Credits Mod Support (Modzzz)

This is the support forum for the Credits mod.  See

Paypal email is -
9 Sep 2010

I have two questions:

Can this mod be integrated with the Song Contests Mod so that you can charge members for entering in contests?

Can you use credits to buy store items?


24 Nov 2010

The Song Contests Mod is presently integrated with the Points mod. Integration with Credits can be done.

Presently, you cannot use Credits to purchase items in the Store.

Paypal email is -
24 Nov 2010

The Song Contest mod is now integrated with Credits so that you can charge members for entering in contests


I have two questions:

Can this mod be integrated with the Song Contests Mod so that you can charge members for entering in contests?

Can you use credits to buy store items?



Paypal email is -
14 Dec 2010

Version 2.0.3 released.

Updates made :

a) Removes Donate Button from Profile if member is Free Gender. 
b) Removes Credits block from Account page if member is Free Gender.

N.B - Free Gender means that gender (male, female etc) has free access and does not need Credits.

Clients can download the mod and check the patches/version_2.0.3 folder for instructions.

Paypal email is -
9 Jan 2011

Version 2.0.4 released.

Fixes problem with cost of Credits Packages not being properly calculated at checkout.

Paypal email is -
2 Mar 2011

Version 2.0.5 released.

Fixes problem with using credits to send messages

Paypal email is -
22 Mar 2011

Version 2.0.6 released. (see patches/version_2.0.6 folder)

Fixes problem with payment calculation when Credits package is activated.

Paypal email is -
17 Apr 2011

Modzzz I need you please respond to my emails bro. The only time I can communicate with you in on your forum. Again Please Respond.

18 Apr 2011

Can the Credits mod be used to post items in the store or to post reviews in your Reviews mod?

18 May 2011

No, those functionalities would have to be implemented as customizations.

Can the Credits mod be used to post items in the store or to post reviews in your Reviews mod?


Paypal email is -
18 May 2011

hello modz i have a job for you and i was wandering if you could do it since im very confident in the work that you do i would like you to migrate my web site, also up grade some things 

25 May 2011

 I have sent you a PM.

hello modz i have a job for you and i was wandering if you could do it since im very confident in the work that you do i would like you to migrate my web site, also up grade some things 


Paypal email is -
25 May 2011

Is this mod integrated with your Ultimate Articles mod by chance? If not, would it be difficult to do? I have great purpose for this mod if it can be done!

Skype: shawn.nelson
7 Jul 2011

 It is not integrated presently but this can be done.

Is this mod integrated with your Ultimate Articles mod by chance? If not, would it be difficult to do? I have great purpose for this mod if it can be done!


Paypal email is -
8 Jul 2011

Version 2.0.7 released. (see patches/version_2.0.7 folder)

Adds the ability to select the currency for use. Previously, the mod was depending on the currency settings in the payment module.

Fixes issues with purchasing Credits in package. 

Paypal email is -
19 Jul 2011

In mail.php

Find :

$sComposedPage = 'mail_page_compose';


I could not find it 
29 Sep 2011

 I have updated the instructions. Download and check again.

In mail.php

Find :

$sComposedPage = 'mail_page_compose';


I could not find it 


Paypal email is -
29 Sep 2011


 I have updated the instructions. Download and check again.

In mail.php

Find :

$sComposedPage = 'mail_page_compose';


I could not find it 



29 Sep 2011

hi.  Sorry for more one post here, but once again I need your support.  I do appreciate.

 in  Credits > Membership purchase,
it is not showing the message, instead it shows the keyword

in .../modules/modzzz/credit/install/langs/en.php
line 184:
'_modzzz_credit_auto_membership_off' => 'Auto Membership Upgrade is Turned OFF.<br>You can turn this ON in your Credits Settings', 

Default Dolphin Template.  No other keylanguage is missing so far. 


In Credits > Buy Credits

1- in Quantity...  How do I change the order.  default is
ie.  1000 Credits - $10
ie.  1000 Credits = 10 US$

2 In Quantity -  Where can I change the term "credits"  to my own currency.
Default is ie. 1000 Credits - $10
Change to ie. 1000 My$ = 10 US$
(including space and = sign instead - sign)
Not mean to change all ´Credits´ words in the Module.  Only when it is after the number-of-credits.  

thanks in advance 

1 Oct 2011

 I can´t make Credits to be worked. I don´t know what could be wrong.

  I want members to pay or to be paid  for an action.

