on one of my sites i have the problem, that the migration of profiles stops at about 7500 profiles
in the db are about 60000 profiles
is there somewhere a limit or must i change some limit in php.ini ?
hello, on one of my sites i have the problem, that the migration of profiles stops at about 7500 profiles in the db are about 60000 profiles is there somewhere a limit or must i change some limit in php.ini ? ue30 Mods - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ue30 |
no one any idea? are here other users which migrated from 6.1.6. to D7 big databases over 10000 users? ue30 Mods - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ue30 |
so the problem was, that in my main php.ini which is used for cron job the max_execution_time = "90" was not enough. i chnageg it higher and now all 60000 users where migrated. also some server like mine have two php.ini working, one for the main domain which you often can change yourself in admin panel and one main server php.ini which is the standard one. this is often used for the cron job. so there can often be the wrong settings like register_globals ask your host if there is also the register globals off if you have some problems with getting the migration script runing ue30 Mods - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/ue30 |
Some good information there ue30.... Thanks https://dolphin-techs.com - Skype: Dolphin Techs |