D7 Final.. Really?

Im sorry for this post . but I have been doing alot of thinking and it got to me.. First off let me say that I think Boonex Dolphin is about the best Social Script I have found. I have paid ALOT for several other scripts.. and jsut never used them. I have been testing dolphin because I believe it has what I need in a script. I plan on Buying a license. I dont mind spending the money for a product that works the way I need it to. With that being said...


I have posted several times here and other sites the same thing..  I Love the new D7.... but..... AS I have stated before. one of the biggest downfalls is the couples profile doesnt seem to work..


I think you guys do a GREAT job but....can you call it a FINAL release if really Half of the script doesnt work.. by half I mean.. you have two main types of users.. SINGLE and COUPLES...... the couples profile is useless in D7.. The ONLY response I have seen so far on this issue is that it might be fixed in D7.1.. thats great.. but what about all of the users that have D7 and want to use the couples profile.. maybe its jsut me.. but I think this is a huge issue and should be looked at as a serious fix.  What do you think>?

Quote · 12 Jan 2010

There are still HEAPS of bugs and fixes that need looked at. In my opnion it should never have been released as a final. Should have stayed RC. I feel Boonex just rushed it out as a christmas "gift". I certainly feel now having installed this and using it on a live site, it should NEVER have been released yet.

Quote · 12 Jan 2010
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.