  In Admin/Modules/Credits I went to Manage Actions.
  in Ads it is setup to 100 (positive) (active)
-> Using a Standard member, I was not able to post one Ad.  It says that I need to buy more.  In fact I have zero credits.  Well, it is right.  I want that members pay me for creating an Ad.  But, for testing only, the value there is positive.  And, isn´t it suppose to pay me instead?

  in Photo > Credits for uploading a Photo
  it is setup to -2 (active) or setup to 2 (positive) (active)
-> Using a Standard member,  I was able to upload photos without any problem.  I didn´t earn or was asked to pay for it..

I couldn´t find any FAQ or Documentation about it.  Can you give me a hand on this.  Or anyone here that already use this Module?

  Thank you. 

1 Oct 2011


can the earning of points allowed only on certain criterias?


1. +1 points for any post with min 10 comments, +1 points for every comment beyond 10 comments

2. +5 points for any post shared in facebook,twitter etc

3. +10 points for any referrals

4. +10 points for any likes/shares in fb/twitter

5. +1 points for chatting every minute in chatroom

6. +100 points for activity in groups, clubs, forums [every 10 subscribed members] 

    I start a club, invite min 10 members and if each member/10 is active daily[min 1 post or 1 comment or 1 like inside the club] i get 100 points/day

7. I expect a fantastic social gaming mod from you soon.

1 Oct 2011

 Wrong support forum. Anyway, there is no criteria functionality in the Points mod. You would have to get  this custom developed.


can the earning of points allowed only on certain criterias?


1. +1 points for any post with min 10 comments, +1 points for every comment beyond 10 comments

2. +5 points for any post shared in facebook,twitter etc

3. +10 points for any referrals

4. +10 points for any likes/shares in fb/twitter

5. +1 points for chatting every minute in chatroom

6. +100 points for activity in groups, clubs, forums [every 10 subscribed members] 

    I start a club, invite min 10 members and if each member/10 is active daily[min 1 post or 1 comment or 1 like inside the club] i get 100 points/day

7. I expect a fantastic social gaming mod from you soon.


Paypal email is -
1 Oct 2011

 Do not use negative values. The mod is designed so that members pay for an action. There is no functionality to allow members to get paid.

 I can´t make Credits to be worked. I don´t know what could be wrong.

  I want members to pay or to be paid  for an action.

  In Admin/Modules/Credits I went to Manage Actions.
  in Ads it is setup to 100 (positive) (active)
-> Using a Standard member, I was not able to post one Ad.  It says that I need to buy more.  In fact I have zero credits.  Well, it is right.  I want that members pay me for creating an Ad.  But, for testing only, the value there is positive.  And, isn´t it suppose to pay me instead?

  in Photo > Credits for uploading a Photo
  it is setup to -2 (active) or setup to 2 (positive) (active)
-> Using a Standard member,  I was able to upload photos without any problem.  I didn´t earn or was asked to pay for it..

I couldn´t find any FAQ or Documentation about it.  Can you give me a hand on this.  Or anyone here that already use this Module?

  Thank you. 


Paypal email is -
1 Oct 2011

 STEP 1)    
In modules\modzzz\credit\classes\BxCreditDb.php
Find :

    $sDesc = $iCredits.' '._t('_modzzz_credits_credits') .' - '.   html_entity_decode($this->_oConfig->getCurrencySign(), ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') . $iPrice;

Replace with :

    $sDesc = $iCredits.' '._t('_modzzz_credits_package_options') . ' = '  . $iPrice . ' US' .   html_entity_decode($this->_oConfig->getCurrencySign(), ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8');


In modules\modzzz\credit\install\langs\en.php

Add this line :

    '_modzzz_credits_package_options' => 'My$',    

Recompile the language for the Credits mod in Admin




hi.  Sorry for more one post here, but once again I need your support.  I do appreciate.

 in  Credits > Membership purchase,
it is not showing the message, instead it shows the keyword

in .../modules/modzzz/credit/install/langs/en.php
line 184:
'_modzzz_credit_auto_membership_off' => 'Auto Membership Upgrade is Turned OFF.<br>You can turn this ON in your Credits Settings', 

Default Dolphin Template.  No other keylanguage is missing so far. 


In Credits > Buy Credits

1- in Quantity...  How do I change the order.  default is
ie.  1000 Credits - $10
ie.  1000 Credits = 10 US$

2 In Quantity -  Where can I change the term "credits"  to my own currency.
Default is ie. 1000 Credits - $10
Change to ie. 1000 My$ = 10 US$
(including space and = sign instead - sign)
Not mean to change all ´Credits´ words in the Module.  Only when it is after the number-of-credits.  

thanks in advance 


Paypal email is -
1 Oct 2011

images attached here in this post.  Thank you in advance for your support

1- About Purchasing Credits Packages

In modules\modzzz\credit\classes\BxCreditDb.php

I removed the ´US´ of provided code, since I can make it in Dolphin/Admin>Modules>Credits>Settings > "Currency Sign..."

