Correctly Setting Up Facebook Connect

Does anyone know how to correctly step by step to successfully set up the facebook connect?  I have my api key and secret code installed in the mod, but on the facebook side I don't seem to have it set up right.  Has anyone seen step by step instructions for the facebook side of the setup?  I can't seem to find any.  Has anyone successfully set it put on their site?  Please help, really want to get this working.  Thanks.

Quote · 5 Jan 2010

I did a blog post on this not too long ago.
I did a video and posted it in the blog so you can check it out there if you'd like.
Hope it helps you and anyone else who may be stuck with it as well.

View it here

Be a dolphin, be creative in you own way and you will attract a audience
Quote · 5 Jan 2010

DON'T bother for the script SUCKS. I mean totally SUCKS MAN! Just use your regular form and trash this ugly piece of crap mod. YOu'll save yourself headaches and valuable time. At first, yeah, it works okay ...if you're lucky. RUN from this mod!!!

Quote · 5 Jan 2010

@itshaunted, if you don't like this module then don't use it. Simple as that. You don't need to go around posting EVERYWHERE that this module "sucks". Some people do not mind how this module works.

@dtspace and wolf2217,

visit this link

Click setup application.

Once you login you should see your API key and secret key on the basic page. Edit your description, logo and icon and leave everything else as is.

Visit the connect tab. Your connect url is the sites main url (example: Also add your base url. Its the same as your main but without http://www. I selected request friend linking and added a description.

Leaving everything else the same, save and retry by changing the auth type from Basic to Facebook Connect and login using your facebook credentials.


Nothing to see here
Quote · 5 Jan 2010


Did you get approved for friend linking? How could that possibly work?

Quote · 5 Jan 2010

Im not sure I checked that. I would have to log back into the development site and see if thats enabled, but I do not think I did.


Nothing to see here
Quote · 5 Jan 2010

Does anyone know how to correctly step by step to successfully set up the facebook connect?  I have my api key and secret code installed in the mod, but on the facebook side I don't seem to have it set up right.  Has anyone seen step by step instructions for the facebook side of the setup?  I can't seem to find any.  Has anyone successfully set it put on their site?  Please help, really want to get this working.  Thanks.

Rules →
Quote · 6 Jan 2010

Alex your the main for posting this link on here, this module was a little disappointing to me at first but I finally fixed it.

Does anyone know how to correctly step by step to successfully set up the facebook connect?  I have my api key and secret code installed in the mod, but on the facebook side I don't seem to have it set up right.  Has anyone seen step by step instructions for the facebook side of the setup?  I can't seem to find any.  Has anyone successfully set it put on their site?  Please help, really want to get this working.  Thanks.

Quote · 10 Jan 2010

@itshaunted, if you don't like this module then don't use it. Simple as that. You don't need to go around posting EVERYWHERE that this module "sucks". Some people do not mind how this module works.

Hey, it's my opinion and ALL should not bother with this Mod. If the Mod fails to work (as it did for me) you'll lose your members for they will not be allowed to login after you uninstall. Simple. RUN from this Mod. The developer should be re-schooled. Just my opinion.

Quote · 13 Jan 2010


@itshaunted, if you don't like this module then don't use it. Simple as that. You don't need to go around posting EVERYWHERE that this module "sucks". Some people do not mind how this module works.


@dtspace and wolf2217,


visit this link

Click setup application.

Once you login you should see your API key and secret key on the basic page. Edit your description, logo and icon and leave everything else as is.

Visit the connect tab. Your connect url is the sites main url (example: Also add your base url. Its the same as your main but without http://www. I selected request friend linking and added a description.

Leaving everything else the same, save and retry by changing the auth type from Basic to Facebook Connect and login using your facebook credentials.




 chris, i would like to try this but I cant seem to find the ''connect tab'', this is in facebook right on the page you mention above?  I think I need to do this last step because now it has a problem.. .can u help?

Quote · 14 Jan 2010
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