Database Error

Hi All,


Has anyone experienced this error before and do they know what it means?


Database error in Friends For All Adults Mysql error:


Debug backtrace:



[1] => Array


[file] => /home/goldman4/public_html/index/ray/modules/global/inc/

[line] => 298

[args] => Array


[0] => /home/goldman4/public_html/index/inc/


[function] => require_once


[2] => Array


[file] => /home/goldman4/public_html/index/ray/XML.php

[line] => 32

[args] => Array


[0] => /home/goldman4/public_html/index/ray/modules/global/inc/


[function] => require_once




Called script: /index/ray/XML.php

Request parameters:



[action] => getWidgetAds

[widget] => shoutbox

[_t] => 1641

[lang] => en

[adminID] => goldman

[adminPassword] => 60d29abab728af1c41c37c102772884d




Auto-report system

Quote · 31 May 2009

Hi goldman are you running the free version of 6.16? ...and do you have allow_url_fopen set to on?

Quote · 31 May 2009


Hi goldman are you running the free version of 6.16? ...and do you have allow_url_fopen set to on?


Hi Kosmic,


Yes I do have the free version.  Where do I find the Allow_url_fopen?

Quote · 31 May 2009

it's in your php.ini (root)

Quote · 31 May 2009


it's in your php.ini (root)


Hi Prolaznik,


I'm in my root folder but can't find this file.  Can you please give me more information.

Quote · 31 May 2009

Discovered, the problem.  The Install Folder is not in my _public.html/index published site.  Will address that now.

Quote · 31 May 2009

Hello goldman,

It sounds like you got this figured out or are at least on the right track.

However you did post the following that is a moderate concern:

[adminID] => goldman

[adminPassword] => 60d29abab728af1c4XXXXXXXXXXXXXX

Basically you are providing more info than what you should in a public forum. This info tells us more than what we need to know.

Please at your earliest convenience change your admin password to your dolphin admin panel at the very least.

I do not know what your site is, as I have not really looked into it.

I know this appears to be encoded and computer language, but this can be decrypted in a manner of seconds in the right hands.

So never post this info. XXX them out when and if possible. There is no reason that a public forum needs to see this kind of info.

The password part seems like it's tough but believe me it's simple md5 encryption that can be easily cracked. This happens all the time.

Perhaps you just copied and pasted and didn't really look at it.

There are a ton of crazy's out there. So you never know.

It's not a big concern, but I am a security freak so it is something that caught my attention. No harm in changing your admin pass, and nothing personal just a friendly suggestion or tip.

gameutopia - Your One and Only Source For Boonex Dolphin Tutorials and Resources
Quote · 31 May 2009


Hello goldman,


It sounds like you got this figured out or are at least on the right track.


However you did post the following that is a moderate concern:


[adminID] => goldman

[adminPassword] => 60d29abab728af1c4XXXXXXXXXXXXXX


Basically you are providing more info than what you should in a public forum. This info tells us more than what we need to know.


Please at your earliest convenience change your admin password to your dolphin admin panel at the very least.


I do not know what your site is, as I have not really looked into it.


I know this appears to be encoded and computer language, but this can be decrypted in a manner of seconds in the right hands.


So never post this info. XXX them out when and if possible. There is no reason that a public forum needs to see this kind of info.


The password part seems like it's tough but believe me it's simple md5 encryption that can be easily cracked. This happens all the time.


Perhaps you just copied and pasted and didn't really look at it.


There are a ton of crazy's out there. So you never know.




Hi Gameutopia,


Thanks for the tip.  I had no idea!  My strength is Microsoft Excel and not website scripts or mysql.

Quote · 31 May 2009
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.