The code is now:
$sDesc = $iCredits.' '._t('_modzzz_credits_package_options') . ' = '  . $iPrice . '  ' .   html_entity_decode($this->_oConfig->getCurrencySign(), ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8');
In modules\modzzz\credit\install\langs\en.php
added:  '_modzzz_credits_package_options' => 'My$',    

LaughingBeautiful now!  Thank you very much .Laughing

2- About Get Paid with Credits.

Modzzz says: "Do not use negative values. The mod is designed so that members pay for an action. There is no functionality to allow members to get paid."

-  I wrote you in 03.Aug about this and since then I´d never gotten your reply.  I was trying to figure out how to setup it because if you go to Credit > Credit History (or Credit Home) you state:

"Credits You Have Earned Or Spent For Different Activities."   (in Credit History)
"Credits Activities - Ways to earn or spend credits"  (in Credit Home)
Q.  How users can Earn Credits? 

3- About Membership Purchase with Credits

Modzzz says: "..."
me -> This issue is still there. If I turn off this feature then I get this Message:


how can we fix it?

4- Turning ON the Purchase with Credits.
in Credit > Membership page.

- Everything is working well.  But the Available Memberships display order is disordered
- and where is the Add to Cart buttom? or how does it works?

the order is like that now:

it start well, with Advance Membership
Next it shows me Premium (180 days)
Next it shows me Premium ( 90 days)
Next it shows me Premium ( 30 days)
Next it shows me Premium (360 days)

- Would be better, for end-users, if it orders in the right sequence, like it is in default BoonEx Membership page.

Turning ON the Purchase with Credits.
in ...//m/membership/index page.

- How users can choose to pay with credits?  can not find any link for that.
- The regular Price and the Credits for purchasing the membership... both together, they are a messy. 
I would like to place them right under the Membership title and about its description.  Or any other way that fix that messy in Prices would be very appreciated.


Donate Credits:

- in Dolphin/Admin > Module>Credits..  there is the option to Allocate Credits to some member, but for admin only?

Q. How and where regular user can (donate) transfer credits to others users?  I couldn't  find out it yet.
Suggestion:  Would be nice to have the Transfer Credit  tab option (just like admin allocate)
 and the Transfer option in every user profile.  


Note:  Hope these changes not helping only me, but all those who purchase this great module.  I want to help to improve and make it even better.


price_and_credits.png · 105.4K · 391 views
credit-membership_off.png · 14K · 416 views
1 Oct 2011

Some ideas...  Who else would be interested?  Comment please

Earn Credits buy Purchasing a Membership

in Dolphin > My Membership page

I think that it would be very interesting and more attractive module if you design a way to allocate some amount of credits to users that is purchasing a Membership.  I can image how complicated and hard to do it can be.  But still is a MUST for sites running credits.

ie. Get PREMIUM for only 15 US$
      and earn 10,000 Credits.

PS.  But still keep the option to purchase membership with Credits in Credits Page 

Dolphin Store Integration

Wonder if no one is wondering lol
Store is also a place for money and to those sites that is running some sort of Credit System, where users need credits to pay for some activities.  Then the Credit and Store should be integrated by default.
Vendor should, optionally, PAY with credits to create one item in Store.
Buyers would EARN credits for purchasing some item. 

Note.  It is not Point System.  I am referring to Credits indeed. 
PS.  Hey BoonEx Team!  You should try a better e-Commerce scripts.   

1 Oct 2011

Suggestions are noted for future releases of the mod.

- Regarding the language string issue :

In the language file, find '_modzzz_creditt_membership_purchase_turned_off' and replace with '_modzzz_credit_membership_purchase_turned_off'

- Regarding earning credits, the term is used to refer to the allocation of Credits to a member by the Admin

- Regarding missing 'Add to Cart' button, this is because you do not have sufficient Credits to purchase that particular membership level. Once your Credits balance is greater or equal to the cost of that membership, the purchase button will show.

