1) Forum shows some error or even blank page after installing.
- First scenario: you didn't applied Step 5 from Upgrade Instructions. You can apply it now, after applying forum should work. The only thing is you need to recompile forum language file from admin panel -> modules -> orca forum -> manage forum.
- Second scenario: you are using 3rd-party template which is not compatible with new version, you can try to delete 3rd-party template files from forum, they are in /modules/boonex/forum/layout/ folder, leave only base* and uni* folders here. Then ask 3rd-party template author to provide you updated version of the template.
2) "ALTER TABLE `Profiles` DROP INDEX `NickName_3`;: Can't DROP 'NickName_3'; check that column/key exists" error during install.
- It maybe that somebody already removed this unused table index before. If you have no such index in the table - then upgrade will fail. You can manually remove the following line: ALTER TABLE `Profiles` DROP INDEX `NickName_3` from upgrade/files/7.0.2-7.0.3/sql.sql file, so upgrade will not stop on this line. You can safely run upgrade script again after this fix.
3) Video is still not starting to play before loading entire video!
- Only newly uploaded videos will be buffering. Videos uploaded during the time when 7.0.2 were running - stay intact, this problem is not in script but in video files itself.
4) "Fatal error: Class 'BxDolAlerts' not found in /****/****/public_html/inc/design.inc.php on line 542" error on every page.
- This is because you have some code missing in inc/header.inc.php file. It can occur if you using Dolphin 7 since first RC, because this code was added in Dolphin 7.0.0 RC2.
To fix the error add the following code in inc/header.inc.php file:
require_once(BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_CLASSES . 'BxDolAlerts.php'); $oZ = new BxDolAlerts('system', 'begin', 0); $oZ->alert();
after the following line:
require_once(BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_CLASSES . "BxDolService.php"); at the end of file, before "?>" signs.
Make sure that you do not leave any new lines or space characters after "?>" signs!
5) HTML promo block on index page is now shown right, or is damaged. (added 2010-10-04)
Delete manually (using FTP/SSH) /cache/sys_options_XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.php file - it will solve the problem.
You will need to delete this file manually every time you change HTML promo block on index page.
Better workaround will be implemented in 7.0.4
Errors fixing procedures during upgrade
for experienced users only !
If script fail during system upgrade (you get error before "System after update custom script was successfully executed") then you can fix the problem and can try to run upgrade script again.
If upgrade fail during modules upgrade (you get error after "The following modules will be updated:" ) then the best solution is to restore site from backup, fix the problem and run upgrade script again.
Even if your site is working fine after modules upgrade fails - I suggest you to complete upgrade someway - in other case you can have unpredictable results and future problems with upgrade.
It is better to make always backup right before upgrade procedure. But if you have no backup or it is too old - it is a problem! and you will need custom upgrade - you can try to do it by yourself - but it is dangerous way, I suggest to hire someone to do it for you.
If you still want to do it by yourself - I do not guarantee at all if everything will work, but if you want to try anyway - here are the instructions:
0) Make backup of current system, if you miss the backup before, make it at this stage at least, so you will not make the things even worse.
1) Fix the error you get during modules upgrade.
2) Then you need to check which modules are already upgraded - you can check it by comparing current module version in sys_modules table: 1.0.2 - module is not upgraded yes 1.0.3 - module is already upgraded
3) Delete already upgraded modules from /upgrade/files/7.0.2-7.0.3/modules/ folder.
4) Delete "alter tables" and "handlers" sections from /upgrade/files/7.0.2-7.0.3/sql.sql file - they can not be applied twice.
5) Set "sys_tmp_version" config variable in "sys_options" table back to 7.0.2
6) Run upgrade script again following all the instructions.
7) If it fails again - fix the error and repeat all the steps.
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I have upgraded from 7.0.2 to 7.0.3.. Everything seems okay.. But There are following two problems that I have right now..
When I go to GROUPS I get following warning .. JUST WARNING.. (I've left php errors on for checking)
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/blumblumshub/public_html/inc/classes/BxDolProfileFields.php on line 629
When I want to see online member by http://abc.com/search.php?online_only=1 or featured members, or birthdays, I get following
See error1.jpg in attachment please
Can you guys please tell me why this is ?
Kind Regards,
I haven't been able to completely compile my forum language.
I followed your instructions above exactly, and it definitely is better.
However, I still get a lot of underscores like: _RECENT TOPICS and _7 posts
This shouldn't have anything to do with my template because I did the upgrade using uni and the problem showed using this template.
Thanks for any advice you can offer.
No Signature at this time. |
I had some issues during my upgrade as well including the language compile in the forums. I posted my resolutions here:
Hope this helps
Nothing to see here |
Admin Page Builder having the below warning issue...
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/xxxxxxxxx/public_html/community/inc/classes/BxDolPageViewAdmin.php:99) in /home/xxxxxxxx/public_html/community/inc/classes/BxDolSession.php on line 61
See Attached....How to fix it????
Another Day past............................. |
Admin Page Builder having the below warning issue...
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/xxxxxxxxx/public_html/community/inc/classes/BxDolPageViewAdmin.php:99) in /home/xxxxxxxx/public_html/community/inc/classes/BxDolSession.php on line 61
See Attached....How to fix it????
Cannot modify header information - headers already sent.
This warning is almost always caused by extra white space or new lines at the end of the scripts.
Open each php file mentioned. There are 2 of them. Go to the end of the file and remove any blank lines after the final closing ?> php tag.
