Hello- I have a new site just launched...yah! And the contact us button is not working.
Check it out
Can some one tell me how to get it working...All the permissions are set correctly.
Also- In the contact.php file where in the code would I put the PHONE NUMBER?
Thank you in advance,
first of all - make only 1 topic to ask question (I have removed all other) and what about your contact us - it works properly. Maybe you have tried to use wrong e-mail Regards Artur |
Thank you for your comment. I did only make one comment but I pushed the button three time so it made more.
I see the contact us button on my site is not active. could you please try again?
it will be active only if you enter correct information. Check it up Regards Artur |
Thank you for your quick reply.
Ok so I entered everything is right: I put in my name: email: subject, text bodt. captha exactly right and the button is still a light grey and I can't push it.
and the same thing with the subscribe button for the newsletters...? Am I missing a setting some where?
don't copy and past your email to the form, write it |
Is it possible to get the contact form to return to Home page once the email is sent or even a html page the site owner can design re email sent before, say after 5 seconds returning to index.php? many thanks Stuart There are none so blind as those that will not see. |
If you want the submit button to always be active in contact.php line 119 remove onkeyup="if( emailCheck( this.value ) ) this.form.do_submit.disabled=false; else this.form.do_submit.disabled=true;" and on line 137 remove disabled="disabled" |
it is not best solution - just because e-mail address should be valid. Regards Artur |