Comments by latest

Hi all,

i saw also a blog post about this, but noone was replying to it, beside me.

Now i wanted to bump it up in forum.

Does anyone know how to sort them? Atm the latest comment is on bottom not on top.

But i think it jsut hsould be on top to see the newes entry.

Any ideas?

Quote · 26 May 2008

Not sure right off hand in 6.1.1, but in the previous version you just needed to change asc/desc in the particular file to reverse.

ASC is ascending

DESC is descending

So if I understand what you are looking for you just need to find the reference to it in the file and if it says desc change to asc or if it says asc change to desc. Again many things have changed in this version so I can not say for certain at the moment.

If you are talking about profile comments I believe the file used to be /templates/base/scripts/bxbaseprofileview.php could be another file, I'm half asleep at the moment and heading off to never never land.

If you are talking about comments in other locations it may be a different file for say blog comments, or classified comments, etc.

I'm half asleep here so I can't verify the file for you at the moment maybe someone else can follow up or I'll check tomorrow if I remember.

But maybe this will get you started and make a little sense.

gameutopia - Your One and Only Source For Boonex Dolphin Tutorials and Resources
Quote · 26 May 2008


thanks for your hints, i tried them already yesterday. But hell, i cant find it anywhere. I was checking everything what could have to do something with PRofile or Comments. I didnt found it. Its the same with DoB.

Anyway, when you find the right solution, pls let me know!



Quote · 26 May 2008

Don't the order of the comments to be defined in inc/classes/BxDolCmtsQuery.php ???

I'm still using Dol 6.0 for a few days, so I cannot make any test...


Line 75, replace:   ORDER BY `c`.`cmt_time` ASC");   with:   ORDER BY `c`.`cmt_time` DSC");


Could somebody check and give some feedback ? :-)

Life is a fatal disease, sexually transmissible - Virginity is carcinogenic! Ask here for vaccine.
Quote · 26 May 2008

Yepper thats it...

75            ORDER BY `c`.`cmt_time` ASC");


ORDER BY `c`.`cmt_time` DESC");

bxdolcomments holds the times for the wait...although I just refreshed and it stopped timer


I have video tutorials to help you
Quote · 26 May 2008

Hello mrpowless :-)


Sorry but I don't understand what you mean here:

"bxdolcomments holds the times for the wait...although I just refreshed and it stopped timer sec_to_edit"


Do you mean that if changing ASC for DESC this will cause a problem to occur ?

Life is a fatal disease, sexually transmissible - Virginity is carcinogenic! Ask here for vaccine.
Quote · 27 May 2008

Yeah, it worked! Thanks a lot Mrpowless!!! It seems, that this was the only file which i didnt checked ;)

Thanks both for your help!


Quote · 27 May 2008

An option in the Admin Panel to choose the order of the comments will be welcome :-)

Life is a fatal disease, sexually transmissible - Virginity is carcinogenic! Ask here for vaccine.
Quote · 27 May 2008

GREAT!!! It works perfectly!

Quote · 23 Sep 2008

thanks, i luv it...

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Quote · 27 Nov 2008
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