Creating a friends only network.

Did anyone post about this yet? I asked a while ago, but does anyone have any ideas on how to make it so I can only see blogs, photos, videos, posts, etc of my friends. So when I click on a menu item, it will show the content that was created by my friends.

What about adding a site wide friends only filter? How do I do this? And the people search would be a friends search so, for example, my school dean or my boss at work can be on the same network without us running into each other. When people sign up, the admin profile will automatically be friends with them so they won't see a blank network.


I think this can be done.

Quote · 10 Aug 2015

Yes, it could be done with some custom work.  I am guessing since you are asking and not doing that you don't know how,  Therefore, you will need to hire a developer to do the work for you.  This means spending money.

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 10 Aug 2015

It seems like all I would have to do is change all of links to display "friends" instead of displaying "public". So where would I look for this and I will figure the rest out.

Quote · 10 Aug 2015


It seems like all I would have to do is change all of links to display "friends" instead of displaying "public". So where would I look for this and I will figure the rest out.

Uh, no, it is more involved than that but go ahead.  However, I suggest you actually start learning the code base and how privacy groups work in Dolphin first.

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 11 Aug 2015

I would suggest to disable all privacy groups except "Friends" (Admin Panel > Settings > Advanced Settings > Privacy Groups) and set this as default by running the following query:

UPDATE `sys_privacy_actions` SET  `default_group` =  '5' WHERE  `default_group` =  '3';

Clear db cache after this query execution.

So users will be able to post content for Friends only.

To make admin a fiend for all you need a custom modification or there is a mod for it already - it maybe other similar mods available too.

Rules →
Quote · 11 Aug 2015


I would suggest to disable all privacy groups except "Friends" (Admin Panel > Settings > Advanced Settings > Privacy Groups) and set this as default by running the following query:

UPDATE `sys_privacy_actions` SET  `default_group` =  '5' WHERE  `default_group` =  '3';

Clear db cache after this query execution.

So users will be able to post content for Friends only.

To make admin a fiend for all you need a custom modification or there is a mod for it already - it maybe other similar mods available too.


Thank you.

Ok so if I want friends and only me, then I run the query but select those two privacy options in admin.

What would you suggest for the navigation links? Should I just remove them or is there a quick way to set the default to display content from friends instead of public?

Quote · 11 Aug 2015

I guess I sort of found a fix for this, but it's not quite the same. I removed all of the navigation links and replaced them with the users links that are on their profile. All they can do is edit their own stuff, view their friends, and personal things.


I think the common area for people to meet will be in the chat room, boards, live video, and other activities. I think I will have to use evo wall for the friends only feeds and try to make that part of the community interaction along with chat. However, I think it would be better if members could use the nav links to view friends content instead of public content, in the friends only case.


I seriously don't want my real friends to see what I do on the internet, lol, the type of stuff I am in too and I already told them about my site so they are going to be checking me out. I guess I will just have to have two different user accounts.

Quote · 11 Aug 2015
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.