Most servers do not have a problem with blank lines. Mine does not. But some do.
https://www.deanbassett.com |
Thanks deano.. its fixed. Another Day past............................. |
All good until
utomatic part of upgade is completed. Please do the following to complete upgrade process:
* Clean /cache/, /cache_public/ and /tmp/ folders via FTP or SSH, leave only .htaccess file there if one exists * Recompile language files for all modules from admin panel -> Tools -> Modules * Recompile system language file from admin panel -> Settings -> Languages Settings * Recompile Orca Forum language file from admin panel -> Modules -> Orca Forum -> Manage Forum
Fatal error: Call to undefined method Forum::getRecentTopicsXML() in /home2/thegoldr/public_html/mycommunity/modules/boonex/forum/index.php on line 351
All good until
utomatic part of upgade is completed. Please do the following to complete upgrade process:
* Clean /cache/, /cache_public/ and /tmp/ folders via FTP or SSH, leave only .htaccess file there if one exists * Recompile language files for all modules from admin panel -> Tools -> Modules * Recompile system language file from admin panel -> Settings -> Languages Settings * Recompile Orca Forum language file from admin panel -> Modules -> Orca Forum -> Manage Forum
Fatal error: Call to undefined method Forum::getRecentTopicsXML() in /home2/thegoldr/public_html/mycommunity/modules/boonex/forum/index.php on line 351
All the way to the top of this forum post. First scenario. Click on the upgrade instructions link provided there and do what step 5 says to do.
https://www.deanbassett.com |
hi. Mozillia crashed after upgrade and i lost upgrade screen saying what to do manually. can please somebody post this screen here. Thank you |
Hope this is what you were referring to and you can blow it up large enough to see in the attachment.
DialMe.com - Your One and Only Source For Boonex Dolphin Tutorials and Resources |
After try to update one of my 7.0.2 to 7.0.3 I got directly after type the url to upgrade path the database error.
Had to set back two times a server backup before my site was working again. This is a very bad upgrade, there are more problems then solutions. So for me no upgrade at all. If this is going on I will not using Dolphin more for new coming sites.
If they can't give us good code then don't bring this stuff out!!!
Kids first |
i have problem with upgrading to 7.0.3
see the attachments and maby someone know how to fix this problem. i try solution what AlexT says here, but thats not helping, it says "Update can not be applied"
i have problem with upgrading to 7.0.3
see the attachments and maby someone know how to fix this problem. i try solution what AlexT says here, but thats not helping, it says "Update can not be applied"
You need to fix the issue first and then apply AlexT's instructions above and re-run the patch and it should work fine...
We experienced that issue on one of our customer sites as well and we fixed it using AlexT's instructions ....
Facebook, Twitter & Instagram Combo - http://bit.ly/1h5CarP |
Hello everybody. Let's specify info about errors.
to linuxtist:
Plz specify what changes u made with fields of ur Dolphin section. So how deeply they were customized and specify if it was without Fields builder.
to flister2002
Seems u had troubles / errors with replacement of files by upgrade package. Try to replace this file manually modulesboonexforumclassesForum.php and repeat this step.
to killerhaai
instead of this long post it will be better to show only errors which u had during / after upgrade. This way will be more effectively.
to Kuic
Plz specify - was store in ur D7 modified? Seems in ur site possible 2 situations: 1) store was incorrectly deleted and record about it was left in table `sys_modules`; 2) store was modified to work without installed forums module.
DoobieBurnin.com has update to 7.0.3 and this is the issue I have noticed:
If someone was already your friend, when you mouse over their avatar, it will say Remove Friend Twice
Every other problem has been with purchased Modules, and I contacted the developers for that.
Helpful hint: Keep track of EVERY MOD! You possibly could of modified some files that were replaced in the update and cause your errors, just simply follow the instructions again from the developer and made the changes necessary. I keep a running log of changes, just in case.
You have very unusual problem. I think it is related to forum design modifications you have. First check if you have updated the following file to the latest version:
After you make sure that it is the latest one - try to recompile forum language.
I haven't been able to completely compile my forum language.
I followed your instructions above exactly, and it definitely is better.
However, I still get a lot of underscores like: _RECENT TOPICS and _7 posts
This shouldn't have anything to do with my template because I did the upgrade using uni and the problem showed using this template.
Thanks for any advice you can offer.
Rules → http://www.boonex.com/terms |
Common problem 5 and solution was added. Rules → http://www.boonex.com/terms |
to LeonidS
intresting.... i check admin panel installed modules and i see that store module is installed, but if i go my site then i dont see anything, like this module is not installed, how is that. and i dont modifed nothing. How i can fixed this problem.
Hi Kuic
If ur store doesn't contain any important info then u may try to reinstall it. It it can't be done via admin panel then need to delete record about it from sys_modules table manually via phpMyAdmin.
Just execute this query:
delete form `sys_modules` where `path`='boonex/store/' limit 1
You have very unusual problem. I think it is related to forum design modifications you have. First check if you have updated the following file to the latest version:
After you make sure that it is the latest one - try to recompile forum language.
AlexT, That was it!
I guess I had screwed up and didn't copy the new en.php file into the above folder. You are amazing! Thank you so much! That was my last fix after the upgrade...now my site is back 100%. Now it's back to SEO.