- Regarding adjusting the display of price and credits :

In modules\boonex\membership\templates\base\available.html

Find and remove :

            <div class="mbp-level-price">
                <div class="image" style="background-image:url(__currency_icon__);">&nbsp;</div>
                <div class="text">__price__</div><bx_if:credits>     
                        &nbsp;<bx_text:_modzzz_credit_or /> __credits__ <bx_text:_modzzz_credits />


Find :

                <div class="mbp-level-info">__description__</div>

Just above, Add :

                <div class="mbp-level-info text">
                    <img src="__currency_icon__" style="vertical-align: middle;">__price__
                        &nbsp;<bx_text:_modzzz_credit_or /> __credits__ <bx_text:_modzzz_credits />

Paypal email is -
2 Oct 2011


Suggestions are noted for future releases of the mod. - Thank you

- Regarding the language string issue :

In the language file, find '_modzzz_creditt_membership_purchase_turned_off' and replace with '_modzzz_credit_membership_purchase_turned_off'
 ok.  got it.  thank you

- Regarding earning credits, the term is used to refer to the allocation of Credits to a member by the Admin -  Not indeed.  the text there is refering to earning with activities. Just to let you know.

- Regarding missing 'Add to Cart' button, this is because you do not have sufficient Credits to purchase that particular membership level. Once your Credits balance is greater or equal to the cost of that membership, the purchase button will show.- purchase button would be better to show by default and, just like others action in this module, it would check user credits after pushing the buttom.  (suggestion)

- Regarding adjusting the display of price and credits :

In modules\boonex\membership\templates\base\available.html

My Code is a little different here.  Where do I have to edit it in my case?
 <div class="mbp-level-price">
    &nbsp;<bx_text:_modzzz_credit_or /> __credits__ <bx_text:_modzzz_credits />
                <div class="image" style="background-image:url(__currency_icon__);">&nbsp;</div>
                <div class="text">__price__</div>
            <div class="mbp-level-content">
                <div class="mbp-level-title">
                    <a href="javascript: void(0)" onclick="javascript:'__url_root__explanation.php?explain=membership&type=__id__', '', 'width=480,height=300,menubar=no,status=no,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,toolbar=no, location=no');">__title__</a> (__days__)
                <div class="mbp-level-info">__description__</div>



2 Oct 2011

Megarick : PM me with your email so I can send you the modified file. 

Paypal email is -
2 Oct 2011


Megarick : PM me with your email so I can send you the modified file. 

 I got the file.  It is looking perfect now.  Really Thank you. very much.

4 Oct 2011

how about adding different membership for buying credit packages?

e.g. promotional membership can buy credits at package A (1 credit - $1, 10 credits - $5) and standard membership can buy credits at package B (1 credit - $2, 10 credits - $10)

17 Oct 2011

 Thanks for the suggestion. Will consider it for the next update.

how about adding different membership for buying credit packages?

e.g. promotional membership can buy credits at package A (1 credit - $1, 10 credits - $5) and standard membership can buy credits at package B (1 credit - $2, 10 credits - $10)


Paypal email is -
17 Oct 2011
Hi there,! i can't find the donations option between members ? I can allocate it as an admin from admin panel, but can't find how members can donate each other with credits. Thx for your feedback,!
16 Nov 2011

 View another member's profile and you will see the Donate button in the Actions panel.

Hi there,! i can't find the donations option between members ? I can allocate it as an admin from admin panel, but can't find how members can donate each other with credits. Thx for your feedback,!


Paypal email is -
16 Nov 2011

Wow!:) Ok now i can see it !

Many Thanks!

17 Nov 2011

I want to remove the Donate Points button from Actions. This will help prevent members from creating numerous profiles in order to donate all points to one profile. Please help.

3 Dec 2011

 Go to the membership level setting for each of your memberships and disable the Points donate action.

 In the future, please use the proper support forum. This forum is for the Credits mod, not the Points mod.

I want to remove the Donate Points button from Actions. This will help prevent members from creating numerous profiles in order to donate all points to one profile. Please help.


Paypal email is -
3 Dec 2011

How do I remove donate credits option for certain memberships?

I went to membership level setting but could not find the option.


Members can Donate Credits to each other.

3 Dec 2011

1) Under Credits,Manage Actions, what is "Credits Awarded as Raffle Prize" ? Isn't the prize amount determined in the Raffle Mod?

2) Where can I set the membership price paid in credits? I only see this "Use Credits to purchase membership" but i can't set the amount (in credits) of the membership price when using credits to pay.

4 Dec 2011


Have read all of the forum and i have a few questions.

1. can members earn credits for different activities performed. (for example: Adding video comments to profiles, adding a post in the forum, etc) and the admin be able to set the values?  (for example: Adding video = 5 coins )

2. has this been expanded to integrate with the poem mod?

3. has this been updated to allow for items in the store to be purchased with coins and if so is there a way to give the store owner the choice of allowing for cash, coin, or both as payment for store items?

