We would like to use Dolphin, but are totally befuddled as to which version we should use (assuming that we should use it).
In response to questioning about the release of Dolphin 7, I read in these forums where someone speculated that a RC version of Dolphin 7 would probably not be until December or perhaps February 2010 at the latest.
Yet on the Products page of this site regarding Poseidon, it reads, "Poseidon has been in development since 2007 and is planned to be the core engine for Dolphin 8." The estimated release date for Poseidon is stated on this site as being March 2010.
So if you piece these two things together, it suggests that Dolphin 7 wouldn't be around very long before being superceded by Dolphin 8. If that is the case, is there any point in waiting for Dolphin 7, rather than simply building sites now using Dolphin 6? I mean, if Dolphin 7 is to be rendered obsolete by a Dolphin 8 shortly thereafter, why not simply proceed right now using Dolphin 6? Thanks for everyone's input.