No Signature at this time. |
Update on my update (lol)
The Duplicate "Remove Friend" was in fact a Duplicate entry somehow made in the install, I simply located the duplication in the DB entry 'sys_objects_actions' and removed it. Problem solved by AntonLV, I swear guys hes the best Agent on this site!
I got this one on the avatar module SQL script..
INSERT INTO `sys_page_compose` (`Page`, `PageWidth`, `Desc`, `Caption`, `Column`, `Order`, `Func`, `Content`, `DesignBox`, `ColWidth`, `Visible`, `MinWidth`) VALUES('pedit', '998px', 'Manage Avatars', '_bx_ava_manage_avatars', 2, @iMaxOrder, 'PHP', 'return BxDolService::call(''avatar'', ''manage_avatars'', array ((int)$_REQUEST[''ID'']));', 1, 50, 'memb', 0);: Column 'Order' cannot be null
Any ideas?
I have got a problem with my ray chat... it is stuck in loading screen....
it worked on 7.0.2
I have got a problem with my ray chat... it is stuck in loading screen....
it worked on 7.0.2
Go into your Admin Panel> Modules> Flash Apps and click Settings. See if your RMS settings are still there. If not, re-enter them and retry again.
Nothing to see here |
I got this one on the avatar module SQL script..
INSERT INTO `sys_page_compose` (`Page`, `PageWidth`, `Desc`, `Caption`, `Column`, `Order`, `Func`, `Content`, `DesignBox`, `ColWidth`, `Visible`, `MinWidth`) VALUES('pedit', '998px', 'Manage Avatars', '_bx_ava_manage_avatars', 2, @iMaxOrder, 'PHP', 'return BxDolService::call(''avatar'', ''manage_avatars'', array ((int)$_REQUEST[''ID'']));', 1, 50, 'memb', 0);: Column 'Order' cannot be null
Any ideas?
I traced down the issue with only having 1 column for the Profile Edit Page. I added another column, followed the instruction listed in Errors fixing procedures during upgrade and then ran the update without issue.
Then I received this when going to Orca Forums to compile language:
: Fatal error: Call to undefined method Forum::getRecentTopicsXML() in /home/freech/public_html/modules/boonex/forum/index.php on line 351
I removed the Forum Block from my Main Page, completed the rest of the file/folder deletes and permission changes. I was then able to get to the forum and recompile the language:en. I then added the Forum block to the Main Page. All working great now!
I have got a problem with my ray chat... it is stuck in loading screen....
it worked on 7.0.2
Go into your Admin Panel> Modules> Flash Apps and click Settings. See if your RMS settings are still there. If not, re-enter them and retry again.
the RMS settings are still there.
I cant even get far enough to get any of these problems!!!
I get to step 3 - run /upgrade
I get the message 'upgade failed'
Thats it. No explanation, no indication of what failed, just failed.
Guess Im stuck with 7.0.2 for now...
Only thing I can think right now is that the installation Im trying to upgrade is an addon domain, not the main domain path.
Would this make a difference to the upgrade patch?
example - I have www.7.0.2site.com running as an addon to another installation (my first test installation)
When I run the upgrade Im using the url www.7.0.2site.com/upgrade
Should I be using www.primaryURL/public_html/www.7.0.2site.com/upgrade
Or am I talking nonsense...!
Eitherway at the moment the upgrade patch will not upgrade me.
I had some issues during my upgrade as well including the language compile in the forums. I posted my resolutions here:
Hope this helps
For some reason, the link above doesn't work. Here's the correct one:
I don't know if anyone else has ran into this, but it looks like that the adminsitrative functions for the forum (hide, lock, delete post etc) do not work when js caching and compression is on (using eAccelerator). This happens on the default UNI template as well as custom templates.
Works fine without caching (and yeah I cleared the cache folders before re-enabling them).
Anyone else facing this issue? |
The only error I got is is directly after type the url to the upgrade path: Database error. Not more then that. I could not start up the site after that. I had to force two times a server backup run before the site was back in original state. Kids first |
did the upgrade to 7.0.3 affected anyone's page rank or search results in google ??
or is it just me.
i used to have around 10000 results for my site name in google now its gone down to 5900.
does it matter at all ??
Regards........ M.Chauhan U.K. |
There is no any pages structure changes, nor titles/meta descriptions in 7.0.3. So this update can not affect google page rank in this matter.
However, it was some optimizations in 7.0.3 which make Dolphin faster and higher rank in 'Page Speed' firebug extension - this means better ranking in search engines.
So this update can affect only good way - not bad way !
Also - Google don't show all indexed pages when performing site:mydomain.com search query. This video can tell more I think:
did the upgrade to 7.0.3 affected anyone's page rank or search results in google ??
or is it just me.
i used to have around 10000 results for my site name in google now its gone down to 5900.
does it matter at all ??
