I have the business listing im trying to ad colour to the writing. I can see everything else i can do fonts bold link pics but not how to colour the writing in description ?
Thank you in advance for your time
I have the business listing im trying to ad colour to the writing. I can see everything else i can do fonts bold link pics but not how to colour the writing in description ?
Thank you in advance for your time |
You have to edit the TinyMCE init script and add it to the particular toolbar the description is using. See /templates/base/scripts/BxBaseEditorTinyMCE.php Please make a backup of that file in case of an oops (or have a copy of the Dolphin version you are using so you can pull it from it) Geeks, making the world a better place |
Thank you GG i have no idea what i would be doing there so will have to leave it. Thanks ayway |
Thank you GG i have no idea what i would be doing there so will have to leave it. Thanks ayway If you look at the other toolbar(s) that have the font colour button; you would just copy and paste exactly how it is. You can also learn how TinyMCE works by visiting http://tinymce.com. Dolphin currently uses version 3.x but that will change with the new release. You include the plugin and then include the button. Geeks, making the world a better place |