"But then again, this is a little difficult for a master programmer to figure out..."
See, like I said, you're just not into REALLY reading what people have to say. In my last post, the one where you had even more fun than in this one, I clearly stated:
"and I am an experienced programmer for several different applications
... but php doesn't rank the top of that list. My knowledge there is
just basic which is why"
But ... THANKS ... for your useful information in this post. It's appreciated.
The first suggestion worked just fine, probably because I removed the entire flash promo block and main menu so that those sections weren't able to have any kind of impact. I dropped everything down 110 px. and that was perfect, except for the fact that everything below was "butting up" to the lower edge of the new header image. No problem though. Got into the _header.html from the templ_uni and dropped a paragraph space where the block begins. That did the trick, all's well on the homepage now (almost)
Say what? Huh, What did you just say ... ???
so I don't mind helping out... Really... Anything else you want me to teach you?
Oh, well, shucks, in that case, since you're offering ....
Yes, I would love to receive more useful information along with boat loads of sarcasm. No problem, I can deal with that all day long as long as the outcome includes something productive. So feel free to fire away for this problem ??? here:
Explanation: Since the image map takes up the entire header size of 835 X 182 this also means that the profile pages now have the text for ... My Account, Mailbox, Profile, Logout, etc. running along inside of that header image. If it wasn't an image map I could maybe even ignore that but since it is an image map some of those links are running directly through linked areas of that map which is an obvious conflict. So here's the prize question that I haven't been able to figure out ... or maybe I just needed to sleep on it and take another look at the builders section from the admin panel, the question being ....
Is there some way to move those text links so that they too show up in the submenu/menu of the profile pages? If that's possible, then I'd also like to remove those same text links from the top of the page. The "Hello User" with the little image link can remain, those are fine. I guess the result would be to have the mail options, my account, profile, and logout sections show up both, in the profile and the my account submenu/menu. I don't need the "my presence" link because it's not important and I'll just get rid of that one altogether. Heck, I don't even know what's supposed to show up there .... probably something with Ray which we're not using? And if that's not challenging enough, I'll be happy to come up with more stuff for 'ya! (Hey, and just think of the entertainment value plus additional skills that others are getting out of this too, whoooo baby, let's make this forum rock!) ;^D
Greetings from Germany
Thanks for your offer. Most of the problems that I'm having have to do with the coding in the source php and template htm files. I think (hope) we're mostly done with the .css related stuff.