Rules → http://www.boonex.com/terms |
Any idea about this one...I go under orca forums in the mod page and get the below:
Warning: DOMDocument::load() [domdocument.load]: I/O warning : failed to load external entity "/home/budbundy/public_html/modules/boonex/forum/layout/lin/xsl/recent_topics_main.xsl" in /home/*****/public_html/modules/boonex/forum/classes/BxXslTransform.php on line 84
Warning: XSLTProcessor::importStylesheet() [xsltprocessor.importstylesheet]: compilation error in /home/*****/public_html/modules/boonex/forum/classes/BxXslTransform.php on line 87
Warning: XSLTProcessor::importStylesheet() [xsltprocessor.importstylesheet]: xsltParseStylesheetProcess : empty stylesheet in /home/*****/public_html/modules/boonex/forum/classes/BxXslTransform.php on line 87
Warning: XSLTProcessor::transformToXml() [xsltprocessor.transformtoxml]: No stylesheet associated to this object in /home/*****/public_html/modules/boonex/forum/classes/BxXslTransform.php on line 88
Any idea about this one...I go under orca forums in the mod page and get the below:
Warning: DOMDocument::load() [domdocument.load]: I/O warning : failed to load external entity "/home/budbundy/public_html/modules/boonex/forum/layout/lin/xsl/recent_topics_main.xsl" in /home/*****/public_html/modules/boonex/forum/classes/BxXslTransform.php on line 84
Warning: XSLTProcessor::importStylesheet() [xsltprocessor.importstylesheet]: compilation error in /home/*****/public_html/modules/boonex/forum/classes/BxXslTransform.php on line 87
Warning: XSLTProcessor::importStylesheet() [xsltprocessor.importstylesheet]: xsltParseStylesheetProcess : empty stylesheet in /home/*****/public_html/modules/boonex/forum/classes/BxXslTransform.php on line 87
Warning: XSLTProcessor::transformToXml() [xsltprocessor.transformtoxml]: No stylesheet associated to this object in /home/*****/public_html/modules/boonex/forum/classes/BxXslTransform.php on line 88
Are you using a custom template? Probably your template does not supports the D7.0.3 Orca Forum styles.
Try to revert back to the UNI template and it should work fine.
Facebook, Twitter & Instagram Combo - http://bit.ly/1h5CarP |
Ok thanks! One other issue that isnt mod related is none of the videos are playing..it shows the play button but after you hit it you get nothing but a blank screen. I know there is a buffer time on the old ones still but nothing is playing at all. |
I just update the site from 7.0.2 to 7.0.3 and now I am getting these labels all over my site....
[L[1 forums]] • [L[0 topics]] • [L[0 posts]]
Thes brackets all over, these brackets to all text wasnt there before....I did follow all the instruction and deleted the upgrade folder and all the files that are written in step 8.
Please advise asap.
I just update the site from 7.0.2 to 7.0.3 and now I am getting these labels all over my site....
[L[1 forums]] • [L[0 topics]] • [L[0 posts]]
Thes brackets all over, these brackets to all text wasnt there before....I did follow all the instruction and deleted the upgrade folder and all the files that are written in step 8.
Please advise asap.
You need to recompile the languages in Dolphin and the forums. The upgrade instructions explain how to do this.
Nothing to see here |
Hello. I managed to update my website. But now I have a problem with shopping cart. When you click on "shopping cart" it directs you straight to the homepage. Formerly, it directed to "cart checkout". Does anyone know how to fix it? Thanks |
Ticket: http://www.boonex.com/trac/dolphin/ticket/2209
Changeset: http://www.boonex.com/trac/dolphin/changeset/14497
Hello. I managed to update my website. But now I have a problem with shopping cart. When you click on "shopping cart" it directs you straight to the homepage. Formerly, it directed to "cart checkout". Does anyone know how to fix it? Thanks
Rules → http://www.boonex.com/terms |
Ticket: http://www.boonex.com/trac/dolphin/ticket/2209
Changeset: http://www.boonex.com/trac/dolphin/changeset/14497
Hello. I managed to update my website. But now I have a problem with shopping cart. When you click on "shopping cart" it directs you straight to the homepage. Formerly, it directed to "cart checkout". Does anyone know how to fix it? Thanks
Thank you.
I just upgraded my site, and it said all modules were upgraded successfully, and and then it said I need to go into admin to compile some stuff, but now, all I get is a blank page. On the homepage and in admin it just loads blank.
Anything I can do to fix this???... I of course did a full backup of files and database, so I am gonna put it back to 702 again and try again to see
I just upgraded my site, and it said all modules were upgraded successfully, and and then it said I need to go into admin to compile some stuff, but now, all I get is a blank page. On the homepage and in admin it just loads blank.
Anything I can do to fix this???... I of course did a full backup of files and database, so I am gonna put it back to 702 again and try again to see
I will check for this:
Did you deleted the cache?
Did you assigned all the permissions?
Is there anything in the apache logs?
Facebook, Twitter & Instagram Combo - http://bit.ly/1h5CarP |
I've tried upgrading our dev site from 7.0.2 to 7.0.3 and the upgrade fails with the following error:-
ALTER TABLE `modzzz_articles_entries` ADD `snippet` text NOT NULL AFTER `caption`;: Table '[db_name].modzzz_articles_entries' doesn't exist
It's related to the Modzzz Ultimate Articles module however the table that it reports doesn't exist I don't believe ever has and after checking the SQL installation file from the module from when I purchased it, this table was never meant to be installed.
Can anyone advise why my install seems to think that table should be there and how I can resolve the issue please?
Many thanks
you are correct, the upgrade script is confusing the default articles mod with modzzz and looking for some table that is non-existent. you can work around this by creating the table, this will satisfy the stupid requirement of something doesnt exist and allow you to move on with your upgrade.
I've tried upgrading our dev site from 7.0.2 to 7.0.3 and the upgrade fails with the following error:-
ALTER TABLE `modzzz_articles_entries` ADD `snippet` text NOT NULL AFTER `caption`;: Table '[db_name].modzzz_articles_entries' doesn't exist
It's related to the Modzzz Ultimate Articles module however the table that it reports doesn't exist I don't believe ever has and after checking the SQL installation file from the module from when I purchased it, this table was never meant to be installed.