4. can coins be used to buy membership and or can coins be used to buy points via the points mod?



23 Feb 2012

Regarding Item 1, that is a functionality of the Points mod. Credits mod is strictly for the site earning money.

The answer to Item 2, 3 and 4 is No.


Have read all of the forum and i have a few questions.

1. can members earn credits for different activities performed. (for example: Adding video comments to profiles, adding a post in the forum, etc) and the admin be able to set the values?  (for example: Adding video = 5 coins )

2. has this been expanded to integrate with the poem mod?

3. has this been updated to allow for items in the store to be purchased with coins and if so is there a way to give the store owner the choice of allowing for cash, coin, or both as payment for store items?

4. can coins be used to buy membership and or can coins be used to buy points via the points mod?




Paypal email is -
23 Feb 2012

Since points is a way to reward members for actions on your site and credit are a way to make money to allow for actions to be taken on the site. Will it be possible to allow points (from points mod) to be exchanged for credits?  To me we should want to encourage our members to take actions on the site to keep it lively and at the same time be able to make money from the live activity. Most credit systems allow for members to buy and earn credits which they can buy things from the site or sell things on the site for more credits earned. With out this exchange it becomes a one way street and the members will have no natural incentive to keep buying credits as they are not gaining anything they cant see for free else where. any thoughts or plans for the future?

26 Feb 2012

1) Under Credits,Manage Actions, what is "Credits Awarded as Raffle Prize" ? Isn't the prize amount determined in the Raffle Mod?

RESPONSE : This will be removed from view in the next update.

2) Where can I set the membership price paid in credits? I only see this "Use Credits to purchase membership" but i can't set the amount (in credits) of the membership price when using credits to pay.

RESPONSE : You will see the option on the membership page after you have made the file changes specified in the readme.txt

1) Under Credits,Manage Actions, what is "Credits Awarded as Raffle Prize" ? Isn't the prize amount determined in the Raffle Mod?

2) Where can I set the membership price paid in credits? I only see this "Use Credits to purchase membership" but i can't set the amount (in credits) of the membership price when using credits to pay.


Paypal email is -
6 Mar 2012

 Feature to facilitate exchange between Points and Credits is coming.

Since points is a way to reward members for actions on your site and credit are a way to make money to allow for actions to be taken on the site. Will it be possible to allow points (from points mod) to be exchanged for credits?  To me we should want to encourage our members to take actions on the site to keep it lively and at the same time be able to make money from the live activity. Most credit systems allow for members to buy and earn credits which they can buy things from the site or sell things on the site for more credits earned. With out this exchange it becomes a one way street and the members will have no natural incentive to keep buying credits as they are not gaining anything they cant see for free else where. any thoughts or plans for the future?


Paypal email is -
6 Mar 2012


2) Where can I set the membership price paid in credits? I only see this "Use Credits to purchase membership" but i can't set the amount (in credits) of the membership price when using credits to pay.


 You don't have to set the amout of credits.  The system will auto-calculate the price in credits and will display it.  First you need to create the memberships of course.
 If you have credits enough for change for a membership, then the Purchase buttom will display, otherwise it will be always invisible.

6 Mar 2012

Version 2.0.8 released. (see patches/version_2.0.8 folder)

Adds multi-language compatibility to Group headers 

Paypal email is -
6 Mar 2012

 2) I meant can i set a different separate credit value for membership instead of following the default?

E.g. Buy membership using default paypal is $50/-. But able to set a different price if buy membership using credits. e.g. $60/- credits.


1) Under Credits,Manage Actions, what is "Credits Awarded as Raffle Prize" ? Isn't the prize amount determined in the Raffle Mod?

RESPONSE : This will be removed from view in the next update.

2) Where can I set the membership price paid in credits? I only see this "Use Credits to purchase membership" but i can't set the amount (in credits) of the membership price when using credits to pay.

RESPONSE : You will see the option on the membership page after you have made the file changes specified in the readme.txt

1) Under Credits,Manage Actions, what is "Credits Awarded as Raffle Prize" ? Isn't the prize amount determined in the Raffle Mod?

2) Where can I set the membership price paid in credits? I only see this "Use Credits to purchase membership" but i can't set the amount (in credits) of the membership price when using credits to pay.



6 Mar 2012

Another question:

Have upgraded to 2.0.9.

What's the difference between the actions in the settings and the actions in the manage actions.


Settings: "Credits activated for mail sending:" checkbox


Manage Actions: "Credits for Sending a Message - "Active" checkbox.

