Customizing Search by ID, nickname and tag

Does anyone know how to customize the three default search boxes at the top of the simple search page (ID, nickname and tag)? 


I want there to be four: name, nickname, email and keyword


& I need to make sure they refernce the database properly in order to ensure search results. 


Thanks in advance

Quote · 25 Feb 2009

I honestly have no idea how to do that. But if anyone does know then I am certainly looking forward to the answer also.

Quote · 10 Mar 2009

You can find out how to eliminate them from view here:

Quote · 10 Mar 2009

What would you like to put in it?  The file to start this trick is search.php and here is the section that applies to it:


//collect inputs

$oPF = new BxDolProfileFields($iPFArea);

$aRequestParams = $oPF -> collectSearchRequestParams();

if( isset( $_REQUEST['ID'] ) and (int)$_REQUEST['ID'] )

$aRequestParams['ID'] = (int)$_REQUEST['ID'];

if( isset( $_REQUEST['NickName'] ) and trim( $_REQUEST['NickName'] ) )

$aRequestParams['NickName'] = trim( process_pass_data( $_REQUEST['NickName'] ) );

if( isset( $_REQUEST['Tags'] ) and trim( $_REQUEST['Tags'] ) )

$aRequestParams['Tags'] = trim( process_pass_data( $_REQUEST['Tags'] ) );

if( isset( $_REQUEST['distance'] ) and (int)$_REQUEST['distance'] )

$aRequestParams['distance'] = (int)$_REQUEST['distance'];


Now it's pretty self explanatory on how to adjust it, for example to do age search you would just add another code string referring to it.  Play with it a little (use system name) and you will begin to see what you can do.


Quote · 10 Mar 2009
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The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.