Can anyone advise why my install seems to think that table should be there and how I can resolve the issue please?
Many thanks
1. login to your control panel
2. navigate to phpmyadmin
3. select database you are working with
4. open the sql file with your favorite editor (hopefully not msword)
5. copy the sql statement from the sql file
6. on the database on phpmymadmin select the sql tab
7. paste the sql statement into the txt area
8. hit the go button
that should be it, now you can continue with your upgrade.
When a GIG is not enough --> Terabyte Dolphin Technical Support - Server Management and Support |
Thanks for your help with this today DosDawg :) |
Have spent most of the day persevering with a 7.0.2 to 7.0.3 upgrade on our development site with the help of DosDawg. It finally looks as if most things have upgraded successfully now apart from our custom template which will have to be modified for 7.0.3 but one thing that is confusing and preventing us from carrying out the step in the upgrade script to recompile forum languages is the fact that there appears to be no 'recompile forum language' link in the 'Manage Forum' tab on our site (please see attached file for a screenshot of the manage forum page we see on our dev site).
Please could someone advise where the recompile language option has disappeared to or where it should be on 7.0.3?
Many thanks.
look here at picture
your missing the link it looks like..I'm no expert, did you edit your css file in the forums
ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong! |
look here at picture
your missing the link it looks like..I'm no expert, did you edit your css file in the forums
no the css was not edited for the forums, this is an upgrade attempt, where the required files provided were pushed up to the server. then in following instructions provided, the step came to compile the lang files for orca, and that is when it was determined there was no link to compile the langs, there is also another link missing here and that is the New Group link. so something is wacky. hoping somebody has seen this before, and knows the resolution.
When a GIG is not enough --> Terabyte Dolphin Technical Support - Server Management and Support |
I've having trouble getting the page builders to load. I've change all the permissions cleared my chace and still no luck. I've attached a screen shoot for a better understanding. Does anyone know of a fix for this? Also after upgrading to the newest dolphin on my join page the calender where new members enter their birth date will not work. The calendar will not pop up for them to enter a date and they cant enter a date in the block with the number keys. I attached a screen shot of that as well. Any help will be appreciated. |
I'm receiving errors when I try to create a new forum. I'm not using 3rd party template.
Warning: XSLTProcessor::importStylesheet() [xsltprocessor.importstylesheet]: /home/......../public_html/LEDEN/modules/boonex/forum/layout/base_nl/xsl/edit_forum_form.xsl:58: parser error : Input is not proper UTF-8, indicate encoding ! Bytes: 0xE9 0x0A 0x20 0x20 in /home/......../public_html/LEDEN/modules/boonex/forum/classes/nl/BxXslTransform.php on line 87
Warning: XSLTProcessor::importStylesheet() [xsltprocessor.importstylesheet]: priv�n /home/......../public_html/LEDEN/modules/boonex/forum/classes/nl/BxXslTransform.php on line 87
Warning: XSLTProcessor::importStylesheet() [xsltprocessor.importstylesheet]: ^ in /home/......../public_html/LEDEN/modules/boonex/forum/classes/nl/BxXslTransform.php on line 87
Warning: XSLTProcessor::importStylesheet() [xsltprocessor.importstylesheet]: compilation error: file /home/......../public_html/LEDEN/modules/boonex/forum/layout/uni_nl/xsl/edit_forum_form.xsl line 3 element include in /home/......../public_html/LEDEN/modules/boonex/forum/classes/nl/BxXslTransform.php on line 87
Warning: XSLTProcessor::importStylesheet() [xsltprocessor.importstylesheet]: xsl:include : unable to load /home/......../public_html/LEDEN/modules/boonex/forum/layout/base_nl/xsl/edit_forum_form.xsl in /home/......../public_html/LEDEN/modules/boonex/forum/classes/nl/BxXslTransform.php on line 87
Warning: XSLTProcessor::transformToXml() [xsltprocessor.transformtoxml]: No stylesheet associated to this object in /home/......../public_html/LEDEN/modules/boonex/forum/classes/nl/BxXslTransform.php on line 88
look here at picture
your missing the link it looks like..I'm no expert, did you edit your css file in the forums
no the css was not edited for the forums, this is an upgrade attempt, where the required files provided were pushed up to the server. then in following instructions provided, the step came to compile the lang files for orca, and that is when it was determined there was no link to compile the langs, there is also another link missing here and that is the New Group link. so something is wacky. hoping somebody has seen this before, and knows the resolution.
Doesn't look like anyone from Boonex wants to answer :(
you are seeing that because the site owner was intent on setting his custom template as the running template which it was stated that there would be issues. there are missing files on 7.0.2 templates that need to be imported when going to 7.0.3.
the problem is the lang compile link is missing, and as best i know, the forums templates dir was overwritten. so this may equate to something being modified at some other point, however, site owner does state that on his current running 7.0.2 site, the lang compile link is present.
When a GIG is not enough --> Terabyte Dolphin Technical Support - Server Management and Support |
I think that's impossible. I did a clean install of D7.0.3 just because of the problems with the forum.
Now I'm stuck with groups but I can't create forums in none of the groups.
I can't figure out what the problem is.