6 Mar 2012

 I am adding a new option in the settings to configure the dollar to credits ratio. Check the next patch release.

 2) I meant can i set a different separate credit value for membership instead of following the default?

E.g. Buy membership using default paypal is $50/-. But able to set a different price if buy membership using credits. e.g. $60/- credits.


1) Under Credits,Manage Actions, what is "Credits Awarded as Raffle Prize" ? Isn't the prize amount determined in the Raffle Mod?

RESPONSE : This will be removed from view in the next update.

2) Where can I set the membership price paid in credits? I only see this "Use Credits to purchase membership" but i can't set the amount (in credits) of the membership price when using credits to pay.

RESPONSE : You will see the option on the membership page after you have made the file changes specified in the readme.txt

1) Under Credits,Manage Actions, what is "Credits Awarded as Raffle Prize" ? Isn't the prize amount determined in the Raffle Mod?

2) Where can I set the membership price paid in credits? I only see this "Use Credits to purchase membership" but i can't set the amount (in credits) of the membership price when using credits to pay.




Paypal email is -
7 Mar 2012

Your version is actually 2.0.8.  Patch 2.0.9 will be released shortly. I will reduce it to one set of actions in a future version. 

Another question:

Have upgraded to 2.0.9.

What's the difference between the actions in the settings and the actions in the manage actions.


Settings: "Credits activated for mail sending:" checkbox


Manage Actions: "Credits for Sending a Message - "Active" checkbox.


Paypal email is -
7 Mar 2012

Version 2.0.9 released. (see patches/version_2.0.9 folder)

Adds multi-language compatibility to Group headers

Adds option to admin to set the dollar to credit ratio for purchasing membership

Paypal email is -
7 Mar 2012

Followed the upgrade patch instructions but the dollar to credit ratio is not working.

I entered 1.1 as the ratio.

My original cost of membership is : $50/-
Credit cost is still: 50 credits. (Instead of 55 credits).

(Yes, i cleared the cache and checked using 2 different accounts and 2 different browsers but still not working.)


Version 2.0.9 released. (see patches/version_2.0.9 folder)

Adds multi-language compatibility to Group headers

Adds option to admin to set the dollar to credit ratio for purchasing membership


7 Mar 2012

 Okie, now something is strange.

I have 2 memberships.

I entered 1.1 as the ratio.

First membership cost: $50, Credits: 56 (Ratio is 1.12, WRONG! )

Second membership cost: $80, Credits: 88 (Ratio is 1.1, Correct!)

Followed the upgrade patch instructions but the dollar to credit ratio is not working.

I entered 1.1 as the ratio.

My original cost of membership is : $50/-
Credit cost is still: 50 credits. (Instead of 55 credits).

(Yes, i cleared the cache and checked using 2 different accounts and 2 different browsers but still not working.)


Version 2.0.9 released. (see patches/version_2.0.9 folder)

Adds multi-language compatibility to Group headers

Adds option to admin to set the dollar to credit ratio for purchasing membership



15 Mar 2012

I will investigate and respond later this weekend. I haven't been well this week so I did not get to offer much support.

 Okie, now something is strange.

I have 2 memberships.

I entered 1.1 as the ratio.

First membership cost: $50, Credits: 56 (Ratio is 1.12, WRONG! )

Second membership cost: $80, Credits: 88 (Ratio is 1.1, Correct!)

Followed the upgrade patch instructions but the dollar to credit ratio is not working.

I entered 1.1 as the ratio.

My original cost of membership is : $50/-
Credit cost is still: 50 credits. (Instead of 55 credits).

(Yes, i cleared the cache and checked using 2 different accounts and 2 different browsers but still not working.)


Version 2.0.9 released. (see patches/version_2.0.9 folder)

Adds multi-language compatibility to Group headers

Adds option to admin to set the dollar to credit ratio for purchasing membership




Paypal email is -
16 Mar 2012

In modules\boonex\membership\classes\BxMbpTemplate.php

Find  the word :


Replace with :


 Okie, now something is strange.

I have 2 memberships.

I entered 1.1 as the ratio.

First membership cost: $50, Credits: 56 (Ratio is 1.12, WRONG! )

Second membership cost: $80, Credits: 88 (Ratio is 1.1, Correct!)

Followed the upgrade patch instructions but the dollar to credit ratio is not working.

I entered 1.1 as the ratio.

My original cost of membership is : $50/-
Credit cost is still: 50 credits. (Instead of 55 credits).

(Yes, i cleared the cache and checked using 2 different accounts and 2 different browsers but still not working.)


