i have v.6.1.1 installed, have been working on several areas of the site, but not on the join feature. i went in today and tried to create a new member, and woe and behold, i have a database query error. i have not modified any of the fields on the join.php file, and just not real sure why i would be getting this error. i have spent countless hours creating new pages, and putting my data to them, so this is now becoming annoying. there are not mods installed on this site, and just wondering if anybody knows what could be the malfunction?
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I don't want to insult you, but did you try clearing the browser cache? I just had this exact problem, spent a ton of time tracking it down, and that is all it was.
Hi I have the same problem, tried the browser cache thats not the problem.
Phew...glad we have error reporting by email, found the error, i was missing some tables starting with jaws.
i rolled back to an earlier database last night because i accidently reset a page in builders.
Everything seems ok at the mo...yey 
Same problem, it's really strange... i didnt make any change to mysql. Maybe Dolphin's weak against security.. |
I just noticed I have the same problem. When trying to Join nothing happens when you click on submit. It just sits there. I've checked the error log on the server and I'm not getting an error.
I've also cleared the cache, and tried it on two computers. The results are the same.
Anyone have any ideas what's causing this?
I found my problem and it was two lines I insterted into /templates/tmpl_uni/_footer.html
I didn't get any error messages and the only way I figure this out was to do a restore from two days ago, and one by one re-apply the changes.
I'll try placing the lines of code somewhere else in the file, but if you are having this problem check the footer.php file if you've made any changes.
Taking out the two java lines fixed the problem I had with the join page, but I've been unable to get that page to work with the lines inserted.
These lines need to be inserted into a file that will load with each page. Since the footer, and header is out does anyone know of another file that is loaded with each page?
The lines belong to a script that will show hover ads linked to keywords on that page. You can see an example on my Blog here:
Any word with a double underline is a keyword and linked to a hover ad. The script is called Adspurt.
Any help will be appreciated.