@ erica4534 - Try disabling the DB cache and PB cache (page block) from Admin Panel > Settings> Advanced Settings> Other. Clear your /cache (except .htaccess) and /cache_public directories then try again..
@ annabel - You stated that you couldnt create a forum from within the Groups module. Can you create forum posts inside the forum itself? If its in regards to those errors you posted, there seems to be something going on with a template and/or language it looks like. Are you still getting those errors like this:
Warning: XSLTProcessor::importStylesheet() [xsltprocessor.importstylesheet]: /home/......../public_html/LEDEN/modules/boonex/forum/layout/base_nl/xsl/edit_forum_form.xsl:58: parser error : Input is not proper UTF-8, indicate encoding ! Bytes: 0xE9 0x0A 0x20 0x20 in /home/......../public_html/LEDEN/modules/boonex/forum/classes/nl/BxXslTransform.php on line 87
Warning: XSLTProcessor::importStylesheet() [xsltprocessor.importstylesheet]: priv�n /home/......../public_html/LEDEN/modules/boonex/forum/classes/nl/BxXslTransform.php on line 87
Warning: XSLTProcessor::importStylesheet() [xsltprocessor.importstylesheet]: ^ in /home/......../public_html/LEDEN/modules/boonex/forum/classes/nl/BxXslTransform.php on line 87
Warning: XSLTProcessor::importStylesheet() [xsltprocessor.importstylesheet]: compilation error: file /home/......../public_html/LEDEN/modules/boonex/forum/layout/uni_nl/xsl/edit_forum_form.xsl line 3 element include in /home/......../public_html/LEDEN/modules/boonex/forum/classes/nl/BxXslTransform.php on line 87
Warning: XSLTProcessor::importStylesheet() [xsltprocessor.importstylesheet]: xsl:include : unable to load /home/......../public_html/LEDEN/modules/boonex/forum/layout/base_nl/xsl/edit_forum_form.xsl in /home/......../public_html/LEDEN/modules/boonex/forum/classes/nl/BxXslTransform.php on line 87
Warning: XSLTProcessor::transformToXml() [xsltprocessor.transformtoxml]: No stylesheet associated to this object in /home/......../public_html/LEDEN/modules/boonex/forum/classes/nl/BxXslTransform.php on line 88
Nothing to see here |
Still getting those errors.
I could only create forum groups in the Orca Forum. When I try to create a forum in those forum groups I get these errors.
Language compilation works fine and I see no errors in the database.
Are you using the English language or something else? Im just trying to figure out what the _nl and /nl/ are.. We can discuss this further via PM if you wish. Nothing to see here |
I found the problem.
I put my site in default Dutch language and created groups and forums while in this standard dutch language.
I put my site in default English language again and now it works perfectly.
Very strange, because in the future (when my site will run in dutch language) I won't be able to add more groups and forums. Or I should get my site offline for 'maintanance' and switch back to default english before adding groups and forums.
Should it be reported as a bug or is this the normal procedure ?
Thanks Zarcon for mentioning the languages ... when I thought about that, I found the solution  |
i apologize for that post, i thought you were referencing z's site.
it does appear that its complaining about the language translation /nl
are you able to run the upgrade patch using the /en language then converting to your /nl language?
there are some of those XSL files that are wreaking havoc, so could you try the upgrade on /en and see if things turn out for you?
another note, the files /modules/boonex/forum/layout/base/xsl there are new files on the upgrade, and the one your error is mentioning is one of them. there are no xsl files in the groups module, so the complaint has to be coming from the forums module.
in /modules/boonex/groups/classes/ there is an error_log can we see what it has to say?
so i ran the DIFF on /modules/boonex/forum/classes --> /modules/boonex/forum/classes/en in my case it was en for the english language, so it appears this is part of the lang compile gig.
the difference in the two is the [L are removed ] in the en version of the file
see attached
seems i took too long gathering my information...... oh well glad to see you got it fixed.
When a GIG is not enough --> Terabyte Dolphin Technical Support - Server Management and Support |
Thanks Zarcon for mentioning the languages ... when I thought about that, I found the solution 
Glad to hear that :)
Nothing to see here |
Most probably that custom template have the bug with box menu .. there is JavaScript which checks box menu if it is too long and if it is too long to fit the box - it adds JavaScript scroller to it.
Also it was problem before - in some versions of browsers zoom was implemented the way when this javascript didnt' work right as I remember it was FF, but after this there was the fix and additionally firefox change browser's zoom behavior. So make sure that you are using recent version of FF browser and latest Dolphin version.
Have spent most of the day persevering with a 7.0.2 to 7.0.3 upgrade on our development site with the help of DosDawg. It finally looks as if most things have upgraded successfully now apart from our custom template which will have to be modified for 7.0.3 but one thing that is confusing and preventing us from carrying out the step in the upgrade script to recompile forum languages is the fact that there appears to be no 'recompile forum language' link in the 'Manage Forum' tab on our site (please see attached file for a screenshot of the manage forum page we see on our dev site).
Please could someone advise where the recompile language option has disappeared to or where it should be on 7.0.3?
Many thanks.
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Orca Forum language file is not using UTF-8 encoding, you can try to fix it, by downloading Orca language file:
open it is some editor which allow to change file encoding, save it using UTF-8 encoding and upload back to the server, then try to compile Orca language file.
Hope it helps.
I'm receiving errors when I try to create a new forum. I'm not using 3rd party template.
