Client changing profile background image

I had a member log in and change the main background (for her own images)! Firstly, I didn't know this could be done and I would like to know how to stop members doing this in the future; changing the template on their profile (like myspace)? I would only like them to add to the content and not adjust the actual template!

How did she do this anyway as I find no link or module enabling this?



Quote · 26 Feb 2009

She changed the bacground for her profile or for each of her own pictures that she put up?  If it's the profile then it's just a matter of disable Customize Profile in the Navigation Menu Builders.  If she changed the background for her picks then we'd love to see this trick...

Quote · 26 Feb 2009

If you're referring to her own proflie background log into Admin panel, go to Settings > Advanced Settings > unclick "Enable profile customization".

Quote · 26 Feb 2009

When you go to her 'profile' the background (far left and right of Dolphin) shows one of her photos repeating down the page. I had the 'Enable profile customization' checked but even then I couldn't find the link or way to do this myself! How is this done when entering 'edit profile' as I find nothing enabling me to do this? She's a lot smarter than me ..... very beautiful too!

Quote · 26 Feb 2009

OK I found it!! There was a 'customer profile link!! Don't know how I missed that one! Thanks for your support.

Quote · 26 Feb 2009

After you log into your account go to My Profile -> undre the navigation bar you'll see Customize Profile.

Quote · 26 Feb 2009
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