Version 2.0.9 released. (see patches/version_2.0.9 folder)

Adds multi-language compatibility to Group headers

Adds option to admin to set the dollar to credit ratio for purchasing membership




Paypal email is -
18 Mar 2012

Are there going to be credit vouchers?

For promoting my site, I figured I could hand out say 100 credit vouchers to purchase a bronze membership level.

So the next 100 people that sign up with that credit voucher will get the credits to purchase that  membership level.


31 May 2012

 Yes, Credit Voucher update will be done similar to the Points Voucher feature.

Are there going to be credit vouchers?

For promoting my site, I figured I could hand out say 100 credit vouchers to purchase a bronze membership level.

So the next 100 people that sign up with that credit voucher will get the credits to purchase that  membership level.




Paypal email is -
31 May 2012

modzzz i have issue where users can send mail without credits even though I have activated it ??? -- BIGGEST Range of Dedicated Servers at the Lowest Price!
6 Jun 2012

credits are subtracted in user history even though they dont have credits ...and are able to send mail.

please help ... -- BIGGEST Range of Dedicated Servers at the Lowest Price!
6 Jun 2012

is it possible to for users to require credits to activate 'simple chat' and 'video messenger'  ? -- BIGGEST Range of Dedicated Servers at the Lowest Price!
6 Jun 2012

I also notice that my credits is either taking its time to be added to the history for sending mails OR its not being added correctly ..


Even if a user logs out and then back in it amount is still not added or right for the number of mails sent

I dont know if this it to related to the other issue I mentioned I have.

please advise ...


credits are subtracted is user history even though they dont have credits ...and are able to send mail.

please help ... -- BIGGEST Range of Dedicated Servers at the Lowest Price!
6 Jun 2012

 can you help me with this please modzzz ...


I also notice that my credits is either taking its time to be added to the history for sending mails OR its not being added correctly ..


Even if a user logs out and then back in it amount is still not added or right for the number of mails sent

I dont know if this it to related to the other issue I mentioned I have.

please advise ...


credits are subtracted is user history even though they dont have credits ...and are able to send mail.

please help ... -- BIGGEST Range of Dedicated Servers at the Lowest Price!
6 Jun 2012

 One post in the support forum is sufficient. The matter will be investigated.

 can you help me with this please modzzz ...


I also notice that my credits is either taking its time to be added to the history for sending mails OR its not being added correctly ..


Even if a user logs out and then back in it amount is still not added or right for the number of mails sent

I dont know if this it to related to the other issue I mentioned I have.

please advise ...


credits are subtracted is user history even though they dont have credits ...and are able to send mail.

please help ...




Paypal email is -
6 Jun 2012

 Thanks and sorry, I was up-dating things as I discovered them ;)


 One post in the support forum is sufficient. The matter will be investigated.

 can you help me with this please modzzz ...


I also notice that my credits is either taking its time to be added to the history for sending mails OR its not being added correctly ..


Even if a user logs out and then back in it amount is still not added or right for the number of mails sent

I dont know if this it to related to the other issue I mentioned I have.

please advise ...


credits are subtracted is user history even though they dont have credits ...and are able to send mail.

please help ...

 -- BIGGEST Range of Dedicated Servers at the Lowest Price!
6 Jun 2012

I have noticed that if you send mail it does not take the credits

also >> if users want to read mail they get a message saying they require credits to 'send mail' -- BIGGEST Range of Dedicated Servers at the Lowest Price!
7 Jun 2012

modzzz have you been able to look at this yet in regards to credits and mail ?? I need to know  if its a problem with the mod or issue with my site itself ?

thank you  for time -- BIGGEST Range of Dedicated Servers at the Lowest Price!
17 Jun 2012

Version 2.1.0 released. (see patches/version_2.1.0 folder)

Fixes issue with using Credits for sending/viewing messages.

Paypal email is -
19 Jun 2012

 Awesome ... thank you for this ...

I have more questions >>  is it possible to require credits to activate 'simple chat' and 'messenger chat' ?

just like with the other service / credit set up ?!

this would be very cool ...


