcategories automatically load (AJAXY) into new element, it must appear. Mainly, all Ajaxy for Ads in dynamic_core.js.php, can you check - are this file was included at your adding Ad page? If not ... I can help you to inspect your page. Send your site url and login to PM. |
Yes, of course, get_list.php file is necessary too for this ajaxy |
Got same issue....
get_list.php is in xml folder and dynamic_core.js.php has been uploaded in binary mode..
Trying all morning and several hours lastnight to fix this issue.
Any idea's?
Derrick |
To be sure : open in your browser: http://dolphin_url/inc/js/dynamic_core.js.php
var sFolder = "http://dolphin_url/xml/ - so correct URL that show your XML directory inc\js\dynamic_core.js.php - 16 350 bytes xml\get_list.php - 7340 bytes this is in version 6.1.4 |
Issue fixed..
Seems that my permissions were set wrong (777) My server (hostgator) was blocking it due to security reasons.
Thanks andrey for helping me get this one figured out :) |
Issue fixed.. Seems that my permissions were set wrong (777) My server (hostgator) was blocking it due to security reasons. Thanks andrey for helping me get this one figured out :) I had similar problem (also with Hostgator), then checked my server logs (following attempt to run dynamic_core_js.php), and the logs indicate that a problem in that my ./inc directory was group writeable. SoftException in Application.cpp:544: Directory "/home/nwadmin/public_html/inc" is writeable by group I changed the directory to 755 and my problem with Classifieds was solved. However, installation procedure indicates ./inc should be set to 777. Is it okay to set this directory to 755? Will I have other problems? So far I haven't detected any problems. |