Couples in Latest Member Block

Hi is there any soution to couple members not appearing in the Members block on the home page (6.1.4).

I have found the file where it deals with this section but having played about with the code abit I can either get the block to show all the couples or all the single members but not both.

Anyone found this or solved it?

 The file is the\templates\base\scripts\BxBaseIndex.php

and the code should be around Line 360


function getBlockCode_Members() {
  global $tmpl;
  // number of profiles
  $max_num = (int) getParam( "top_members_max_num" );
  // Get Sex from GET data
  if ( $_GET['Sex'] && $_GET['Sex'] != "all" ) {
   $sex = process_db_input( $_GET['Sex'] );
   $query_add = " AND `Sex` = '$sex'";
  } else {
   $sex = "all";
   $query_add = "";
  $query_add .= ' AND (`Couple`=0 OR `Couple`>`ID`)';
  $query = "
  if ( $_GET['members_mode'] == 'online' or
    $_GET['members_mode'] == 'rand' or
    $_GET['members_mode'] == 'last' or
    $_GET['members_mode'] == 'top' )
    $mode = $_GET['members_mode'];
   $mode = 'last';

Quote · 28 Sep 2008

What you want exactly?
1. that any couples haven`t any second image? (maybe better close registration as couple? )

2. disable second pic at any thumbs of couples

3. disable second pic in point 2 here and at profile page, . .and think again about point 1 :)

Quote · 29 Sep 2008


What you want exactly?
1. that any couples haven`t any second image? (maybe better close registration as couple? )

2. disable second pic at any thumbs of couples

3. disable second pic in point 2 here and at profile page, . .and think again about point 1 :)

 non of the above

I just want the member block on the inde page to show any couples that have joned as wel as the single males and single female profiles

it is curently set to display the latest members and correctly shows  the single males and  the single females profiles but it will not show the couples profiles

Quote · 29 Sep 2008
The couples profiles images will occupy 2 spaces that is occupied by single profile. So I recommend you to write a code to display the couple profile in separate box.
Quote · 29 Sep 2008

Thanks Praveenky

That is not an option as although I am gradually learning how PhP works I am not proficent at writing code yet Laughing



Quote · 29 Sep 2008

Civil ceremonies often allow couples to choose their own marriage vows, although many civil marriage vows are adapted from the traditional vows, taken from the Book of Common Prayer, "To have and to hold, from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part."



Online Dating

Quote · 18 Oct 2008
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.