Warning: XSLTProcessor::importStylesheet() [xsltprocessor.importstylesheet]: /home/......../public_html/LEDEN/modules/boonex/forum/layout/base_nl/xsl/edit_forum_form.xsl:58: parser error : Input is not proper UTF-8, indicate encoding ! Bytes: 0xE9 0x0A 0x20 0x20 in /home/......../public_html/LEDEN/modules/boonex/forum/classes/nl/BxXslTransform.php on line 87
Warning: XSLTProcessor::importStylesheet() [xsltprocessor.importstylesheet]: priv�n /home/......../public_html/LEDEN/modules/boonex/forum/classes/nl/BxXslTransform.php on line 87
Warning: XSLTProcessor::importStylesheet() [xsltprocessor.importstylesheet]: ^ in /home/......../public_html/LEDEN/modules/boonex/forum/classes/nl/BxXslTransform.php on line 87
Warning: XSLTProcessor::importStylesheet() [xsltprocessor.importstylesheet]: compilation error: file /home/......../public_html/LEDEN/modules/boonex/forum/layout/uni_nl/xsl/edit_forum_form.xsl line 3 element include in /home/......../public_html/LEDEN/modules/boonex/forum/classes/nl/BxXslTransform.php on line 87
Warning: XSLTProcessor::importStylesheet() [xsltprocessor.importstylesheet]: xsl:include : unable to load /home/......../public_html/LEDEN/modules/boonex/forum/layout/base_nl/xsl/edit_forum_form.xsl in /home/......../public_html/LEDEN/modules/boonex/forum/classes/nl/BxXslTransform.php on line 87
Warning: XSLTProcessor::transformToXml() [xsltprocessor.transformtoxml]: No stylesheet associated to this object in /home/......../public_html/LEDEN/modules/boonex/forum/classes/nl/BxXslTransform.php on line 88
Rules → http://www.boonex.com/terms |
Most probably that custom template have the bug with box menu .. there is JavaScript which checks box menu if it is too long and if it is too long to fit the box - it adds JavaScript scroller to it.
Also it was problem before - in some versions of browsers zoom was implemented the way when this javascript didnt' work right as I remember it was FF, but after this there was the fix and additionally firefox change browser's zoom behavior. So make sure that you are using recent version of FF browser and latest Dolphin version.
Have spent most of the day persevering with a 7.0.2 to 7.0.3 upgrade on our development site with the help of DosDawg. It finally looks as if most things have upgraded successfully now apart from our custom template which will have to be modified for 7.0.3 but one thing that is confusing and preventing us from carrying out the step in the upgrade script to recompile forum languages is the fact that there appears to be no 'recompile forum language' link in the 'Manage Forum' tab on our site (please see attached file for a screenshot of the manage forum page we see on our dev site).
Please could someone advise where the recompile language option has disappeared to or where it should be on 7.0.3?
Many thanks.
I don't have the custom template in use currently. The recompile forum languages link (and other links) are missing using the default UNI template as well.
i would try to push those upgrade files up to the server again, and see if you get any luckier. even if you have to do one module at a time, to make sure they are getting loaded..
i.e. if you are replacing index.php then i would do this --> _index.php then push the file up to the server. that way all files that are existing, can remain as you are doing your R&D.....
Most probably that custom template have the bug with box menu .. there is JavaScript which checks box menu if it is too long and if it is too long to fit the box - it adds JavaScript scroller to it.
Also it was problem before - in some versions of browsers zoom was implemented the way when this javascript didnt' work right as I remember it was FF, but after this there was the fix and additionally firefox change browser's zoom behavior. So make sure that you are using recent version of FF browser and latest Dolphin version.
Have spent most of the day persevering with a 7.0.2 to 7.0.3 upgrade on our development site with the help of DosDawg. It finally looks as if most things have upgraded successfully now apart from our custom template which will have to be modified for 7.0.3 but one thing that is confusing and preventing us from carrying out the step in the upgrade script to recompile forum languages is the fact that there appears to be no 'recompile forum language' link in the 'Manage Forum' tab on our site (please see attached file for a screenshot of the manage forum page we see on our dev site).
Please could someone advise where the recompile language option has disappeared to or where it should be on 7.0.3?
Many thanks.
I don't have the custom template in use currently. The recompile forum languages link (and other links) are missing using the default UNI template as well.
When a GIG is not enough --> Terabyte Dolphin Technical Support - Server Management and Support |
I've having trouble getting the page builders to load. I've change all the permissions cleared my chace and still no luck. I've attached a screen shoot for a better understanding. Does anyone know of a fix for this? Also after upgrading to the newest dolphin on my join page the calender where new members enter their birth date will not work. The calendar will not pop up for them to enter a date and they cant enter a date in the block with the number keys. I attached a screen shot of that as well. Any help will be appreciated.
I see what you mean about the calendar, what happens if you use the default "UNI" template?
ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong! |
i would try to push those upgrade files up to the server again, and see if you get any luckier. even if you have to do one module at a time, to make sure they are getting loaded..
i.e. if you are replacing index.php then i would do this --> _index.php then push the file up to the server. that way all files that are existing, can remain as you are doing your R&D.....
Most probably that custom template have the bug with box menu .. there is JavaScript which checks box menu if it is too long and if it is too long to fit the box - it adds JavaScript scroller to it.