Version 2.1.0 released. (see patches/version_2.1.0 folder)

Fixes issue with using Credits for sending/viewing messages. -- BIGGEST Range of Dedicated Servers at the Lowest Price!
20 Jun 2012

I have allowed 'Featured mod' to work with credits however the fee in credits for featured is not reflected in 'Credits Activities'

please advise ...? -- BIGGEST Range of Dedicated Servers at the Lowest Price!
21 Jun 2012

hello modzzz.... issue with credits / mail !!

if user sends mail the people receiving is able to reply without charge ??

please help asap, thank you


Version 2.1.0 released. (see patches/version_2.1.0 folder)

Fixes issue with using Credits for sending/viewing messages. -- BIGGEST Range of Dedicated Servers at the Lowest Price!
22 Jun 2012

 sorry to be pain modzzz but can you help me with this please ....

since I added credits charge to send mail I can see members are finding away around this and replying to other members messages to bypass credits charge

Basically if you send mail you are required to have credits >> if you are replying to message there is no charge

thank you for your time ;)


hello modzzz.... issue with credits / mail !!

if user sends mail the people receiving is able to reply without charge ??

please help asap, thank you


Version 2.1.0 released. (see patches/version_2.1.0 folder)

Fixes issue with using Credits for sending/viewing messages. -- BIGGEST Range of Dedicated Servers at the Lowest Price!
23 Jun 2012


 sorry to be pain modzzz but can you help me with this please ....

since I added credits charge to send mail I can see members are finding away around this and replying to other members messages to bypass credits charge

Basically if you send mail you are required to have credits >> if you are replying to message there is no charge

thank you for your time ;)


hello modzzz.... issue with credits / mail !!

if user sends mail the people receiving is able to reply without charge ??

please help asap, thank you


Version 2.1.0 released. (see patches/version_2.1.0 folder)

Fixes issue with using Credits for sending/viewing messages.
 -- BIGGEST Range of Dedicated Servers at the Lowest Price!
25 Jun 2012

Hello Modzzz, I am wondering if you are able to provide a solution or idea as to how I stop users sending replies without charge ...


hope you can help -- BIGGEST Range of Dedicated Servers at the Lowest Price!
27 Jun 2012

. -- BIGGEST Range of Dedicated Servers at the Lowest Price!
30 Jun 2012

 hello Modzzz, Following up your mail to me, any idea when this be done please ?

Thank you alot. Josh



. -- BIGGEST Range of Dedicated Servers at the Lowest Price!
7 Jul 2012

 Feature to be added in next version release.

 Awesome ... thank you for this ...

I have more questions >>  is it possible to require credits to activate 'simple chat' and 'messenger chat' ?

just like with the other service / credit set up ?!

this would be very cool ...


Version 2.1.0 released. (see patches/version_2.1.0 folder)

Fixes issue with using Credits for sending/viewing messages.



Paypal email is -
8 Jul 2012

Version 2.1.1 released. (see patches/version_2.1.1 folder)

Adds membership level access to allow limiting who has ability to donate credits.

Fixes issue with using Credits for replying to messages.

Paypal email is -
12 Jul 2012


  Would be nice if member could earn credits for purchasing a membership level.  So we would have default Dolphin page "purchase membership" (earn credits) and Credit Mod page "purchase membership using credits".

  Integration with Coupons, so mambers would be able to pay with credits to download a Coupon  

14 Jul 2012

When using Credits for uploading a Video, photos, file dose not seem to be working on my site only the

viewing profile can you please help me.  

20 Aug 2012

Hey Modzzz I am curious to know when the 'simple chat' and 'video messenger' credits will be finished ?

I notice you have added some code for this in mod files ....

Any idea on this addition being completed please ?? -- BIGGEST Range of Dedicated Servers at the Lowest Price!
7 Sep 2012



Hey Modzzz I am curious to know when the 'simple chat' and 'video messenger' credits will be finished ?

I notice you have added some code for this in mod files ....

Any idea on this addition being completed please ?? -- BIGGEST Range of Dedicated Servers at the Lowest Price!
13 Sep 2012

hello Modzzz, are you any closer to getting this finished ?

since the last update (3-4 months back) I have  half completed  code (simple chat' and 'video messenger' credits )and would really like to see this working ;)



Hey Modzzz I am curious to know when the 'simple chat' and 'video messenger' credits will be finished ?

I notice you have added some code for this in mod files ....

Any idea on this addition being completed please ?? -- BIGGEST Range of Dedicated Servers at the Lowest Price!
11 Oct 2012

are we any closer to the credits for simple messenger and video messenger being finished ?

I see this is added to the mod description and I have some of that code at my site .... It would be great to see this finished and working ;)

Regards -- BIGGEST Range of Dedicated Servers at the Lowest Price!
17 Oct 2012

 bump .


are we any closer to the credits for simple messenger and video messenger being finished ?

I see this is added to the mod description and I have some of that code at my site .... It would be great to see this finished and working ;)

Regards -- BIGGEST Range of Dedicated Servers at the Lowest Price!
20 Oct 2012
9 Nov 2012
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.