Also it was problem before - in some versions of browsers zoom was implemented the way when this javascript didnt' work right as I remember it was FF, but after this there was the fix and additionally firefox change browser's zoom behavior. So make sure that you are using recent version of FF browser and latest Dolphin version.
Have spent most of the day persevering with a 7.0.2 to 7.0.3 upgrade on our development site with the help of DosDawg. It finally looks as if most things have upgraded successfully now apart from our custom template which will have to be modified for 7.0.3 but one thing that is confusing and preventing us from carrying out the step in the upgrade script to recompile forum languages is the fact that there appears to be no 'recompile forum language' link in the 'Manage Forum' tab on our site (please see attached file for a screenshot of the manage forum page we see on our dev site).
Please could someone advise where the recompile language option has disappeared to or where it should be on 7.0.3?
Many thanks.
I don't have the custom template in use currently. The recompile forum languages link (and other links) are missing using the default UNI template as well.
I have now done this and all the files from the 7.0.3 patch are definately uploaded...
Still missing the links in the forum and can't compile languages. :(
Please can you shed some light on this Alex, I'm desperate. I currently cannot finish my 7.0.3 upgrade on our development website as it's hanging in limbo whilst trying to work through the upgrade steps.
It also means that we currently have no dev site to carry out tests/modifications/upgrades so everything is being done on our live server.
Please help!
Have you tried other my solutions ?
Also it was problem before - in some versions of browsers zoom was implemented the way when this javascript didnt' work right as I remember it was FF, but after this there was the fix and additionally firefox change browser's zoom behavior. So make sure that you are using recent version of FF browser and latest Dolphin version.
Other words - try to reset browsers' zoom level and try to use other browsers !
I don't have the custom template in use currently. The recompile forum languages link (and other links) are missing using the default UNI template as well.
Rules → http://www.boonex.com/terms |
Have you tried other my solutions ?
Also it was problem before - in some versions of browsers zoom was implemented the way when this javascript didnt' work right as I remember it was FF, but after this there was the fix and additionally firefox change browser's zoom behavior. So make sure that you are using recent version of FF browser and latest Dolphin version.
Other words - try to reset browsers' zoom level and try to use other browsers !
I don't have the custom template in use currently. The recompile forum languages link (and other links) are missing using the default UNI template as well.
Yes I have done all that. Countless times, makes no difference.
I have the Fatal error: Class 'BxDolAlerts' not found in /****/****/public_html/inc/design.inc.php on line 542" error on the /administration/email_templates.php when trying to save changes
I tchecked the inc/header.inc.php file but it's all fine.
Any idea ?
Ticket: http://www.boonex.com/trac/dolphin/ticket/2313
Changeset: http://www.boonex.com/trac/dolphin/changeset/14721
I have the Fatal error: Class 'BxDolAlerts' not found in /****/****/public_html/inc/design.inc.php on line 542" error on the /administration/email_templates.php when trying to save changes
I tchecked the inc/header.inc.php file but it's all fine.
Any idea ?
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Hey guess what everbody!
I have finally upgraded to 7.0.3 - only took 6 weeks.
Tons of things went wrong but worked our way through all the problems one by one and took about 5 hours yesterday.
Next... 7.0.4 update.
Anyone willing to help me upgrade the site? If I attempt this, I'll end up crashing the site (again!).
Sorry, but paying for upgrades just isnt feasible at the moment due to the holidays.
My signature can beat up your signature! |
Anyone willing to help me upgrade the site? If I attempt this, I'll end up crashing the site (again!).
Sorry, but paying for upgrades just isnt feasible at the moment due to the holidays.
Your website is infected with trojans - I would suggest sorting this out before you do anything else.
I just went through the list of errors. I did not see this one. Please advise.
Mysql error: Unknown column 'Cache' in 'field list'
Found error in the file '/home/delmar/public_html/zerotoherotv.com/inc/classes/BxDolPageViewAdmin.php' at line 826. Called 'db_res' function with erroneous argument #0.
'Cache' field was added in Dolphin 7.0.3, please make sure that 7.0.2-7.0.3 update was applied properly.
I just went through the list of errors. I did not see this one. Please advise.
Mysql error: Unknown column 'Cache' in 'field list'
Found error in the file '/home/delmar/public_html/zerotoherotv.com/inc/classes/BxDolPageViewAdmin.php' at line 826. Called 'db_res' function with erroneous argument #0.
Rules → http://www.boonex.com/terms |
I followed all the steps, but i encountered so many error with this upgrade. I fixed most of them by eliminating white spaces like deano92962 suggested. Everything seems to be working smooth, but the toolbar at the bottom has a problem. When I click on the notification, status message or presence the windows dont seem to pop up. What could be the problem?
And would it be safe for me to upgrade to 7.0.4 now or first I have to make sure 7.0.3 is working fine.
Please checkout the attached image status.jpg.
Free the Dolphin... |
Also look at what's happening in the admin panel.
Please have a look at the attached image:
Free the Dolphin... |
Another problem, the simple messenger does not work. When i got to a person's profile there is no option to chat. Free the Dolphin... |
simple messenger does not work. When i got to a person's profile there is no option to chat. also can't change the presence is there a fix for this |
simple messenger does not work. When i got to a person's profile there is no option to chat. also can't change the presence is there a fix for this
Had the same problem. There was something wrong with member_menu_queries.php. So I just deleted it and uploaded anew one from the Dolphin 7.0.4 upgrade package and that seemed to fix it.
Free the Dolphin... |